Taking the Brexit
MaliA wrote:

Revoke Vs no deal petition summary

Not loading for me at the moment.
I've only just looked at the wording for that pro-Brexit petition

We are wasting Billions of pounds of taxpayers money trying to negotiate in a short space of time. Leaving the EU in March 2019 will allow the UK good time to negotiate more efficiently. The EU will be more eager to accept a deal on our terms having lost a major partner.

Every single sentence is utterly delusional and/or meaningless gibberish.
Bamba wrote:
Every single sentence is utterly delusional and/or meaningless gibberish.

They appear to be advocating for economic and monetary union.
Kern wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Every single sentence is utterly delusional and/or meaningless gibberish.

They appear to be advocating for economic and monetary union.

Hahhahahahahha. Superb.
Rates fixed at the time of the deal! GBP permanently pegged to the Euro, amazing scenes. Also where do they get the bizarre idea that the Irish border is a currency issue
Cras wrote:
. Also where do they get the bizarre idea that the Irish border is a currency issue

In fairness, I once handed over the wrong banknote when buying a beer on the ferry.
Kern wrote:
Cras wrote:
. Also where do they get the bizarre idea that the Irish border is a currency issue

In fairness, I once handed over the wrong banknote when buying a beer on the ferry.

You reckless devil.
I signed that petition. Not quite sure what I've signed for, but again the govt need telling.

Fuck, the way things are going I may even vote this year. Would be the first time since the only time I ever voted (the year I was old enough I voted for labour, so 90? 92? Somewhere around then). I got my polling card yesterday, may just use it instead of tearing up and mumbling obscenities about wasting paper.
Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.”.


The debate is scheduled for 1 April 2019.

Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.
April fools.
How apposite.
The government response is the usual "we made a stupid promise and have to keep it or the wolves will get us" piss though:
This Government will not revoke Article 50. We will honour the result of the 2016 referendum and work with Parliament to deliver a deal that ensures we leave the European Union.

It remains the Government’s firm policy not to revoke Article 50. We will honour the outcome of the 2016 referendum and work to deliver an exit which benefits everyone, whether they voted to Leave or to Remain.

Revoking Article 50, and thereby remaining in the European Union, would undermine both our democracy and the trust that millions of voters have placed in Government.

The Government acknowledges the considerable number of people who have signed this petition. However, close to three quarters of the electorate took part in the 2016 referendum, trusting that the result would be respected. This Government wrote to every household prior to the referendum, promising that the outcome of the referendum would be implemented. 17.4 million people then voted to leave the European Union, providing the biggest democratic mandate for any course of action ever directed at UK Government.

British people cast their votes once again in the 2017 General Election where over 80% of those who voted, voted for parties, including the Opposition, who committed in their manifestos to upholding the result of the referendum.

This Government stands by this commitment.

Revoking Article 50 would break the promises made by Government to the British people, disrespect the clear instruction from a democratic vote, and in turn, reduce confidence in our democracy. As the Prime Minister has said, failing to deliver Brexit would cause “potentially irreparable damage to public trust”, and it is imperative that people can trust their Government to respect their votes and deliver the best outcome for them.

Department for Exiting the European Union.

So essentially, the government are going to do something they know is stupid, and blame people for voting for it, rather than taking charge. Fucking great.
I have little to no confidence that MPs are going to make the most of their opportunity to shape the likely direction of travel today.
https://twitter.com/BBCNormanS/status/1 ... 3640735745

Well. Glad that is now out in the open.
MaliA wrote:

Well. Glad that is now out in the open.

File that under N for "No shit, Sherlock"
https://twitter.com/nicktolhurst/status ... 2830219264

But also

https://twitter.com/tom_watson/status/1 ... 0747092992

Certainly reassuring that Labour doesn't know which way it faces on this issue.
Check out @DPJHodges’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/DPJHodges/status/11 ... 8489241600

The animation on that alien's mouth (I'm guessing Kang, because he's on the left) is superb. You can almost lip-read it.
Grim... wrote:
The animation on that alien's mouth (I'm guessing Kang, because he's on the left) is superb. You can almost lip-read it.

It's a lot easier to lip-sync animation when the speaker is speaking slowly and drawing out the sounds. In the show, the actor (James Earl Jones, I believe) hams it up big time. "Gooo ahead! Throoooow your vooote away!"
Ah, okay. Well now I think it's distinctly average. Thanks, DP!
Grim... wrote:
Ah, okay. Well now I think it's distinctly average. Thanks, DP!

https://twitter.com/Alison_McGovern/sta ... 6814856192

I might have forced my MP's hand. I hope don't get her into trouble :)
Oh dear God no, make it stop, make it stop

https://twitter.com/tnewtondunn/status/ ... 8713658375

GazChap wrote:

From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-poli ... 409/page/3

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
What will MPs vote on (part one)?

MPs have been putting forward their proposals for Brexit.

Speaker John Bercow will select which ones will be voted on

Votes on the motions will take place at 19:00 GMT and the results will be announced later in the evening.

Constitutional and accountable government (A)

Conservative William Cash

Reaffirms the result of the referendum and Parliament’s commitment to carry out Brexit. Makes it harder for MPs to take control of the Commons in the future.

No Deal (B) Conservative MP John Baron

Agrees to leave the EU on 12 April without a deal.

Unilateral right of exit from backstop (C) Conservative MP John Baron

UK will leave the EU on 22 May with an amended withdrawal agreement to allow a unilateral exit from the backstop

Common market 2.0 (D) Conservative MP Nick Boles

Government joins the EEA through EFTA and negotiates a temporary customs union until alternative arrangements can be found

Respect the referendum result (E) Conservative MP Will Quince

Reaffirms the House’s commitment to abide by the referendum result

Participation in a customs union (F) Labour MP Gareth Snell

Government takes “all necessary steps” to participate in a customs union after exit day.

Revocation instead of no deal (G) SNP MP Angus Brendan MacNeil

Government revokes Article 50 if we get to four days before exit day without an approved withdrawal agreement.

EFTA and EEA (H) Conservative MP George Eustice

Remains in the EEA and applies to re-join EFTA. Declines to form a customs union but seeks “agreement on new protocols relating to the Northern Ireland border and agri-food trade”.

What will MPs vote on (part two)?

Consent of devolved institutions (I) SNP MP Ian Blackford

No action for leaving the EU will be taken without approval from the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly

Customs union (J) Conservative MP Ken Clarke

Enshrine the objective to form a customs union in primary legislation

Labour’s alternative plan (K) – Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Negotiate changes to the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration to secure Labour’s position, and pass these objectives into law.

Revocation to avoid no deal (L) – SNP MP Joanna Cherry

If the Withdrawal (Agreement) Bill has not been passed before exit day, the government will ask MPs to approve no deal. If this does not pass, the government will revoke Article 50.

Confirmatory public vote (M) Labour MP Margaret Beckett

Government cannot implement or ratify the withdrawal agreement and the political declaration unless and until they have been approved in a referendum.

Malthouse Compromise plan A (N) Conservative MP Nicky Morgan

Plan to replace the current backstop with alternative arrangements, using technology to keep an open border on the island of Ireland

Contingent preferential arrangements (O) Conservative MP Marcus Fysh

Malthouse Plan B: The UK makes its budgetary contributions to the EU to the end of 2020 and agrees with the EU a period of two years in which UK goods have full access to the EU

Contingent reciprocal arrangements (P) Conservative MP Marcus Fysh

In the event of a no deal, UK will at least reciprocate EU arrangements to “mitigate and avoid disruption” and unilaterally guarantee citizens’ rights.

And a rough writeup of what they are / which are just junk : http://go.pardot.com/webmail/509131/234 ... 536bf2c47f

https://twitter.com/RobDotHutton/status ... 0209516544

Gots to get dem unicorns.
Are Labour actually just a DeepMind instance?
GazChap wrote:

https://twitter.com/Number10cat/status/ ... 8339237895

Why do we need to do this? The Leave campaign's plan was perfectly clear and 17.4 million people all knew what they were voting for.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:

https://twitter.com/RobDotHutton/status ... 0209516544

"I'm not sharing a lifeboat with Chuka Umunna".
I am somewhat despondent again over it all
MaliA wrote:
I am somewhat despondent again over it all

As someone has previously said its the hope that gets you :-(

Latest from May seems to be that she's announced to the party she will leave once this phase is done - who knows (or cares at this point) what that means.


So May has just announced she'll resign if her deal is passed. She's really banking on how much her party hates her isn't she?
Bitch should play more mafiascum
Even if she gets the deal over the line and leaves, it's still a poisoned chalice. Would any further negotiations with the EU, let alone with the US or China, be any less one-sided than we've already had?
That’s part of the problem her deal is not a “deal” it’s a withdrawal agreement

It just puts a framework in place for the actual deal to be worked out
Kern wrote:
Even if she gets the deal over the line and leaves, it's still a poisoned chalice. Would any further negotiations with the EU, let alone with the US or China, be any less one-sided than we've already had?

I'd suggest that the next phase will be even more one sided.
Now, we still have the option to say "fuck it" and carry on as we are.
Once we're in the transition period that can't happen, so we're then stuck with Backstop or take whatever crumbs they offer us.
Can't get enough of that chlorinated chicken.
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Kern wrote:
Even if she gets the deal over the line and leaves, it's still a poisoned chalice. Would any further negotiations with the EU, let alone with the US or China, be any less one-sided than we've already had?

I'd suggest that the next phase will be even more one sided.
Now, we still have the option to say "fuck it" and carry on as we are.
Once we're in the transition period that can't happen, so we're then stuck with Backstop or take whatever crumbs they offer us.

At that point we (MPs/Govt) will have a choice between shit, shite, crap, bollocks, bullshit, toss, and wank.
Pundabaya wrote:
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?

Mali A
MaliA wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?

Mali A

Pros: He's Malicool.
Cons: He's Malicool.
Pundabaya wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
The question is now, who the fuck do I vote for at the next election? Anyone got any viable choices?

Mali A

Pros: He's Malicool.
Cons: He's Malicool.

I’m not seeing any pros
Well, I didn't want to be mean.
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