Be Excellent To Each Other

Game 3 - Day IV
Page 2 of 4

Author:  GazChap [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Rodafowa wrote:
Last page of the first day. Check it yourself.

Hmm, that looks a bit dodgy indeed. Are you just being forgetful Craster, or something else?

Also, Rodafowa, you've not been too vote-happy at all in this game. You've also been comparatively quiet, but are now coming out of the woodwork when it gets to the stage where the Mafia can force a lynch just by blockvoting. You've not been on my suspicion radar at all so I'm probably just reading too much into it, but it still seems odd.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Craster wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I want Malc to blow someone up.

You've said you're willing to put yourself on the line - are you backing down now?

If by some freakish occurrence I am proved wrong about Lacey, then I suppose I run the risk of Malc blowing me up.

It would be a mistake though. He should blow up you or one of your Mafia cohorts.

Author:  Rodafowa [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Because as evidence shows, speaking out can get you dead. I was happy to let things bumble along and just watch things develop while I basically didn't have any better idea who to kill than anyone else.

Three days in, I think there's enough of a pattern in the voting to start making more educated guesses as to who's a wrong 'un. You're my best educated guess. Craster's now my second.

Author:  Rodafowa [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

To GazChap, obviously.

Also, I might have seemed a bit quieter than intended because I was at poker on Tuesday then came back to find the thread had doubled in size, and it was our RP group last night, when similar happened.

Author:  Cras [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Keeping quiet never benefits the town. Helping the town is more important than self-preservation, for townie roles.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Craster wrote:
Keeping quiet never benefits the town, unless your name is Mr Russ


Author:  Cras [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Curiosity wrote:
Craster wrote:
Keeping quiet never benefits the town, unless your name is Mr Russ


Well, indeed.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Craster wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Craster wrote:
Keeping quiet never benefits the town, unless your name is Mr Russ


Well, indeed.

Or Myoptika... God, we've had some shoddy townies this time around. It's a good job I'm here to out the Mafia scum.

Author:  GazChap [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Rodafowa wrote:
Three days in, I think there's enough of a pattern in the voting to start making more educated guesses as to who's a wrong 'un. You're my best educated guess. Craster's now my second.

Fair enough. Your logic is sound at least, even if your vote isn't. Although I don't think I've really voted in a "pattern", other than making sure my vote is actually used to prevent a stalemate - with the Cult about there is no logic at all to not lynching anyone.

I bet this is going to end up like game 2, where if I'd just kept voting for Comical perhaps he might have been lynched and outed as the cult leader. I hope Curiosity isn't, I couldn't be that unlucky twice in a row.

Author:  Malc [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Curiosity wrote:
Craster wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Craster wrote:
Keeping quiet never benefits the town, unless your name is Mr Russ


Well, indeed.

Or Myoptika... God, we've had some shoddy townies this time around. It's a good job I'm here to out the Mafia scum.

you're begining to sound a bit too cocky for a townie!


Author:  Rodafowa [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV


Rubbish. I had no idea who to lynch on the first three days - hence my voting for Mali A on day 2 along with everyone else - so why bleat out a bunch of vague hunches that are no more relevant than anyone else's?

Three days in and I reckon there's enough information to start making some actual, fact-based decisions. Plus, we're running out of people to speak out.

Are you just trying to brush the "Hell yes you voted for Myoptika" thing under the carpet, by the by?

Here's how I see it - despite your protestations, you DID vote for Myoptika. Then you sat out a day to let the trail go cold. By day 3 you reckoned that the general suspicion would make it safe to vote for MaliA, but when the bandwagon began rolling in the direction of another plausibly-suspicious but innocent townie you happily switched to Mr. Russ, knowing you could make the "But Everyone Thought He Was A Wrong 'Un!" defence.

Author:  Cras [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Rodafowa wrote:
Are you just trying to brush the "Hell yes you voted for Myoptika" thing under the carpet, by the by?

No, you're absolutely right - I did. As did Mr Russ, MaliA, and Malc, for reference. Day one was guesswork, as it always is.

I'll happily put my hand up for voting for Mr Russ. I thought there was absolutely no way whatsoever he could have been clean.

Author:  Rodafowa [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Craster wrote:
Rodafowa wrote:
Are you just trying to brush the "Hell yes you voted for Myoptika" thing under the carpet, by the by?

No, you're absolutely right - I did. As did Mr Russ, MaliA, and Malc, for reference. Day one was guesswork, as it always is.

Mr. Russ, MaliA and Malc didn't all vote for the other two innocents to swing as well though, did they?

I'm off to lunch. See you all in an hour. To recap:


All three voted for three innocent townies to die. Craster wasn't directly involved in the aborted lynching of MaliA, so despite his inexplicable mistake/misspeak/lie regarding whether he voted for Myoptika or not, I'm more sure of GazChap than the other two. So that's where my vote's staying.

Unless anyone's got any firm information (and we can assume that at least one of the Vigilante or SK was investigating last night), I just can't see how we can make a more educated guess as to who's Mafia.

Author:  Malc [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

People I think are mafia/cult



Author:  Malc [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

let's hear a defence from them as to why they are not!


Author:  Runcle [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

In all fairness MaliA and MrRuss couldnt vote for one of the others because they were people for the lynch and would be voting for themselves. They were the only two I had down for being mafia or the cult and I was very very wrong, although their behaviour was unusual and seemed to bring it upon themselves.

Author:  JBR [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

After a good night for the town, I don't think we've had enough of a look at motivations;

Why did MaliA pick on Joans? Could he have mimicked the cult leader and therefore converted an extra person to the cult - though presumably he wouldn't have known for sure if that's what had happened but might then have had an idea of what was going on.

The person with the most info, after two nights (I think) without a hit is the serial killer. Curiosity is now very vocal about his suspicions, which may mean it's him.

We should be trusting the SK if they're saying to off people, as it's in both (town+SK's) our interests to be removing the mafia menace before turning back to the cult (remembering that every day that goes by, the cult may be one bigger). ...but we should only trust him as far as we can throw him, bearing in mind he has different motives, ultimately, than the rest of us.

Author:  JBR [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 13:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

I also think we're still not doing very well with our lynch targets, so ought to think carefully about the really quiet people - why did culty Joans have 'good feelings' about Sheepeh? That ought to put the sheep squarely in the frame, to my mind.

Author:  Malc [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

JBR wrote:
I also think we're still not doing very well with our lynch targets, so ought to think carefully about the really quiet people - why did culty Joans have 'good feelings' about Sheepeh? That ought to put the sheep squarely in the frame, to my mind.

he wouldn't finger his own (he still wins if the cult wins)

I think you are the cult leader.


Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

LaceSensor is having forum troubles again, and implores me to make the following post:

I agree with the analysis of those people that have voted against innocent people to die, namely GazChap and KevR.

I am tempted to vote for GazChap right now as there has been some good reasoning behind it.

I would emplore Malc to hold on, if he is indeed the true suicide bomber. He is invincible pretty much, and like people have alluded to its much more useful to take a genuine baddie out of the game.

I am still very much suspicious of Curiosity.
His list of Mafia Guarantees seems inflated - 4 people? and the Roleblocker was dead? Seems to me that he might be just mentioning names that arent Mafia. I'd go so far as to say that I think Curiosity is either Mafia, or the Vigilante/SK, definitely someone with a killing role. However in this case he wants to get two fer the price o' one.

AT this point that is just a hunch.

I am sticking with the most compelling evidence, what I started this post with: [vote:GazChap] Apolgies GazChap but you get the choice, as it seems a present anyway its gonna come down to between me and thee for the gibbett.

I would liek to see the vote swing towards Curiosity though.
I have a strange suspicion that he may be in cahoots with Craster too, and their banter is purely a show.

Thanks to CG for posting this for me.

I'll have to manually count the vote against GazChap until Lace can return and do it properly.

Author:  GazChap [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
let's hear a defence from them as to why they are not!

You sound like Lloyds TSB. "Prove you're not the account holder".

I can't prove that I'm a townie, and I can't prove I'm not Mafia. If you can think of a way that I can do either of these, then I'm all ears :)

Author:  Rodafowa [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

It's all gone quiet from GazChap and Craster. Trying to work out which one of the two of them they should sacrifice, I reckon.

And JBR's right. Sod the serial killer, he's basically on the town's side for at least the next two days. Same goes for the Cult, really.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
JBR wrote:
I also think we're still not doing very well with our lynch targets, so ought to think carefully about the really quiet people - why did culty Joans have 'good feelings' about Sheepeh? That ought to put the sheep squarely in the frame, to my mind.

he wouldn't finger his own (he still wins if the cult wins)

I think you are the cult leader.


I'm not sure he is the cult leader, though I think he does have a role.

Irrespective of whether he is cult or not, the Mafia have twice as many members as the cult, at a minimum. If we bump a couple of them off, then we can hunt the cult tomorrow, knowing that the Mafia have been weakened.

Author:  LaceSensor [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

For some reason I can now reply, Having restarted my PC.

Sorry all I appear to still be having random effects of work filtering.

The Narrator has agreed to post a large reply for me, but I just saw malcs post.
If you genuinely think JBR is the cult leader, then you should take him out the game for the good of the town. However I think you should wait - see my post from CG.

I still think right now the Mafia are stronger than the cult, so take them out first.
No thats not a double bluff, or insider information. It is however a fact.
Im sticking with GazChap (see CG post).

Author:  Cras [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Rodafowa wrote:
It's all gone quiet from GazChap and Craster. Trying to work out which one of the two of them they should sacrifice, I reckon.

And JBR's right. Sod the serial killer, he's basically on the town's side for at least the next two days. Same goes for the Cult, really.

On list of quiet posters today, I certainly don't make the list. Especially given that it's been lunchtime.

The important thing about the SK is that we don't kill the vig, as he's the only one that can identify the SK.

Author:  GazChap [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

I'm going to [vote:LaceSensor]. I'll be totally transparent - he's voted for me, but (if Curiosity is to be believed) we're both Mafia. Now, I know I'm not and despite me not being at all happy with Curiosity's innocence, he could still be 75% right. If he is, that means LaceSensor is Mafia and therefore the best target.

If that makes me a Mafia target tonight then, assuming that Curiosity is right, at least we'll both be 1 guy down.

Author:  LaceSensor [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV


Thanks CG. I have restarted my pc and rinsed my temp. int. files here and I'm somewhat back in business.

Author:  GazChap [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Rodafowa wrote:
It's all gone quiet from GazChap and Craster.

I've just been out for lunch. A rather nice steak and ale pie from the Nag's Head in Wrexham, in fact. Now that I can prove!

Author:  Cras [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

GazChap wrote:
Rodafowa wrote:
It's all gone quiet from GazChap and Craster.

I've just been out for lunch. A rather nice steak and ale pie from the Nag's Head in Wrexham, in fact. Now that I can prove!

Scan in the receipt, please.

Author:  Plissken [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
People I think are mafia/cult

*puts pint of Old Wigglers down*
*staggers over to Spingly Spongly*
*decides which of the three Spingly Sponglys he wants to talk to*

Nooooow, it seems to me to be one heck of an acoousa...akewa..thing to be saying about a fella. A fella can't drink his drink... two drinks... many drinks in peace without being .... accusedofbeingdirtymafiascum. Seems to me... it seems to me.. it seems to me.. that you are forgotten on teensy weensy thing called profit. Proof. And without the profit... proof you've got nthn. NTHN. Besides, I have a cast ironing alibaba...ali... alleyway. I was here. In the pub. All night.

*sticks out finger*
So don't you acooze me of being mali... malia... mafeking.

*wanders over to statue of Old Tom*
I love you.

*exits to toilet. The sound of a very long, very triumphant urination begins.*

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Lace - there are 4 mafia types left. How can I be exaggerating the numbers? It's a simple statement of fact.

We've killed the Roleblocker, leaving three goons and a doctor.

I hope we lynch the mafia doctor, as then the SK and Vigilante can massacre two of the goons without the doctor blocking either of them. If we can identify the cult leader then we can lynch him tomorrow, or Malc can take him out if we want to make sure to kill the final Mafioso before he gets another killing action.

Which would then leave us with Townies (incl Vigilante) vs SK.

Author:  JBR [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

LaceSensor wrote:
For some reason I can now reply, Having restarted my PC.

Sorry all I appear to still be having random effects of work filtering.

The Narrator has agreed to post a large reply for me, but I just saw malcs post.
If you genuinely think JBR is the cult leader, then you should take him out the game for the good of the town. However I think you should wait - see my post from CG.

I still think right now the Mafia are stronger than the cult, so take them out first.
No thats not a double bluff, or insider information. It is however a fact.
Im sticking with GazChap (see CG post).

You need to repost your vote, by the way - any inside quotes don't count.

Author:  Cras [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

You seem to be lacking any sort of opinion here, Mr Plissken.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

What is the vote tally at the moment? Are the mafia trying to spread the votes around and stave off a lynching, perhaps?

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Vote Update

lacesensor: 3 votes (curiosity, gazchap, craster)
gazchap: 2 votes (lacesensor, rodafowa)

Not voted: plissken, jbr, kevr, sheepeh, runcle, spinglo sponglo!

With 11 players alive, 6 votes are required for a lynch.

Author:  Malc [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

GazChap wrote:
Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
let's hear a defence from them as to why they are not!

You sound like Lloyds TSB. "Prove you're not the account holder".

I can't prove that I'm a townie, and I can't prove I'm not Mafia. If you can think of a way that I can do either of these, then I'm all ears :)

who do you think is cult/mafia and why?


Author:  Runcle [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Think Ive found something but I dont want to start a gang up on another person.

On Joans list of what he thinks of each member hes doesnt even mention 2 people, and I thinks theres only 2 cults left, so is it a coincidence, or a bluff to make us think its the two people not mentioned. Oh Rodafowa and Curiosity weren't mentioned.

Author:  JBR [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
let's hear a defence from them as to why they are not!

You sound like Lloyds TSB. "Prove you're not the account holder".

I can't prove that I'm a townie, and I can't prove I'm not Mafia. If you can think of a way that I can do either of these, then I'm all ears :)

who do you think is cult/mafia and why?


We shouldn't forget the SK *completely*. Let him know we're coming for him eventually...

Author:  LaceSensor [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

I stand corrected, completely forgot about the Mafia Doctor. Apologies.

Sorry that was incredibly dense.

I also would appreciate a vote update.

@GazChap if the vote changes I will move away from you to KevR (for the same reasons stated above). I am also taking in the info here and if I put my self in the position of beleiving Malc is the Suicide Bomber, then I would also support a lynch of JBR.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

LaceSensor wrote:
I also would appreciate a vote update.

You've just had one. What's wrong with you people?

Author:  Malc [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

I'm going to wait before I blow up, my vote might be crucial in hanging someone. And their role may impact who I blow up. I think I will blow up before dawn tho.

this explosive vest is too uncomfortable by far.


Author:  JBR [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Reading back through yesterday, there's this from Curiosity;

"Does that mean that the killing of our Governor was done by the Mafia goon and the Mime? It doesn't seem grisly enough to be the work of the SK (and neither does the killing of Zardoz). If so, the Mime now knows the identity of one Mafia goon. Useful."

So why did MaliA go after Joans? He can't have mimicked him on the first night, or he'd have been in the cult with him. Did he know a mafia goon and decide not to kill them? Colour me confused.

Author:  Rodafowa [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

JBR wrote:
So why did MaliA go after Joans? He can't have mimicked him on the first night, or he'd have been in the cult with him. Did he know a mafia goon and decide not to kill them? Colour me confused.

Fucking mimes.

Author:  JBR [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

And so I don't ignore it, Mr Russ was the one who started talk of me as cult leader, and he said

On the first day, when it was mentioned sinister wasn't about, JBR was the one who made a real world excuse about work or something for him. Look who was recruited by the cult on that night.

That was the first day, so no one knew anything about anyone - I was just hoping we wouldn't rush into anything

JBR also was curious about whether curiosity might be the serial killer on day 2. he was trying to find out if he was or not because a recruiting of the serial killer is a failed recruiting.

I still am curious; more so now because the SK's been quiet for a couple of days so should have some good information. With luck, if we can avoid lynching townies, he'll off a couple of bad guys for us over the next couple of nights. We still have to watch the cult balance and the mafia, of course, depending on who he kills.

Today, JBR said that curiosity is busy being a cricket fan and he may be watching the cricket, so he probably recruited him last night, and doesn't want to see him lynched.

Just tying the real world in to the game one was all - we did pretty well on the first couple of days in leaving time for everyone to get involved and, perhaps, incriminate themselves. The last couple, we've let a few people either hide or not left time for them to say much - if they're mafia, they're laughing at us running around like headless chickens right now.

Author:  Rodafowa [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Runcle wrote:
Think Ive found something but I dont want to start a gang up on another person.

On Joans list of what he thinks of each member hes doesnt even mention 2 people, and I thinks theres only 2 cults left, so is it a coincidence, or a bluff to make us think its the two people not mentioned. Oh Rodafowa and Curiosity weren't mentioned.

It's a list of people who voted yesterday, man. I didn't.

Author:  GazChap [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
who do you think is cult/mafia and why?

My original suspicions for cult members were MaliA and Mr. Russ. Of the two I thought Mr Russ was the leader, as his charming "farmer" character posts would be an effective way of avoiding suspicion (Dimrill didn't come under an awful lot of scrutiny in the last game as I remember). I thought those suspicions were confirmed when reading the last bits of yesterday's thread after watching the football, Russ's seemingly-panicked defending seemed to imply that he was desperate to stay alive which would fit in with the cult leader's MO.

Of course they're both now dead, and rather annoyingly they were both innocent. I still stand by my decision to vote for both of them though as there was definitely something suspicious about both.

My suspicions re. the cult now? I have absolutely no idea, MaliA and Mr Russ being innocent have thrown me for a loop and I've got to reevaluate.

Now, for the Mafia, we know that there are 4 left. I have always, always been suspicious of Curiosity based on no real evidence other than his behaviour. I can't really make concrete choices as I have no information other than behaviour to work with. He also voted for Myoptika and Goddess Jasmine (even though the latter ultimately wasn't lynched).

The other three are more of a mystery. LaceSensor and Rodafowa seem possibles, as they've been relatively quiet compared to the other players but seem to know more than they let on. Sheepeh has been stupidly quiet which is setting off alarm bells left right and centre for me.

But ultimately, I can't prove anything (except what I had for dinner, and even then only if my boss gives me his card receipt :p) so I'm not really expecting anyone to listen to me.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

JBR wrote:
Just tying the real world in to the game one was all - we did pretty well on the first couple of days in leaving time for everyone to get involved and, perhaps, incriminate themselves. The last couple, we've let a few people either hide or not left time for them to say much - if they're mafia, they're laughing at us running around like headless chickens right now.

I was out last night after work going through my Best Man speech with Bobbyaro in... ummm... a neighbouring village.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

GazChap wrote:
Now, for the Mafia, we know that there are 4 left. I have always, always been suspicious of Curiosity based on no real evidence other than his behaviour. I can't really make concrete choices as I have no information other than behaviour to work with. He also voted for Myoptika and Goddess Jasmine (even though the latter ultimately wasn't lynched).

You a Mafioso, and I am not. Of course you're trying to cast suspicion on me!

I will admit freely to voting for those innocent townies. Myoptika was acting like a fool, and Jasmine had been implicated by Mr Russ. Please note that I voted for her immediately after Mr Russ said he had proof against her. I was taken in by his pretence of being knowledgeable. Alas, he was not.

Author:  Rodafowa [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Curiosity, Malc - all three of us seem to have independantly come to the conclusion that GazChap and Craster are mafia. Is there any reason you're not putting your votes where your mouth is?

Maybe Lacesensor is mafia, maybe he isn't - this "spat" that he seems to be having with GazChap inclines me toward the former - but all of us seem to agree on GazChap.

C'mon. You know you want to. If we're wrong and the mafia have covered their tracks so brilliantly that we've STILL no idea who they are then Goddammit, they deserve to win.

Author:  Runcle [ Thu Jun 26, 2008 14:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day IV

Rodafowa wrote:
Runcle wrote:
Think Ive found something but I dont want to start a gang up on another person.

On Joans list of what he thinks of each member hes doesnt even mention 2 people, and I thinks theres only 2 cults left, so is it a coincidence, or a bluff to make us think its the two people not mentioned. Oh Rodafowa and Curiosity weren't mentioned.

It's a list of people who voted yesterday, man. I didn't.

sorry about this, I was just comparing the list to the current players rather than reading the whole thing. Anyway Ill keep quiet for a bit because Ive been useless with my suspicions.

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