Be Excellent To Each Other

Alien Scum - Day Four
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Author:  Curiosity [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:53 ]
Post subject:  Alien Scum - Day Four

Day Four dawns, and we're missing people again... and I'm quite busy so might nto describe as much as usual.

We're missing Goddess Jasmine.

Because she's dead.

A brief look around her house shows some Stonecutter's literature, and a book on interesting handshakes.

Goddess Jasmine was a Masonic Townie.

Everyone else seems to be... no, wait, we're one down. It's that high falutin' fella who lives in the penthouse apartment.

The town rush there, to Bluecup's apartment.

He's not there.

Because he's dead.

His plsuh interior design is composed of constellations, and astrological charts abound. There's a picture of an alien sweetheart and a book on making friends.

Bluecup was the Benevolent Alien.

A blood-curdling scream pierces the morning.

"They did it... they really did it..."

Everyone turns to see the ashen face of zaphod79. Tears strem down his face and he runs towards the nearest window, smashing through it and falling all the way down to his death. Stupid penthouse apartment.

Upon racing down to check his body, the townies find an identification badge.

Zaphod79 was Agent Mulder

Author:  Curiosity [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Doctor Glyndwr
Mr Dom
Mr Chris
Mr Russell

Author:  Curiosity [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

With 14 survivors, 8 votes are needed for a lynch and 11 no lynch votes for a lack of lynching.

Day Four will end when a course of action is decided upon, or at Midday on Tuesday.

Author:  myp [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Effing crikey.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

It was a bad night, but here's some good news: the Benevolent Alien (rest his soul) chose me last night, and revealed that Morte is an evil alien.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Unless... We let Scully deal with Morte?

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

No, that's daft. Scully should take a stab in the dark and hope, as if she chooses a townie no harm will come.
So yes, everyone should vote for Morte.

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Hmm... looks like I was wrong about GJ then. Weird for a Mason to do something as silly as that.

Do we believe Grim... given that he's (according to some) been changing his play style?


Author:  Cras [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Whoah, folks. Without wishing to cast aspersions on Grim..., can I emphatically suggest that we let Morte reply, and let anyone else who may have been contacted by the BA (if Grim... is lying) speak up before we do a lynch?

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

I was contacted by BA. He said to pity da foo', but not before I'd strung that mother up.

[vote: morte]
pity: on

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Craster wrote:
Whoah, folks. Without wishing to cast aspersions on Grim..., can I emphatically suggest that we let Morte reply, and let anyone else who may have been contacted by the BA (if Grim... is lying) speak up before we do a lynch?

That's almost pointless, Mr Suspicious. If I am lying, I'm fucked tomorrow, because everyone finds out the truth as soon as that rope goes tight.

Author:  myp [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Yeah, what Craster said.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Hang on - I should add. I believe Grim..., to be honest, as he's not been suss so far, and Morte's not done anything to mark himself out otherwise. If Grim... is a baddy, have we actually got any good townie roles left that the baddies could have dsicovered and be trying to get rid of? I'm not sure we do, do we? Can someone who's read the rules let me know. Ta.

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Mr Chris wrote:
Hang on - I should add. I believe Grim..., to be honest, as he's not been suss so far, and Morte's not done anything to mark himself out otherwise. If Grim... is a baddy, have we actually got any good townie roles left that the baddies could have dsicovered and be trying to get rid of? I'm not sure we do, do we? Can someone who's read the rules let me know. Ta.

Scully. She's basically our only killing role now, at least if I'm reading the rules right. And not including lynching, obv.

She will kill if she discovers an alien too, 'cos Mulder ain't around to stop her any more.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

I suspect, however, that I'm fucked tonight.
So I should probably let you know that I'm the Mannequin Maker. I roleclaimed on Day 1, if you look at my posts closely. I've protected (uselessly, it seems):
Night 1: Myself (which I was then told I couldn't do again)
Night 2: Mr Dom
Night 3: Craster (bah)

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
Unless... We let Scully deal with Morte?
If Morte doesn't turn up dead tomorrow, we won't know if Scully believed you or not. Maybe Scully would investigate you instead. Whereas if we lynch Morte now and he isn't an alien, you're clearly on the block next. Which makes me think you're probably telling the truth.

Devil's advocate, consider you could be an alien trying to get us to lynch a townie. Max aliens in the game is 5. If we lynch Morte and the have two more deaths overnight, minimum vote for a lynch tomorrow could be as low as 6. We'd then lynch you. Aliens would be close to controlling the vote then, but not quite have it, and that assumes the mafia kill a townie and not an alien.

I think it's unlikely Grim... is lying, therefore. Like Cras though I think we need to hear from more people and I think we need to hear from Morte before we rush a vote. Remember, there are lots of bad guys out there that might be bold enough now to start block voting.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

If I'm reading the rules right, scully investigates someone each night, and if they turn out to be a alien, she kills them immediately. Hmm. Not been picking well so far, has she?

So if Grim... is evil and lying, that means he knows Morte is Scully - otherwise why would he be singling Morte out? Morte's done nothing to suggest that he's anything at all, and has been keepign very quiet.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Pussies :)

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Mr Chris wrote:
If I'm reading the rules right, scully investigates someone each night, and if they turn out to be a alien, she kills them immediately.

Only if Mulder is dead.

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

No, not having that. The Benevolent Alien can only pass information off on to a simple townie apparently, which I take to mean not any powered townies.


Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

[vote: unvote] for the moment.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
If I'm reading the rules right, scully investigates someone each night, and if they turn out to be a alien, she kills them immediately.

Only if Mulder is dead.

Which he is, isn't he?

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

GazChap wrote:
No, not having that. The Benevolent Alien can only pass information off on to a simple townie apparently, which I take to mean not any powered townies.

You assume wrong, sir.

Author:  myp [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Mr Chris wrote:
If I'm reading the rules right, scully investigates someone each night, and if they turn out to be a alien, she kills them immediately. Hmm. Not been picking well so far, has she?

That only happens once Mulder's dead.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

myp wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
If I'm reading the rules right, scully investigates someone each night, and if they turn out to be a alien, she kills them immediately. Hmm. Not been picking well so far, has she?

That only happens once Mulder's dead.


Author:  GazChap [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
GazChap wrote:
No, not having that. The Benevolent Alien can only pass information off on to a simple townie apparently, which I take to mean not any powered townies.

You assume wrong, sir.

Paging Curiosity to thread #3480 for clarification...

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

But either way - if you hang me, then you'll know I'm telling the truth, and Morte will die either overnight or the next day. So I'm happy enough to get lynched today.
Rules question: Can I vote for myself?

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
So I should probably let you know that I'm the Mannequin Maker. I roleclaimed on Day 1, if you look at my posts closely. I've protected (uselessly, it seems):
Shouldn't you be saving that information in case of a Scully roleclaim?

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Mr Chris wrote:
myp wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
If I'm reading the rules right, scully investigates someone each night, and if they turn out to be a alien, she kills them immediately. Hmm. Not been picking well so far, has she?

That only happens once Mulder's dead.


Yeah, as of this morning. Are you drunk?

Author:  myp [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

He is now. You were inferring that Scully wasn't very good as she hasn't killed any aliens. She hasn't had a chance to do that until the next night phase. So she couldn't have done.

You berk.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
So I should probably let you know that I'm the Mannequin Maker. I roleclaimed on Day 1, if you look at my posts closely. I've protected (uselessly, it seems):
Shouldn't you be saving that information in case of a Scully roleclaim?

I'm struggling to see why..?

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

GazChap wrote:
Grim... wrote:
GazChap wrote:
No, not having that. The Benevolent Alien can only pass information off on to a simple townie apparently, which I take to mean not any powered townies.

You assume wrong, sir.
Paging Curiosity to thread #3480 for clarification...
GazChap's interpretation is how I read the rules too.
the rules wrote:
Unfortunately, you're a beginner in the ways of the psychic, and so can only pass on information to the simple mind of a Townie. Should you try to pass on information to anyone else, they will not receive it.

Author:  Curiosity [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

GazChap wrote:
Grim... wrote:
GazChap wrote:
No, not having that. The Benevolent Alien can only pass information off on to a simple townie apparently, which I take to mean not any powered townies.

You assume wrong, sir.

Paging Curiosity to thread #3480 for clarification...

Any of the townsfolk (non Mafia, FBI, Alien) can receive a message from BA. So the Cop, Mannequin Artist or Photographer would be able to receive psychic info. As they are townies.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
I'm struggling to see why..?
To stop the aliens from killing her?

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
myp wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
If I'm reading the rules right, scully investigates someone each night, and if they turn out to be a alien, she kills them immediately. Hmm. Not been picking well so far, has she?

That only happens once Mulder's dead.


Yeah, as of this morning. Are you drunk?

Never before 11am.

I've realised my mistake, now. Yes.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I'm struggling to see why..?
To stop the aliens from killing her?

I'm lost, mate. How does me revealing that information make life trickier for Scully?

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I'm struggling to see why..?
To stop the aliens from killing her?

I'm lost, mate. How does me revealing that information make life trickier for Scully?

Because you could protect her once she's roleclaimed, I think.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

I still can. At least now she knows there's a Mannequin Maker to protect her.

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Curiosity wrote:
Any of the townsfolk (non Mafia, FBI, Alien) can receive a message from BA. So the Cop, Mannequin Artist or Photographer would be able to receive psychic info. As they are townies.

Fair enough. Faith in Grim... restored, at least for now.


Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
I'm lost, mate. How does me revealing that information make life trickier for Scully?
Because you are probably going to get killed tonight, which means our most important role, Scully, cannot be protected overnight.

If we're lucky, the FBI agents have already identified an alien or two (three would be way to much to hope for). If so, Scully might now have more targets than she has time to kill them, and thus might have to do a roleclaim to reveal the information and get the aliens lynched. As such, keeping her alive the night after her roleclaim might have been very useful, so we could lynch one alien and she could kill another.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
I still can. At least now she knows there's a Mannequin Maker to protect her.

But the baddies know who you are and can kill you, so she's stuffed again after tonight.

If you'd kept quiet and she'd roleclaimed, she coudl go on a klilling spree and be protected by you.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I'm lost, mate. How does me revealing that information make life trickier for Scully?
Because you are probably going to get killed tonight, which means our most important role, Scully, cannot be protected overnight.

I can protect her tonight, I think, as the order is on my side.

Author:  myp [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Mr Chris wrote:
If you'd kept quiet and she'd roleclaimed, she coudl go on a klilling spree and be protected by you.

The problem is that we didn't know if there was a Mannequin Maker or not, so a roleclaim by Scully could've been suicide.

Ho hum.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Mr Chris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I still can. At least now she knows there's a Mannequin Maker to protect her.

If you'd kept quiet and she'd roleclaimed, she coudl go on a klilling spree and be protected by you.

Yeah, but again, she didn't know that I existed.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I still can. At least now she knows there's a Mannequin Maker to protect her.

If you'd kept quiet and she'd roleclaimed, she coudl go on a klilling spree and be protected by you.

Yeah, but again, she didn't know that I existed.

True, I guess.

Complicated, isn't it? I'll wait for Morte to turn up but I'm minded to believe you.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
Yeah, but again, she didn't know that I existed.
Until you spoke up, there might have been a Mannequin Maker. Now you have, there definitely won't be!

If you're telling the truth of course. I suspect you are.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Anyone not voting for Morte is making my suspicion-meter go off the scale at the moment.

Author:  Cras [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
Anyone not voting for Morte is making my suspicion-meter go off the scale at the moment.

Don't be silly. We don't lose a thing by waiting for some rebuttals.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Grim... wrote:
Anyone not voting for Morte is making my suspicion-meter go off the scale at the moment.

Hang on chap - you cna't expect everyone to just believe you in a game like this. EVeryone woudl be right to be wary unti lMOrte's turned up and explained his side.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien Scum - Day Four

Mr Chris wrote:
I'll wait for Morte to turn up but I'm minded to believe you.

There is no reason to. This is one one good advantage we've had all game, and possible will be the only one. There's no need to give the bad chaps time to communicate or spread doubt today. Get one of them dead.

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