Nintendo Switch (formerly "NX")
Now public!
The deal is that you pay £17.99 and that gets you 12 months of Nintendo Switch online. That means that you can play games online just like Xbox live or the Playstation Network. (I think Fortnight doesn't need a subscription to play but I could be wrong)

You also get those NES games all bundled into one app for free. They're yours for the time you have an active subscription. They've also said that you'll get another 3 NES games a month for the next 3 months. I read today that some hackers have found code for SNES, Gameboy Advance, N64 and Gamecube in there but that's all hearsay at the moment.

Overall though, what's £18 a year? I think it's worth it.
I actually said out loud that I refused to pay Nintendo a monthly subscription for shit when I've already forked out for games but look at those classics. It's a no brainer, innit.
Yep.. and here's more info on the coming months games.

After Switch Online's launch, Nintendo has regular updates scheduled to add more NES games to the service. In October 2018, NES Open Tournament Golf, Solomon's Key, and Super Dodge Ball will be added. Metroid, Mighty Bomb Jack, and TwinBee will come to Switch in November 2018. Finally, in December 2018, Nintendo will add Adventures of Lolo, Ninja Gaiden, and Wario's Woods.

To help capture the experience of playing these classic titles, Nintendo is launching Switch Online member-exclusive Joy-Cons that are shaped like NES controllers. Each box comes with two controllers, as every NES title will support two-player co-op. In certain games where two player-controlled characters don't make sense, you can switch between who's controlling the game or the second player can use a hand-shaped cursor to point out hints and applaud certain actions. NES titles will also support Switch Online voice chat via Nintendo's smartphone app if you and your partner aren't in the same room.
TheVision wrote:
NES titles will also support Switch Online voice chat via Nintendo's smartphone app if you and your partner aren't in the same room.
Nintendo... Being able to make a phone call using a phone is not a feature worth shouting about.
October Games now include:

Solomon's Key, NES Open Tournament Golf and Super Dodge Ball... But a bonus, unannounced game was also released: The Legend of Zelda - Living the life of luxury!

It’s the OG Legend of Zelda but you start with a sword and money and stuff, so not a new game at all.
still, at least it is a nice surprise, and something people wouldn't have had yet... and might even induce me to play zelda again
Yeah. Ikaruga discounted. Doesn’t it look cute in tate mode
Interestingly, 50% of switch owners now have mario odyssey ... een_titles
I'm not surprised. It's brilliant!
and other data analysis.. fortnite also o nearly half of switches ... h-consoles

and more switches sold now than cubes ... e-gamecube
So what do you do when you want to unlock the Amiibo stuff on BOTW but don't want to fork out for all the plastic tat? (Despite them looking lovely)

Why, you go on and buy some hooky NFC enabled cards of course! This lot cost £7 and even came with a leather case. Probably real leather too.


I haven't tried them yet but I shall report back when I do.
I'm thinking that if they work, then there'll probably be other sets that work with Smash Bros.

Life changing....
TheVision wrote:
So what do you do when you want to unlock the Amiibo stuff on BOTW but don't want to fork out for all the plastic tat? (Despite them looking lovely)

You can also buy basic NFC stickers and write your own using a program called 'tagmo' (on android)


Basic guide ... wn_amiibo/

I think the last time i bought the NFC stickers they were about £5 for 10 - here is an ebay listing for some ... :rk:3:pf:0

You need an NFC compatible android phone to do it
Do I have to draw my own wonky pictures of the characters with that option? Sounds like a faff.
TheVision wrote:
Do I have to draw my own wonky pictures of the characters with that option? Sounds like a faff.

They are stickers - you can stick them to anything you like - so you can print your own cards out and stick them on the back of those (or you can probably download the exact same images from the pack you bought and print those out its just how much is it worth it to you)
TheVision wrote:
don't want to fork out for all the plastic tat

Nice try, whoever you are. What have you done with TheVision?
The plastic tat is the best thing about them! The stuff you actually get in the games is worthless.
Lonewolves wrote:
The plastic tat is the best thing about them! The stuff you actually get in the games is worthless.

The only ones I've used is Zelda and you get :

Some chests with weapons and food items (one per amibo per day) - not a big thing but its extra stuff
Your wolf companion who will help you fight (useful in a lot of situations)
A 'better' (not really noticed it) Horse

There is also a block one which I've seen used on some of the videos to do speed runs - the blocks can be dropped - time frozen / hit with your axe / jumped on so they fly you in the air to distant points without using fast travel and often cutting out sections of the game (example here at about the 28 minute mark )
The verdict is in and those Amiibo cards do exactly what they say they will do!

Amazing. They work fine. I've seen the wolf, loads of extra food, some blocks and even Links green elf hat. It's amazing really.

The case the cards come in is a bit crap but for £7ish for the whole lot, I'm not complaining. I'll definitely be on the look out for more.
Is there no way to do this kind of thing just with a phone? I mean handsets are capable of emitting NFC signals that can be picked up by a reader (i.e. every time you use your phone to pay contactless) so why are the NFC tags needed at all?
I did wonder that but it seems that it's not possible. You still need the cards or stickers that the phone will write to.
I've done my bit for the worlds plastic problem and bought Taiko No Tatsujin with the drum..

It's great fun! The drum is really loud however so I can't imagine I'll be able to play it much when the kids are in bed.
I saw that at Gamescom and it looked loads of fun.

That reminds me, I’ve got to play with Dave’s Bongos.
This month on Nintendo Online!

NES Twin Bee
NES Metroid
NES Mighty Bomb Jack
Switch maxing out the internet like a fucking boss..... (This connection does 90Mb/s downstream no problem.)

I've got Zelda Breath Of The Wild for it on a dinky little cartridge, I had the console turned on just a week ago for the new Mario Party game.

AND YET......


Cheers, Nintendo. These cartridge based instant-play console games are fucking awesome.

Holy crap I fell out with this game last night. The controls are awful, absolutely fucking awful. And it didn't seem to realise I was using a Pro pad so it was showing me the controls for a Switch in handheld mode for some reason. (No real biggy as the buttons are basically in the same place.)

I persevered with it for the evening but I was also not liking the graphics, maybe my old 720p 40 inch telly flattered it a bit on Wii-U, but on a modern super-sharp 55 incher the utter crapness of the graphics really showed, I guess I've been spoiled by my PS4 Pro and XB1X.

Then at one point I was at the top of one of the towers, and I fell off because SHIT CONTROLS and I died, and it hadn't saved for a bit so it put me back outside a shrine a fair hike away, and spawned two baddies right next to me which immediately started attacking me so I started fighting with them and of course my piece of crap weapon broke and then I'm fumbling around with the SHIT CONTROLS trying to get a stick out of my bag to hit them with and then I was like, 'Nah, fuck this' - and turned it off.
And now I know what it's like to be in the Red Dead Resemption 2 thread.
He didn't even say which game deserved such ire.
It's in the previous post. Zelda Breath Of The Wild. I played it last night, after the Switch had updated (1) Itself (2) The controllers (!?!?) and (3) The game.
Hearthly wrote:
It's in the previous post. Zelda Breath Of The Wild. I played it last night, after the Switch had updated (1) Itself (2) The controllers (!?!?) and (3) The game.

Pff, I'm not reading 2 posts. I'm a 'busy' man
TheVision wrote:
And now I know what it's like to be in the Red Dead Resemption 2 thread.

At least he’s played this game...
Also two games are mentioned in the previous post.
I dunno, I clearly wasn't entirely enthralled with it on Wii-U as I got a certain distance into the game and then stopped playing it, but at the time I put that down to the awful controls (and they are awful) and also the fact that my Wii-U 'pad' wasn't making it through a single evening as the battery was losing its pep, and I always had in the back of my mind to give it another go at some point in the future on the Switch. (Which I knew I'd buy at some point.)

(I loved it to start with on Wii-U, but then over the course of an evening lost the desire to play on, it was rather strange.)

But I had high hopes for enjoying it on Switch, higher resolution, better framerate, the ability to use the Pro pad, and the same fine underlying game - it seemed like a winning recipe.

And then it didn't work out that way at all, the new telly really shows up the graphics for what they are (the art design and direction are great, don't get me wrong, but by fuck it's low-tech), the controls infuriated me past the point of tolerance, the music is weak for a Zelda game, and then there's stuff like the characters aren't voiced, which jars in this day and age.

I was already getting frustrated with it, and then when I fell off the tower and lost some progress I decided I couldn't be bothered, so I played some fruit machine emulators instead.
Weird, I've not had an update take more than a minute or two tops. Don't have any problems with the controls either.

Must just be you Hearthly. ;)
Jem wrote:
Weird, I've not had an update take more than a minute or two tops. Don't have any problems with the controls either.

Must just be you Hearthly. ;)

:this: I still consider it the best game I've ever played.
Perhaps I have been spoiled by masterpieces such as 'The Last Of Us'.

In fact, thinking about it, I don't really have the patience for open-world games any more, the thing with The Last Of Us is that it's a tight, somewhat linear, well controlled experience. I'm not a fan of the whole 'Go vaguely over there and do stuff' game dynamic.

Thinking back to GTA3 and even GTA4 to a lesser extent, I spent a ridiculous amount of time just fucking about and exploring and playing with the game systems. GTA5 I basically just played through the campaign.

I could do that on Zelda I suppose, but it doesn't really motivate me. I preferred Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.
I get where you're coming from there. I'm normally the same but I think Zelda came out at the right time for me to get into something big.

I've also got Donkey Kong and that's hard... but brilliant.
100% it or bust!

Screenshot 2018-11-08 at 14.54.44.png
TheVision wrote:
Jem wrote:
Weird, I've not had an update take more than a minute or two tops. Don't have any problems with the controls either.

Must just be you Hearthly. ;)

:this: I still consider it the best game I've ever played.

Yeah I'm on my second play through (and still finding things I didn't find the first time!)
TheVision wrote:
I get where you're coming from there. I'm normally the same but I think Zelda came out at the right time for me to get into something big.

I've been thinking about this and I reckon the problem I have with open-world games these days is I don't consider the open world part of them to be an actual game.

So for example in Zelda where you're at the top of the tower and the old guy gets you to identify the other shrines in the wider area using the binocular things, I was just thinking, 'Really, I've got to go all the way over there to get to the next bit of actual game?'

I fell out with the first RDR in the same way, there was too much riding around on a horse to get to the actual stuff to do.

Compare and contrast with, off the top of my head, DOOM 2016, DISHONORED 1/2, THE LAST OF US, DONKEY KONG COUNTRY TROPICAL FREEZE - every single inch of these games is what I'd consider to be actual game. I don't want to have to travel distances to get to the good stuff, however compelling the world might be, that shit is just filler to me and a waste of my limited recreational time. (I mean, my Netflix watch list is getting longer, not shorter, and there are entire seasons of things on Amazon Prime I want to watch that I haven't even started. I'm not going to set about playing a game where I need to groom my fucking horse and clean my guns.)

The other thing is, a lot of the stuff that open world games make a big fuss about these days, collecting things and discovering things, learning abilities, improving and expanding your ability to travel and your weaponry, customising your character, emergent gameplay in a big open world, crafting, hunting, cooking etc - we were doing all that shit together in World of Warcraft more than a decade ago, and were doing it with other real people at that, not just with a load of NPCs cranked out by a slave labour factory.
I think Zelda is not very good because I enjoy playing bullet hell shooters and Zelda doesn’t have any bullet hell patterns to avoid. Ikaruga shits all over Zelda. It has a spaceship, actual music, lasers, lots of shooting, and there’s no downtime. Just endless blasting. Zelda hasn’t got any of that. I don’t like Zelda because when I hold down A I can’t charge a beam attack. Zelda is a bag of shit.
Satsuma wrote:
I think Zelda is not very good because I enjoy playing bullet hell shooters and Zelda doesn’t have any bullet hell patterns to avoid. Ikaruga shits all over Zelda. It has a spaceship, actual music, lasers, lots of shooting, and there’s no downtime. Just endless blasting. Zelda hasn’t got any of that. I don’t like Zelda because when I hold down A I can’t charge a beam attack. Zelda is a bag of shit.

This guy. Love him
Satsuma wrote:
I think Zelda is not very good because I enjoy playing bullet hell shooters and Zelda doesn’t have any bullet hell patterns to avoid. Ikaruga shits all over Zelda. It has a spaceship, actual music, lasers, lots of shooting, and there’s no downtime. Just endless blasting. Zelda hasn’t got any of that. I don’t like Zelda because when I hold down A I can’t charge a beam attack. Zelda is a bag of shit.

That's clearly not what I'm saying and you're just being your usual rude self.

Yes, I get that there are different genres, but how about the new GOD OF WAR game that I played through to completion, which is held up as an exciting new open world direction for the series to go in. Show a sequence from God Of War, Zelda and The Last Of Us to a lot of folks and they'd conclude they're all sort of the same thing.

However in reality, God Of War is actually quite a tight experience and the open world stuff is far more constrained than it first appears, and I could get on board with that in a way I didn't with Zelda.

Plus, I used to like open world games (and the open world aspect of them) just fine, but I don't have the patience or the time for them any more.
Hearthly wrote:
That's clearly not what I'm saying

I could do that on Zelda I suppose, but it doesn't really motivate me. I preferred Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.
Satsuma wrote:
I think Zelda is not very good because I enjoy playing bullet hell shooters and Zelda doesn’t have any bullet hell patterns to avoid. Ikaruga shits all over Zelda. It has a spaceship, actual music, lasers, lots of shooting, and there’s no downtime. Just endless blasting. Zelda hasn’t got any of that. I don’t like Zelda because when I hold down A I can’t charge a beam attack. Zelda is a bag of shit.

I'm with Hearthly on this. I don't think he is saying Zelda is a bad game and should be different, he's just identifying the reason he doesn't get on with these kinds of games anymore.

Games like RDR are as much about the journey as anything else, so if you don't enjoy that element it's not going to be for you.

I wouldn't change RDR, but i don't have time for games like that anymore. I need a more instant hit than RDR can deliver. And that's fine, there's no shortage of other games that do that.
Open world stuff can definitely be bollocks (e.g. GTA 5s world was little more than an obstacle to overcome between mission checkpoints; an incredible technical achievement with little in the way of gameplay benefits to recommend it) so I'm with Hearthly in principle. Though whether that's the case in Zelda or RDR 2 specifically I couldn't speak to.
Hearthly wrote:
So for example in Zelda where you're at the top of the tower and the old guy gets you to identify the other shrines in the wider area using the binocular things, I was just thinking, 'Really, I've got to go all the way over there to get to the next bit of actual game?'

How is this different from any Zelda game ever? The next bit of game in Zelda is always the other side of the map. The key difference with BotW is that you don't have to do it in the order that is dictated, and once you're off the plateau you really don't have to do anything at all - you could go and kill Ganon straight up if you so desired.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding and that's the actual problem for you? Idk. :shrug:
To be fair, the previous 3D Zelda games have had a much, much overworld smaller maps than BotW, and those landscapes were segmented out into sub-areas due to technical limitations. Twilight Princess had the next-largest overworld in the series, and even if the game hadn’t been in the linear Ocarina of Time style, it’s broken up into lots of little areas and is just tiny compared to BotW. And it’s utterly barren, almost unfinished feeling.

The do-it-any-order thing is a hark back to the NES Legend of Zelda, incidentally. You could tackle the dungeons in order, but jumping ahead or jumbling the progression was also possible, if you wanted a tougher challenge and developed some mastery of the overworld map and various glitches.
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