My take on the days so far.
Day 1 :
There is a little run of votes for JBR with none cast by people we know are bad (Bobby and JBR voted for Grim...)
However lots of people didnt vote at all (me / Bluecup / Joans / SDG / Kovacs / Russ)
No lynch
Day 2 :
Bluecup votes for Kovacs
Bobby votes for Curiosity
Bluecup votes for Curiosity (unusual 2 mafia voting for the same person at this stage?) - doing so pushes attention away from JBR?
Curiosity votes for Bluecup then changes instantly to JBR so he has 2 votes
Grim... joins in the votes for Curiosity , Mr Dave unvotes
No lynch
Day 3 :
JBR says we're stuffed
Russ votes for Mr Dave and says he suspects me and Owen
Bobby says hes suspicious of Mr Dave / Owen and "the quiet ones" - singling out Kovacs and Bluecup (Interesting that he added bluecup since he was bad (and bobby knew that) and everyone else on the list was good)
Russ and I have a few comments about why Owen and I are suspicious
Owen is suspicious of Russ as he's trying to be helpful
JBR says that the mafia are trying to be quiet and votes for Kovacs
Bluecup questions my comments but votes for Kovacs
Mr Dave points out that Bluecup / Joans / Kovacs have not said much and votes for Bobby
Mr Russ asks why Dave is ignoring the quiet ones
Bluecup suggests there are 2 mafia goons (although we now know 3?)
JBR votes for Bobby
Bobby has a go at Mr Dave and mentions he understands JBR jumping on this as he's "at the top of peoples lists"
Mr Dave questions this thought that JBR is suspicious.
Bobby doesnt really answer
Owen votes for Mr Dave
Russ votes for Owen
Bobby votes for Mr Dave
JBR comments that the mafia are not jumping on any bandwagons
I vote for Bobby
Owen votes for Bobby
Russ votes for Bobby
Bobby has a bit of a rant and again mentions "2 mafia left"
Day 4 :
My first comment "at least 1 mafia"
JBR's first comment "2 mafia" ?
JBR votes for Kovacs as bobby 'defended him'
Bluecup votes for Kovacs
I ask for calm , and Joans backs me up (? - i think he's done this a few times i will need to go back through but i seem to remember me posting and then Joans saying "we should do what Zaphod said")
Bluecup says he's voting for Kovacs because he's silent and Deadly
Kovacs claims he's a townie and votes for JBR
Russ quotes some of Bobbys posts and points the finger at Bluecup (with a vote) plus a strong FOS at Joans if bluecup is not the last mafia
JBR hopes Russ is right and wonders if he is then he's doing it to provide cover for himself.
Kovacs votes for Bluecup
I vote for Bluecup
JBR switches votes to Bluecup to finish him off.
So from that lot.
I trust Russ , I dont think he was casting doubts on Bluecup to cover for himself.
JBR i'm not sure about , he has done things which make me suspicious but nothing has really screamed 'bad' at me and the switch to vote for Bluecup at the end of yesterday was positive (however although i dont think Russ voted to cover himself i think JBR may have)
And i'm suspicous of Joans , for not really doing very much for the whole time and that feeling that he was backing me up when i said stuff (i'm going to go back and re-read some of these again to check) , and that Russ had him as his number 2.
Comments from anyone else ?
Russ why else did you suspect Joans yesterday, and what are your thoughts on JBR
JBR do you have anything to say ?
Joans do you have anything to say ?