Taking the Brexit
Well either that's a sharp u-turn or a communications snafu

https://twitter.com/SamCoatesTimes/stat ... 8745422849

Sir Keir must have pushed Milne away from the flight deck. Again.
I wish they'd put Keir in charge, Labour would fucking flatten the Tories with him at the helm.
"Jeremy Corbyn asks if the prime minister is "prepared to compromise to get through this crisis"

Theresa May replies it is time "Parliament face the consequences" of their votes on #Brexit

#PMQs updates: https://t.co/g4OVIZWCgr https://t.co/wWtkurPHtt"

Theresa May replies it is time "Parliament face the consequences" of their votes on #Brexit

Fucking hell.
Astute political analysis just in from my chum on WhatsApp.

(He's not normally given to such outbursts, but he's been getting very, very frustrated with this whole Brexit thing.)

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Kern wrote:

It contributes more than Jeremy Corbyn.
On which note
https://twitter.com/rosskempsell/status ... 1155503106

Amazing how every time he uses words he says he opposes the government's approach but every time he has to use actions, somehow, nothing happens.

I assume that's in his (and many other politicians') job description.

Real life po!itics and Yes, Minister are becoming more indistinguishable.
Fuck me have you seen the letter asking for the Article 50 extension, it reads like a 12 year old's note explaining to his teacher why he hasn't done his homework.

We sure are taking back control!
Hearthly, your chum's not wrong.

Theresa May in response to question from Yvette Cooper wrote:
What is first and foremost in the national interest, is for this country to leave the European Union

Surely at this point someone should have wrestled her to the ground, for the sake of her own and the country's safety?
Just... I mean... honestly.

Fuck this shit.
MrChris wrote:
Just... I mean... honestly.

Fuck this shit.

We breaking stuff now?
I'm actually applying for other jobs out here now so i don't have to move back.
Podium being erected outside No 10 apparently.

Hopefully won't involve sexy gyrating.
Bets that it is an announcement that her deal is the only deal on the table, and the only other choice is no deal...
That fucking table.
Why is it so small?
Just tuning in so Kern can explain to me the impact of what Tusk has just said.

"You can have a short extension, but only if your MPs can agree something before the original deadline. You utter gibbon-lickers."

It looks like May's deal or no deal.
Grim... wrote:
"You can have a short extension, but only if your MPs can agree something before the original deadline. You utter gibbon-lickers."

It looks like May's deal or no deal.

But I thought Bercow said no more bites on that deal? Will he now have to reverse thaat?
Mimi wrote:
Just tuning in so Kern can explain to me the impact of what Tusk has just said.


What Grim... said.
I'm in the pub now so I can have a pint and read about Romans.
Grim... wrote:
"You can have a short extension, but only if your MPs can agree something before the original deadline. You utter gibbon-lickers."

It looks like May's deal or no deal.

Or the only sane answer which of course will never actually be mentioned (revoke A50)
zaphod79 wrote:
Grim... wrote:
"You can have a short extension, but only if your MPs can agree something before the original deadline. You utter gibbon-lickers."

It looks like May's deal or no deal.

Or the only sane answer which of course will never actually be mentioned (revoke A50)


If anyone mentions the Schism again can we start calling it the BeeXit?

*10 years too late*
Satsuma wrote:
If anyone mentions the Schism again can we start calling it the BeeXit?

*10 years too late*

Well done Ian, you tit.

https://www.beexcellenttoeachother.com/ ... it#p974636
Satsuma wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
If anyone mentions the Schism again can we start calling it the BeeXit?

*10 years too late*

Well done Ian, you tit.

https://www.beexcellenttoeachother.com/ ... it#p974636

Only eight years too late, then.
Satsuma wrote:
If anyone mentions the Schism again can we start calling it the BeeXit?

*10 years too late*

Giphy "bravo!":
https://twitter.com/PaulBrandITV/status ... 0659899393

Nik wrote:
I know in many areas it's too late, and the damage has been done, but please indulge me for a sec, and just imagine the size of the collective sigh of relief around the country if this whole sorry shitshow was just cancelled tomorrow. Yes, there'd be stuff to sort out (not least the angry leave-voters-who-haven't-changed-their-minds-for-some-fucking-reason), but just imagine...

Aaaah! :)

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Tough shit, we're fucked.


*opens gin bottle*
Corbyn walked out of a meeting because Chuuka was in the room. What the actual fuck.
Top tip: if you're the Prime Minister, you get to decide who is in the room. If you're not the Prime Minister, you should be fucking proud to be in the room.
And there's totally a 'Hamilton' song about this.
I wouldn't mind booking a cheap holiday, there is a good deal on Wowcher for a 4 day spa break in Malta.
I can't order it because I'd be going in a couple of months and who the fuck knows if we will be allowed to travel to Europe at that point!
Trooper wrote:
I wouldn't mind booking a cheap holiday, there is a good deal on Wowcher for a 4 day spa break in Malta.
I can't order it because I'd be going in a couple of months and who the fuck knows if we will be allowed to travel to Europe at that point!

Malta is lovely. The EU have said that even if there’s a no deal Brexit, flights will be allowed. Queues could be shit though.

We are going to Austria in July which could also be affected.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
I wouldn't mind booking a cheap holiday, there is a good deal on Wowcher for a 4 day spa break in Malta.
I can't order it because I'd be going in a couple of months and who the fuck knows if we will be allowed to travel to Europe at that point!

Malta is lovely. The EU have said that even if there’s a no deal Brexit, flights will be allowed. Queues could be shit though.

We are going to Austria in July which could also be affected.

I'm 90% sure it would be fine, but who really knows at the moment?
How do you solve a problem like Theresa?
Kern wrote:
How do you solve a problem like Theresa?

I wish for her a short career and a long life spent watching every historian in the world write at great length and in furious, forensic detail about what a fuckwit she is.
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!
The Prime Minister just said that I didn't want to take part in the European elections. Funnily enough, I do.
Does she honestly believe that the public want what she is pushing, and it is us against parliament, and she is our champion? How is it possible to be that deluded?
I genuinely don’t know what she thinks she is achieving at this point.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
I genuinely don’t know what she thinks she is achieving at this point.

I don't think we were her target audience. Unless most of you are actually in your latter years and regularly attend local Conservative Party socials.
Trooper wrote:
Corbyn walked out of a meeting because Chuuka was in the room. What the actual fuck.

Not only is Corbyn just as responsible for all of this shitstorm as Theresa May, he’s also showing himself to be as temperamentally unsuitable for the job of prime minister as May with his very public actions.
Hero of Excellence wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Corbyn walked out of a meeting because Chuuka was in the room. What the actual fuck.

Not only is Corbyn just as responsible for all of this shitstorm as Theresa May, he’s also showing himself to be as temperamentally unsuitable for the job of prime minister as May with his very public actions.

Protesting and saying other people are doing a bad job is really easy. I’m not sure he genuinely wants to be in charge.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Hero of Excellence wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Corbyn walked out of a meeting because Chuuka was in the room. What the actual fuck.

Not only is Corbyn just as responsible for all of this shitstorm as Theresa May, he’s also showing himself to be as temperamentally unsuitable for the job of prime minister as May with his very public actions.

Protesting and saying other people are doing a bad job is really easy.

Hell yeah. We've been doing it for over 100 pages!
Or, you know, an entire forum.
Check out @tompeck’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/tompeck/status/1108464376179249152

At this rate we might as well let Lord Buckethead have a go.
Still proper fuming over this.
Pundabaya wrote:
At this rate we might as well let Lord Buckethead have a go.

He did warn us.

NHS bosses say unprecedented levels of drug shortages are due to Brexit.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Hero of Excellence wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Corbyn walked out of a meeting because Chuuka was in the room. What the actual fuck.

Not only is Corbyn just as responsible for all of this shitstorm as Theresa May, he’s also showing himself to be as temperamentally unsuitable for the job of prime minister as May with his very public actions.

Protesting and saying other people are doing a bad job is really easy. I’m not sure he genuinely wants to be in charge.

Like Trump, Corbyn wouldn’t deal with the responsibility well at all, and like also Trump he seems thin-skinned and unable to deal with criticism. He’d govern purely to appeal to his base and be incredibly divisive, also like Trump. And May.
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