Taking the Brexit
Pundabaya wrote:
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?

My local MP is Labour but also good. Try looking at the actual candidates rather than their party.
Pundabaya wrote:
Well, I didn't want to be mean.

Are you not feeling yourself?
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?

My local MP is Labour but also good. Try looking at the actual candidates rather than their party.

My local MP is a TIG defector. I don’t know how I feel about him now considering I didn’t have a particularly high opinion of him before.
Kern wrote:
Can't get enough of that chlorinated chicken.

See I don’t actually object to chlorinated chicken out of principle (salad is routinely chlorinated).

What I object to is the reason why it’s not permitted - because it could be used to cover up shitty abattoirs. A problem that this is trying to resolve doesn’t exist if you ensure the abattoirs maintain standards. Therefore, block the chicken on the grounds that the abattoirs in the US don’t meet standards, not on the basis of chlorine. .
Lonewolves wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
Well, I didn't want to be mean.

Are you not feeling yourself?

That's a bit of a personal question.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?

My local MP is Labour but also good. Try looking at the actual candidates rather than their party.

Ditto, I've got Peter Kyle who seems like a good egg.
Findus Fop wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?

My local MP is Labour but also good. Try looking at the actual candidates rather than their party.

Ditto, I've got Peter Kyle who seems like a good egg.

Ahhhh, remember eggs? Great they were. Me mam cooked us eggs
So she played her last teump (her job) but duo didn’t busge. Let’s see the options indicative votes.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?

My local MP is Labour but also good. Try looking at the actual candidates rather than their party.

How does that help if they'll just follow the whip? Great speeches mean fuck all without votes.
The MPs have finally decided something!

They've decided they don't want any of the possible options available...
But some ideas were more unpopular than others.
Very slim hope, in that a second referendum got the most votes for out of all the options.
One of my friends is originally from the UK but has lived on an artists’ commune In Italy for many years now with her family.

She has had to jump through incredible hoops in terms of legal advice, has got married, filed seemingly five billion bits of paperwork and been given conflicting information from beginning today.

Today, after an incredible fight, her family were granted residency. She’s ecstatic but I know the incredible toll it’s taken on the family’s mental health, not to even mention the costs. The stress has been difficult to witness even from the point of being on the outside of it all, and it’s taken these years to get to today. And, today, they are the fortunate ones.
Have a look at how your MP voted in the indicative votes:

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/ng- ... tive-votes
Sorry to hear about the amount of faff your friend had to deal with Mimi, but glad to hear it's sorted now.

I'm very worried that in this country, if we do leave, we're laying the groundwork for a serious repeat of the Windrush scandal. I have little faith that the Home Office is able to organise such a mass registration exercise or that it's able to incorporate everyone entitled to it.

I thought people who voted leave didn't like red tape and excessive bureaucracy?
Mimi wrote:
Have a look at how your MP voted in the indicative votes:

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/ng- ... tive-votes

Hmm... seems my MP voted in favour option 8 (EEA/EFTA but no customs union with EU). Curious. I'd write to her but I've found yelling at clouds to be just as effective.
Ian Dunt really going for the jugular this morning.

https://www.politics.co.uk/blogs/2019/0 ... esignation

And yet here we all are, locked into their swirling psychological horror story, trapped in this dreadful room with them, our national fate dependant on what these cynical, self-interested, mendacious, emotionally incontinent, ideologically deranged buffoons happen to decide at any given moment. Not one person in this rabble believes a single thing they are saying. It is a godawful mixture of religious zeal, personal ambition and tribal lunacy.
Kern wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Have a look at how your MP voted in the indicative votes:

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/ng- ... tive-votes

Hmm... seems my MP voted in favour option 8 (EEA/EFTA but no customs union with EU). Curious. I'd write to her but I've found yelling at clouds to be just as effective.

As did mine.

I'm curious where they get the information from for the vote leave % figures on that site.

On the all the maps they show, South Hams is shown as:

Leave 47.1% Remain 52.9%, but as far as I am aware the South Hams area is made up of two seats: Totnes and South West Devon.

According to the Guardian, they voted:

Totnes (Leave 54%)
South West Devon (Leave 55%)

Am I missing something? At least one of those figures must be wrong?
Malc wrote:
I'm curious where they get the information from for the vote leave % figures on that site.

Off the top of my head, I think these were estimates based on the voting areas for counting in 2016 which were based on local government areas rather than constituency boundaries. Will do some digging.
Kern wrote:
Malc wrote:
I'm curious where they get the information from for the vote leave % figures on that site.

Off the top of my head, I think these were estimates based on the voting areas for counting in 2016 which were based on local government areas rather than constituency boundaries. Will do some digging.

Ah, thank you Commons library:

https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/pa ... stituency/

This might not be the model the Guardian used but shows how the methodology worked.
So one or both of Totnes or South West Devon must be one of over 5% over representatives. I guess Dr Sarah Woolaston assumes it's hers as Sir Gary feels he needs to represent the leavers.
Oh and Thanks for that Kern.
Malc wrote:
I guess Dr Sarah Woolaston assumes it's hers as Sir Gary feels he needs to represent the leavers.

She's also probably comfortable enough in her constituency and local party to feel able to write-off leave voters.
Kern wrote:
Malc wrote:
I guess Dr Sarah Woolaston assumes it's hers as Sir Gary feels he needs to represent the leavers.

She's also probably comfortable enough in her constituency and local party to feel able to write-off leave voters.

Except the party bit is all up in the air given she's no longer a Tory but a TIGperson.

Gah. Stupid Kern.
Kern wrote:
Malc wrote:
I guess Dr Sarah Woolaston assumes it's hers as Sir Gary feels he needs to represent the leavers.

She's also probably comfortable enough in her constituency and local party to feel able to write-off leave voters.

I think the Bluekip influx threatened her with deselection as she was so vocal remain, but Totnes is a very easy going place, I am surprised it's Tory in someways, will be interesting to see how that pans out (along with all the other TIGers, I have a feeling the Labour TIGers might fair worse than the Conservative ones) at the next election, whenever that is.
Quite a nice summary graphic here.

In summary, Labour and the others actually come across as fairly sensible in the main. The Tories are insane. (And so is Kate Hoey.)

What that graphic concerningly shows is that there's absolutely nothing with any kind of cross-party support.
Oh yes it's all still completely fucked, natch.
Nice graphic, do you have the url for it?
Sorry I don't, Ste Pickford (of NAKED WAR FAME) posted it on Facebook, he said he nicked it from Twitter.
It's from here.

You might also like the clique analysis style visualisation from here
https://alexandreafonso.me/2019/03/28/m ... f-commons/
And a tweaked version I like better here
Cras wrote:
What that graphic concerningly shows is that there's absolutely nothing with any kind of cross-party support.

Not sure if this proves it. It does prove two things:

- SNP don't vote for anything other than something which gives a revocation possibility. Round two is a more 'Given that X is off the table, where do you sit between Y and Z" and they could swing the Customs Union vote.

- Labour will Whip against any Tory measure, and Tories will Whip against any Labour measure
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
It's from here.

You might also like the clique analysis style visualisation from here
https://alexandreafonso.me/2019/03/28/m ... f-commons/
And a tweaked version I like better here

Thanks :)
Both those charts are really interesting, thanks.

Cras wrote:
What that graphic concerningly shows is that there's absolutely nothing with any kind of cross-party support.

I'm not even sure a general election will resolve it unless we get that big realignment with one of the major parties coming out fully in favour of remain. Labour's ambiguity helped them in 2017, but I'm not sure it will do so again.
And now the government are bringing the increasingly-poorly named 'Meaningful Vote' back to the Commons tomorrow.

EDIT: Oh, sounds like they're just going to start the withdrawal bill on its way.

Scratch all that. Right now just 'a motion' based on my half-hearted listening to Radio 4 and quick skim of the Guardian.

Either way, shitshow continues.
Kern wrote:
Both those charts are really interesting, thanks.

Cras wrote:
What that graphic concerningly shows is that there's absolutely nothing with any kind of cross-party support.

I'm not even sure a general election will resolve it unless we get that big realignment with one of the major parties coming out fully in favour of remain. Labour's ambiguity helped them in 2017, but I'm not sure it will do so again.

I didn’t vote Labour in 2017, first time I didn’t, and wouldn’t vote for them ever again unless or until 1.) they no longer have a Brexiteer as a leader 2.) they are unambiguously Remain, with no more stringing on remainers to fool us into voting for a different-coloured hard Brexit.

Currently I wouldn’t vote Labour even if my MP was an outspoken remainer e.g. David Lammy. (The local Labour lot are Lexit as fuck, so no chance of voting Labour in local elections on 2nd May either.)
My MP voted for leaving on 12/4 with no deal. He did this because he is a prick.
Gotta love old treeza.

"Sign my deal and I'll fuck off"

"OK then, sign part of my deal and I'll fuck off"

Hahaha I wonder what it'll be tomorrow?
Happy Brexit Day!
I walked past a house on the Botley Road festooned with Union and English flags, a banner saying '23rd of June - Independence Day', a big 'BeLEAVE in Britain' sign, and a smaller handwritten 'honk if you're happy' one.

I paused to get a photo then felt as uncomfortable as I did looking at the big wall paintings in Belfast, so put my phone down and carried on walking.
MaliA wrote:
Happy Brexit Day!

What did you get from Father Brexmas?
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Happy Brexit Day!

What did you get from Father Brexmas?

Two chlorinated chicken.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Happy Brexit Day!

What did you get from Father Brexmas?

Two chlorinated chicken.

Three low grade trade deals
MaliA wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Happy Brexit Day!

What did you get from Father Brexmas?

Two chlorinated chicken.

Three low grade trade deals

Four meaningful votes
So how do we think MV3 is going to go today then? I can't see May getting it through, but the loss will be less severe I reckon.

May to lose by 48 votes.
Hearthly wrote:
So how do we think MV3 is going to go today then? I can't see May getting it through, but the loss will be less severe I reckon.

May to lose by 48 votes.

48 feels about right. Much depends on how many Tories switch or abstain, and if the DUP abstain. I used to think that some Labour MPs might stay away to let it pass but the numbers from previous votes don't suggest that's what they've been doing.

I never thought there would be a time where my desired political outcomes rested on the DUP continuing to be stubborn bigots.
DavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Happy Brexit Day!

What did you get from Father Brexmas?

Two chlorinated chicken.

Three low grade trade deals

Four meaningful votes

...and a Faraaaage in a lay-by.
On this most auspicious of days, remind yourself how we got here and how folk like Farage gamed the markets to make millions from it.


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