Beex, Yo.
Demographic breakdown of BeeXers
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What is your NRS Social Group?
A 11%  11%  [ 7 ]
B 41%  41%  [ 26 ]
C1 27%  27%  [ 17 ]
C2 8%  8%  [ 5 ]
D 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
E 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Rather not say 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Myoptika 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 62
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We've done age, what about the other questions? This one's less intrusive that annual income...

Definitions of NRS social grade are here if you don't know them. Basically:

A - upper middle class, e.g. doctor, barrister, lecturer, financial banker, company director, media consultants
B - middle class, e.g. teacher, accountant, librarian, middle manager, solicitor, police supervisor
C1 - lower middle class, e.g. lower civil servant, sales person, police officer, nurse, supervisors
C2 - skilled working class, e.g. machinist, electrician, carpenter, plumber, bricklayer
D - working class, e.g. manual workers, shop worker, machine tool operator, assembler, apprentices
E - underclass, e.g. casual labourers, state pensioners
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I'm a company director! :DD
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"Media Consultant" is A? WTF does that even mean?
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I chose B on account of me being a "middle manager" of sorts. Although I'm also a company director (for the management company of the apartment block I live in) so does that make me A?
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Craster wrote:
"Media Consultant" is A? WTF does that even mean?
The kind of guy who the BBC pays 100k a year to for him to tell them things they already know, I imagine.
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GazChap wrote:
I chose B on account of me being a "middle manager" of sorts. Although I'm also a company director (for the management company of the apartment block I live in) so does that make me A?
In strict marketing terms, no, not unless it's where you get most of your income from and spend most of your working time doing.

Incidentally, if you've ever seen a magazine circulation quoting "ABC1 figures", this is what those letters refer to. Advertisers don't care very much about C2DE readers. This is also why magazines put so many reader polls out; so they can demonstrate to advertisers that they not only sell X copies a year but Y of those copies are read by people with high disposable incomes. This is also why they always ask "how many people read your copy".
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Where do web developer and programmer types fit in?
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Technical professional roles would be B, I guess.
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I'd like to add, I haven't put Richard up to this for advertising purposes before anybody says anything :P
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B... Solicitor...

Boy, but the barristers would like to think so. :)
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I had no idea what to pick, so I picked B... but I could just as easily be C1, I guess. And this is before I start applying for car insurance or similar and need to pick an occupation from their list...
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I think I'm a B. Anyway, I'm higher than those filthy Cs, with their ugly, tattered clothes and guttural, droning voices. And don't get me started on those As - they think they're so smart and superior.
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Don't know what I'd be classed as. Is Graphic Designer B or C1?

Why do you want to know? Is it another money making scheme with Grim...?
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I'm a dirty, filthy C1. Fuck you snooty As and Bs.
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Whapped myself down as a C1 anyway
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The Rev Owen wrote:
Where do web developer and programmer types fit in?
Probably between a low A and very high C, depending on qualifications, seniority, and salary.

Wikipedia has some better definitions on other pages:

Class A wrote:
[T]he upper middle class is defined as mostly consisting of white-collar professionals who have not only above-average personal incomes and advanced educational degrees but also a high degree of autonomy in their work, leading to higher job satisfaction. The main occupational tasks of upper middle class individuals tend to center on conceptualizing, consulting, and instruction.

Class B wrote:
The following factors are often ascribed in modern usage to a "middle class":
    Achievement of tertiary education.
    Holding professional qualifications, including academics, lawyers, engineers, doctors, and clergymen regardless of their leisure or wealth.
    Belief in bourgeois values, such as high rates of house or long-term lease ownership and jobs which are perceived to be "secure.
    Lifestyle. In the United Kingdom, social status has historically been linked less directly to wealth than in the United States, and has also been judged by pointers such as accent, manners, place of education, occupation and the class of a person's family, circle of friends and acquaintances.
    Cultural identification. Often in the United States, the middle class are the most eager participants in pop culture. The second generation of new immigrants will often enthusiastically forsake their traditional folk culture as a sign of having arrived in the middle class

Class C1 wrote:
[T]he lower middle class... consists of roughly one third of households, roughly twice as large as the upper middle class. Common occupation fields are semi-professionals, such as school teachers or accountants, small business owners and skilled craftsmen. These individuals commonly have some college education or perhaps a Bachelor's degree and earn a comfortable living.
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So through the power of polls, you mods now have a record of everyone's age and demogrph, demmog.. rating thing. What are you up to? MR SUSPICIOUS GLARE
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Craster wrote:
Technical professional roles would be B, I guess.
Yeah, I went for a B for myself too. R&D roles could arguably be an A, particularly in specialist fields and higher pay scales.
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ComicalGnomes wrote:
I'm a company director! :DD


For, what, £75, anyone can get to the top of society!
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kalmar wrote:
So through the power of polls, you mods now have a record of everyone's age and demogrph, demmog.. rating thing. What are you up to? MR SUSPICIOUS GLARE
I'm just being nosy. The age poll was quite strongly biased in the 28-32 range, and I suspect this one will be heavily biased too.
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I put myself down as a C1.
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Depends what job I manage to get in the next couple of months.... :S
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richardgaywood wrote:
Craster wrote:
Technical professional roles would be B, I guess.
Yeah, I went for a B for myself too. R&D roles could arguably be an A, particularly in specialist fields and higher pay scales.

Well I'm one of them and I put C1. I don't think it's very well described TBH.
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kalmar wrote:
Well I'm one of them and I put C1. I don't think it's very well described TBH.
It's open to definition, sure, but here's a secret: this is only a bit of fun.

Does this help? It's US based but apart from the currency it's applicable to the UK.
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Gentleman. Currently of limited means. Resting polymath.
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richardgaywood wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Well I'm one of them and I put C1. I don't think it's very well described TBH.
It's open to definition, sure, but here's a secret: this is only a bit of fun.

Sorry, I wasn't having a go, just think the job list isn't enough to go on.

Does this help? It's US based but apart from the currency it's applicable to the UK.

Yes :) C1 it is then.
User avatar
is anyone going to join me in D?
User avatar
kalmar wrote:
Sorry, I wasn't having a go, just think the job list isn't enough to go on.
I wasn't offended, I was taking the piss :DD
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Runcle wrote:
is anyone going to join me in D?

What is your job, out of interest?
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Actually, I like to think of myself as "gentry".
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kalmar wrote:
Runcle wrote:
is anyone going to join me in D?

What is your job, out of interest?

unemployed and a student, the last job I had, which was for 5 years was posting leaflets.
also I live with my parents, one of which has just been made redundant and the other works 10-15 hours a week, so financially were a bit in the shit.
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Runcle wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Runcle wrote:
is anyone going to join me in D?

What is your job, out of interest?

unemployed and a student, the last job I had, which was for 5 years was posting leaflets.
also I live with my parents, one of which has just been made redundant and the other works 10-15 hours a week, so financially were a bit in the shit.

Students are usually classed as C1, aren't they?

Oh, and sorry to hear about your current financial situation. Hope things pick up soon.
User avatar
i'm an engineer...i suppose it's B.

And there's no "high class" why?
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RuySan wrote:
i'm an engineer...i suppose it's B.

And there's no "high class" why?

they dont use the internet, too busy hunting.
User avatar
ComicalGnomes wrote:
I'm a company director! :DD

Me too! :DD

Actually, I'm lumpenproletariat. Where's that option?
User avatar
Where's the Mondeo Man option?
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RuySan wrote:
And there's no "high class" why?

When you said you were high class, that was just a lie!

You ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine.
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myoptika wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Actually, I'm lumpyrolypolytart. Where's that option?

Let the man have his class!
User avatar
Zardoz wrote:
Let the man have his class!
I did. Which is how I now know that editing a poll resets it. Fucking shitbiscuits.
User avatar
I've got from C2 to B :D
User avatar
Mr Chris wrote:
B... Solicitor...

Boy, but the barristers would like to think so. :)

What is the actual difference between the two?
User avatar
Now we have two Myoptikas! Is one of them from the future, come back to stop him shaving his hair?
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I can't participate as there's no checkbox for "Hewn from raw awesome"
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B I guess, although I think I may be between that mand C1. As a scientist (of sorts) I'm quite poorly paid, but enough for a decent living.

Ah wait, just noticed the bit 'regardless of their leisure or wealth'

I went for B, then.
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
B... Solicitor...

Boy, but the barristers would like to think so. :)

What is the actual difference between the two?

One is a prostitute, the other tries to pick them up?
User avatar
Why are Lecturers in A? I thought they were badly paid.
User avatar
Zardoz wrote:
Now we have two Myoptikas! Is one of them from the future, come back to stop him shaving his hair?

I voted B, so I'm very scared.
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Lacks option for Mighty Pirate, you twattish cunting cockfag.
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
B... Solicitor...

Boy, but the barristers would like to think so. :)

What is the actual difference between the two?

One makes coffee.
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