Be Excellent To Each Other

Game 3 - Day III
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Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

MaliA wrote:
Mr Russ wrote:
Well that should be enough votes to see me swing?

Remember to analyse who voted for me people.

Hurts, doesn't it?

Hey, to be fair I said I didn't know about you any more.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

Mr Russ wrote:
I'm not going to suicide. I'm having fun. And I may still change your minds. Although it's unlikely.

Give us something we can work with.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

Craster wrote:
Mr Russ wrote:
I'm not going to suicide. I'm having fun. And I may still change your minds. Although it's unlikely.

Give us something we can work with.

I can only offer this from earlier:

My reasons for suspecting JBR as cult leader are as follows:

On the first day, when it was mentioned sinister wasn't about, JBR was the one who made a real world excuse about work or something for him. Look who was recruited by the cult on that night.

JBR also was curious about whether curiosity might be the serial killer on day 2. he was trying to find out if he was or not because a recruiting of the serial killer is a failed recruiting.

Today, JBR said that curiosity is busy being a cricket fan and he may be watching the cricket, so he probably recruited him last night, and doesn't want to see him lynched.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

That may be true, but it's your antics regarding Mali and GJ that are getting you hung today, and you've offered nothing regarding that.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

I can repost the whole thing from earlier if you like? The part about me being sorry for MaliA and Jasmine reprinted as follows:

I made a huge mistake going after Jasmine yesterday. I quoted a post where I thought MaliA was protecting her, and therefore assumed they were in cahoots. Jasmine acted suspiciously denying this, and made her seem like the biggest target in my book. I wrote in my diary that i would try to force a lynch of GJ come the end of the day, and stuck with my convictions to the end of the day, despite people going more for MaliA.

Since MaliA has survived, the hint that he is the mime may become more useful. IF he is the mime then it's possible he mimiced a mafia hitman, and targetted Jasmine. You'll note MaliA voted for Jasmine. The only thing would be how he knew who the hitman was to target. This point needs examination by yourselves.

After going after both of these quite vocally, and accusing them of being in cahoots, I got accused of being a bit dodgy myself, and Jasmine said I was cult leader. At this point I assumed I would die overnight, but hey, still alive! I believed the mafia would take me out for being so vocal about one (or two) of their own. I therefore began to drop hints that I was the BulletProof Townie. ("I am paranoid and fearful for my safety" so I stay in at night). This was because the mafia would then know that any hits against me would fail!! I then backed this up whan asked why I was scared of dying, by saying I was scared of the serial killer only (so by elimination not scared of the mafia).

Author:  Joans [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

So are you the bulletproof townie? And if you are, won't you have been recruited by the cult?

Author:  Malc [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

Mr Russ wrote:
This point needs examination by yourselves

That's the mouth snapping shut on the worm for me.

Mr Russ, if you are not mafia, and you are not cult, then you need to come clean now with your role, otherwise you are going to hang.


Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

Townie. Vanilla.

Author:  Malc [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
Mr Russ wrote:
This point needs examination by yourselves

That's the mouth snapping shut on the worm for me.

Mr Russ, if you are not mafia, and you are not cult, then you need to come clean now with your role, otherwise you are going to hang.


And if you hang, don't forget Malia lives!

You are sacrificing yourslef for him.

I think the voting patterns should reflect something there.

those that are not voting for Mr Russ obviously want MaliA dead


Author:  GazChap [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

I've read enough. It's clear that neither Curiosity nor MaliA are going to go today, so [VOTE:Mr Russ]

Author:  Joans [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

Mr Russ wrote:
Townie. Vanilla.

That was what I assumed yesterday, but this means all your hunches are nothing more than hunches, right?

Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

I dropped hints I was bulletproof to save the mafia coming after me, but I ain't.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

Mr Russ wrote:
Townie. Vanilla.

Oh look - the only role in the game where no-one can counterclaim and prove you wrong.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Game 3 - Day III

Unconvinced by his hyperbolic prose and effusive bluster, the town eventually decide Mr Russ is too suspicious to be allowed to live, and throw him to the ground.

Excited by this small burst of violence, someone picks up a small rock and hurls it at Mr Russ' head. It strikes him on the temple and he goes down. Larger rocks are thrown and soon Mr Russ is a stumbling, shreiking mass of blood and pummelled flesh. Harder and harder the rocks come down, every sign of life from Russ spurring the town to greater heights of maniacal frenzy.

Eventually, Russ is still, his body broken, the ground a mess of blood and gore. Russ is dead.

They head to the farm where Russ purported to live, and have a good and thorough search. They find nothing at all, zip, nada. The man was just a simple farmer with an addled brain.

Mr Russ was a Vanilla Townie. Another innocent man dead.

It is now Night. Night players, you know the drill, PM me. Night will expire at 2pm Thursday.

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