Disclaimer - I've not 'tested' this by running through a few mock games as I will do before running it. This is just to give a feel of the game, etc. Feel free to chip in with queries, balancing issues, etc.
Wedding Scum Rules1 Bride
1 Groom
1 Best Man
0-1 Wedding Planner
0-1 Photographer
1 Vengeful Ex
1-4 Wedding Crashers
0-1 Reckless Guest
6-12 Guests
It's a beautiful day and we're all gathered for a delightful wedding. The Bride's parents have really rolled out the boat and there will be a fantastic 6 Course Menu served. During the meal, squabbles might break out and someone may be removed from the wedding for being unpleasant. Also, between courses everyone will stretch their legs and go see the entertainment being provided outside. During this time, certain people may have beneficial or nefarious activities that they can carry out, thus removing people from the wedding breakfast.
Let's hope that no Wedding Crashers ruin the big day!
1 Bride
You are the Bride, and this is your special day. You know that the Groom is ________, and the Best Man is ________. You can talk to them freely throughout the day via any means you care to mention. Your primary win condition is Happy Couple, and secondary is Wedded Bliss.
1 Groom
You are the Groom, and this is your special day. You know that the Bride is ________, and the Best Man is ________. You can talk to them freely throughout the day via any means you care to mention. Your primary win condition is Happy Couple, and secondary is Wedded Bliss.
1 Best Man
You are the Best Man. You know that the Groom is ________, and the Bride is ________. You can talk to them freely throughout the day via any means you care to mention. Your loyalty to your friend, the Groom, knows no bounds, so you act as both a bodyguard and a food taster for him. If the Groom is removed between courses, you will give him your spot at the table and leave the wedding. Your primary win condition is Happy Couple, and secondary is Wedded Bliss.
0-1 Wedding Planner
You are the Wedding Planner, and you're a little scatterbrained. You can't remember exactly who should be at the wedding and who shouldn't, but between courses you can slip out and check the guest list. PM the person running the game between courses and you will be told if the guest you're checking out has been invited, or if they are a Wedding Crasher. Your win condition is Wedded Bliss.
0-1 Photographer
You are the Photographer, and it's your job to make sure that there are lovely pictures of the event. Between courses, you can follow someone and take a photo of them, thus finding out if they were up to something or not. Your win condition is Wedded Bliss.
1 Vengeful Ex
You are the Vengeful Ex. You used to date the Groom, who is ________, and dammit, it should have been you marrying him! All that you can think of is revenge, and ruining the big day for the Bride. Between courses, you can poison the food of a person of your choosing, and they will be removed from the wedding as they seek medical attention. Your primary win condition is There Goes The Bride.... Your secondary win condition, activated if the Bride is disposed of, is I Will Survive, as you quite fancy getting drunk, causing further mayhem and having a party once she's gone.
1-4 Wedding Crashers
You are Wedding Crashers, and you're intent on having a good time. You've crashed this little shindig, and are intent on sticking around long enough to find someone hot to take home with you. Between courses, you MUST nominate one of your group to subdue a guest of your choice and remove them from the meal. This instruction must be sent to the person running the game via PM. If the person you pick is the Groom, and the Best Man is around to act as his bodyguard, the Groom will be told the name of the Wedding Crasher responsible. Your win condition id Party On!.
0-1 Reckless Guest
You've been invited to the wedding, but to be honest it's a bit boring for you. Between courses you're going to snoop around and try to catch a Wedding Crasher performing a heinous activity. Between courses, PM me the name of the person you think is a Wedding Crasher. If they have subdued a guest at that time, you've found a friend and will join the Wedding Crashers. If you fail to do so, you are just going to have to get as drunk as possible and hope other people do fun things. Your primary win condition is Party On!, but only if you join the Wedding Crashers. Otherwise your win condition is I Will Survive.
6-12 Guests
You're here for the wedding, and you want to have a good time, free from the clutches of nasty Wedding Crashers and the Vengeful Ex. Your win condition is Wedded Bliss.
Win conditions:
Happy Couple – All Wedding Crashers and the Vengeful Ex are disposed of, and both Bride and Groom are around to finish their meal.
Wedded Bliss – All Wedding Crashers and the Vengeful Ex are removed from the meal before it finishes.
There Goes The Bride... - The Vengeful Ex eliminates the Bride from her own wedding.
I Will Survive – You stick around long enough to finish the whole meal.
Party On! – At least one Wedding Crasher finishes the full 6 course meal.