Inspired by the (very entertaining) ongoing game of MafiaScum, after doing some research (there are tons of variants out there) I've written my own ruleset for a game to being July 7th 2008.
Plot premise: Vampires and Villagers: a Vampire Lord has fled to the remote Alaskan town of Barrow and gone to ground there. Fortunately, the residents of Barrow know a bit about Vampires, and the Vampire has been tracked by a novice Hunter who has been living incognito amongst them, trying to find the Vampire.
Inspired by Dimrill's performance, I think I would like to leave room for in-character posting in the game.
Game premise: in game II I liked the creeping sinister element of the Cult, where as time goes on they will gradually control more and more of the game. However I think the game gets quite hectic with three opposing factions, so I've combined the Mafia and Cult into one group, the Vampires. I like the idea of some players facing a choice between a minor power or a major power with an associated risk element. I like the idea of there being two daytime voting blocks, so I've put Masons back in from game I, and they have the ability to communicate outside the game. I like the idea of loyalties shifting through the game, and discovering traitors in your midst.
So, here are my roles. We'll call this
VampireScum v1.0.
The game starts with one Vampire Sire:
You are a Vampire Sire. You are one of the two remaining members of a clan of vampires that has been feeding on the town of Barrow, where the sun sets for a full month each year, for years now. You have the optional ability each night to choose a target to Bite, eventually turning them into a Vampire Childe. To do this you must visit the target two nights running. After the first night your target will receive a message saying that they awake feeling weak and with bite marks on their neck; they will be aware they may be Embraced on the following night. You are not required to return to the same target, however. This does not work on Van Helsing, the Loon, the Costumed Vigilante, or the Priest, or if you are being tailed by the Costumed Vigilante.
On the second consecutive night you Bite the same target, they will be embraced and become a childe, unless they are protected by Van Helsing. If the Sire comes to call on any target protected by Van Helsing the Sire will be ambushed and killed in the struggle. The oldest childe becomes the new Sire.
If you target the Van Helsing, Vigilante, the Loon, or the Priest, or if you are being tailed, you will be told you were roleblocked; unless you were being tailed, your target will be warned you targetted them but not told who you are. Therefore they can attempt to take defensive measures the next night to prevent themselves being targetted by one of your childe.
The game starts with one Vampire Childe, the Sire has to make more as the game proceeds:
You are a Vampire Childe. As group, the childer can choose one of two abilities. The first is Bite, which is identical to the Bite action the Sire has, but does not actually do anything (apart from make the target think they can be Embraced the next night). The second ability is either Kill or Roleblock. Only one Childer each night can perform a Kill action. However the number of roleblocks the childer have, as a group, increases with their number. This means gradually the vampires will be able to roleblock more and more people until they completely control the night phase.
All vampires can communicate outside the game freely at all times. Although the night actions can be discussed between the vampires, the Sire is responsible for final decisions on actions and targets and must be the one who PMs the narrator. If the Sire suspects the serial killer has been Embraced, the Sire can choose to target the kill night action against a Childe. He doesn't have to tell the Childe this.
0-1 serial killer:
You are a Serial Killer. You are a homicidal maniac. You must kill one person each night to satisfy your blood lust. You will be killed yourself if you target the Vampire Sire, but you can succesfully kill a Vampire Childe. If you are turned into a vampire, your win condition remains Serial Killer i.e. you will be actively working against the other vampires still and will know who they all are. You will be able to lie to the coven in PMs etc. However you still cannot directly kill the Vampire Sire as he is too strong for you -- will have to somehow arrange his death, through a staking or by giving him up to Van Helsing. You will have both night powers, both your serial killer kill, and your childe kill, roleblock, or bite (as ordered by the Sire). You are a busy man! You are encouraged to be graphic in your kill descriptions.
2-4 Masonic Townies:
You are a Masonic Townie. You are an ordinary Townie, but all the Masons are known to each other and can communicate at will. This means there are two groups of block votes in action during the day stage, the vampires and the Masons. If a Mason is Embraced your win condition becomes Vampire but you can still communicate with his remaining Mason friends i.e. you will be actively misleading them. You can also tell the Vampires who all the other Masons are.
6-16 townies:
You are a Vanilla Townie. You have no special abilities. Your only hope of survival each day is to try and identfy the vampires amongst you and drive a wooden stake into their heart. 'Course that's fatal for humans too....
0-2 Protownie Van Helsings:
You are a Van Helsing. You know that the Priest is ___________. You are a junior vampire hunter, come to town chasing the fleeing Vampire Sire who killed your mentor just before the game starts. You cannot be Embraced. Each night, you can choose a person to protect. You will lay in wait near that person's sleeping chamber watching for vampires. If your protected person is targeted for a bite attack, you spring an ambush and kill the vampire who came. If your protectee is targetted for killing by anyone, your ambush doesn't work -- at your option, you can trade your life for the protectee, but if you don't they die.
If the vampires target you for biting they will find you not at home when the come calling, as you are out for the night laying in ambush; the Vampire will know they were unsucessful but not why. If you choose to protect yourself, you can kill the vampire that comes for you.
0-2 Protownie Priests:
You are a Priest. You know that the Van Helsing is ___________. You cannot be Bitten as you sleep on holy ground; if you are targetted for Bite the vampires will know they failed but not why. You can still be killed by Childer ambushing you outside your home though. Each night you can pray to receive insight into a chosen character's role, including the Vampire Lord.
Although the Priests and Van Helsings know who each other are, they
cannot communicate outside the game. If there are multiple priests or Van Helsings they are not guaranteed to know who all the other ones are, just some.
0-1 Protownie Costumed Vigilante.
You are a Costumed Vigilante. Last year the town you lived in tore itself apart in fear and paranoia as it tried to root out the Mafiosa living in it's midst. You yourself placed the noose around the necks of many innocent neighbours. Wracked with the guilt, you fashioned a costume from brightly coloured lycra and decided to fight crime wherever you find it. You have come to Barren on holiday (you don't like warm weather!) and you weren't expecting to find evil here and yet, here it is. You can kill one person freely each night if you choose, or, you can tail a target all night; this prevents them from doing anything sneaky so they will be roleblocked and unable to carry out any night actions they may have. You are out all night adventuring, so you are immune to Bite actions from either the Childe or Sire.
0-1 Loon.
You are a Loon. You are a deeply insane local who suffers from Seasonally Affected Disorder and hence are trying to get yourself killed by any means you can. It beats another month of darkness. You are out all night wandering the streets, so you cannot be Bitten.
0-1 Psychiatrist.
You are a Psychiatrist. You are trying to find the loon and save him from yourself. You can target one person each night to be told if they are the inmate or not, if you finds the loon you get your secondary win condition and play on as a Vanilla Townie. Being turned into a Vamp changes your win condition to Vampire i.e. you no longer cares about the loon.
Primary win types are
Town (all vampires and SK dead),
serial killer (serial killed five people in the course of the game -- kills made acting as a Childe do not count for this),
vampires (vamps outnumber everyone else, SK dead).
Night action orderRoleblock -> bite -> kill/ambush
Changelogv1.0 too much to mention
V0.3 -- changed Priest and Van Helsing occurence to 0-2. Added possibility that Priest and Van Helsing know who each other are. Changed Serial Killer win condition. Change Vigilante and SK to 0-1 occurences. Change loon/psychiatrists to 0-1 occurences. Changed Vigilante night action to Roleblock.
V0.2 -- added 1 starting childe, takes two nights to Embrace, childe have a "bite" action, gave Vigilante a minor investigate power (Tail)