Be Excellent To Each Other

Cylon Scum 3: Flies
Page 6 of 7

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

"your here"?


Author:  LaceSensor [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 22:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Well seeing as the Psycho is outed, Im guessing that means that the sexy cylon will try to court them tonight, preventing them from targetting a Cylon. The other option is that the psycho is allowed to do his/her bidding based on a vote in here, which would be a risk for the Cylons.
im assuming here that the group elect a person for knife based murder that isnt a Cylon. the Cylons might allow this, but it is a risk, as the Psycho could change their mind..

Either way, facts remain, the psycho cares mostly for chaos, and wants to be on the ship. They dont care who they kill.
The military need to get rid of the Psycho for our win conditions.

Its gotta be vote Zeppo really I dont see a viable alternative (today that is...theres plenty to deliberate over tommorow of course).

Author:  Mr Dom [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

I'm willing to trust the psycho for a night, hopefully to get an extra cylon down, or free up our investimigator.

All I can say is that based on who is left, we have:

almost definately GOOD: (roleclaimed, or given speciality with corroborating early hints):
Mr Dom
Mr Kissyfur
Mr Dave

I'm kind of now convinced of:

Confirmed bad guy:

that ONLY leaves:
Doctor Glyndwr
Mr Russell

who have (a) not professed any sort of innocence, and (b) mostly were happy to pile on LS.
Now, by a process of elimination, that last group of 4 is very definately chokka full of cylons, possibly all 4 of them. Maybe 1 is innocent. Either way, I really can't see any other way this can go from here.

Author:  zaphod79 [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 22:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

[i] Mr Dave (possibly under the influence of things) has posted in the wrong thread here :


Can a mod try and move this back in here and lock out the old thread ?

Author:  Mr Dom [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 23:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

PS, my 'proof' that LS isn't a cylon, and is probably telling the truth:

With reference to my nice color-coded list above, the previous vote state was:

zeppo: 1 (Squirt)
joans: 4 (Curiosity, LaceSensor, Mr Kissyfur, Malc)
lacesensor: 6 (Doctor Glyndwr, Mr Dave, Zeppo, Mr Russell, Joans, Zaphod64)

Now that to me looks very much like LS is not on the same team as the red guys, hence he is not a cylon.
THIS was why I threw a wobbly at that point and said LS was not one :)

*smug mode on*

(Malc is either not a cylon, or possibly is trying to avoid the block vote shenanigans, but I reckon 4 cylons is a good number, so they are all guilty)

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Has Mr Dave been at the emergency rum rations?

Author:  Joans [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

zaphod79 wrote:
Joans wrote:
Still not really sure why me? It started out as being because I was too quiet, but because I "rushed to defend myself" (or, maybe I just actually got a chance to post), I'm guilty of talking too much.
Why is nobody suspicious of the other quiet people?

Partly because none of them turn up to defend themselves when they are called.

You've done that a few times today , almost as if your Cylon buddies are suggesting you put your face in view

I remember your earlier post today said you would not really be around for the next few days and when things look as if they might turn to you again your here ?

Er, it's still the same day and I said I wouldn't be around for the next few days.
In fact that's it now, I'm going to bed now, enjoy the rest of the game.

Author:  MrChris [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 23:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies



Author:  zaphod79 [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Kissyfur wrote:


Mr Dave has had it all - he's wandering round past games looking for clues :-)

Author:  Malc [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 23:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

I appear to be the odd one out there...

I don't think anyone thinks that Lace is a cylon. not since zeppo's role claim, I also said from the start that I didn't think he was one.

I don't know about Joans, he's being his usual quiet self, but he has popped up a few times to defend himself. Although I know in the past similar things have happened to me, and it's been because I was feeling sick, or gathering wood, or hunting for food or whatever.

I'm happy to stay with Joans for now, but I might be able to be persuaded to jump to Zeppo if the consensus is it's better to get rid of the known threat rather than risk targetting someone we don't know for certain.


Author:  zaphod79 [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 23:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Joans wrote:
Er, it's still the same day and I said I wouldn't be around for the next few days.
In fact that's it now, I'm going to bed now, enjoy the rest of the game.

If that's in character and an attempt to try and coax some sympathy for you well done.

If its not I'm really sorry you feel that way - please don't take it like that its just a game (besides who else are we going to get to fix the fan inside Sweet Chariot and stress test the electrics ?)

Author:  kalmar [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 0:11 ]
Post subject:  Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Dave wrote:
I may have missed something, but is there a good reason why I shouldn't [vote: Kalmar]



Also, hello!

Author:  Grim... [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 0:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Kissyfur wrote:

Note: You have voted for no-one. Did you mean to vote for Mr[space]Dave?
LaceSensor wrote:
it would be good to know which kill action came first, psycho or cylon

Both kill actions happen together. If a Cylon kills a psycho and the psycho kills the same Cylon, then both will die, assuming none of them are roleblocked.

Drunken GM note: Fix the fucking ship, idiots!

Author:  Grim... [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 0:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Gaywood finds a note, blowing in the wind near the edge of the complex.

Gazchap wrote:
I'm probably going to be voted off today, simply for pressing Bobbyaro as much as I did. 'twas a mistake, certainly. But, nevertheless, everything I said was true.

This whole situation is beginning to take it's toll on me, so I shall be heading off for a walk, to clear my head. As such, I won't be about to talk or fend off accusations, but don't read anything into this, I'm simply not around.

To recap, I'm a scientist specialising in meteorology. There is no plant theme connecting our specialties together.

I shan't be voting, as any vote would require me to see what happened overnight and I plan to have left the ship before you lot are even awake. I'll be back though, even if just to find out I've been kicked out, at which point I'll gather my belongings and bid you adieu.

Turns out he won't be back after all.

Author:  Mr Dave [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 0:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Grim... wrote:
Drunken GM note: Fix the fucking ship, idiots![/i]

I'm a plant psychiatrist, not a rocket scientist!

Author:  Mr Russell [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 0:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

What the fuck?!
Zeppo is the psycho! Are you allowed to even do that for your win condition?

[vote:unvote] on lacesensor with a hundred apologies. Mr Dom appears to be talking the most sense at the minute with the colour coded charts. Obviously you can't be sure, but leave me out the group of cyclons for the minute, then should we leave Zeppo alive overnight?

I'm basically asking who I should vote for now.

Author:  LaceSensor [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Im going to run some diagnostics on the trim characteristics of the Sweet Chariot.

If anyone needs me ill be on flight deck til around coffee time. Note to all - the refreshments trolley is now working, so we can make brews (no need to thank me).

Author:  Cras [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Dave, your unvote hasn't counted, because you spelt it wrong.

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

[vote:Mr Dave]

Author:  Zeppo [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

I'm going to see if there aren't some non-essential systems that can be butchered to repair the structural damage to the ship. [vote:unvote]

Author:  Curiosity [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Whatever we do, don't get rid of the psycho. If nothing else, it forces the colons to use their kill action on him, and not on us.

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

[vote: Curiosity]

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Wait, hang on!

[vote: unvote]

Author:  zaphod79 [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Curiosity wrote:
Whatever we do, don't get rid of the psycho. If nothing else, it forces the colons to use their kill action on him, and not on us.

If we dont off the Psycho then the Cylons can either :

1) Let them run loose (unlikely because they might hit a Cylon)
2) Block them (Possibly but it does mean they cant block the investigator tonight)
3) Kill them (likely)
4) Block *and* kill them , wasting two actions but the safest for the Cylons

Because of this I think leaving them around for today at least is a good thing - so we need to go for one of the others and to me its either Joans or the Doc.

And WTF are you doing Mr Chris - you said Curio was checked out and good and your voting for him ?

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

zaphod79 wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Whatever we do, don't get rid of the psycho. If nothing else, it forces the colons to use their kill action on him, and not on us.

If we dont off the Psycho then the Cylons can either :

1) Let them run loose (unlikely because they might hit a Cylon)
2) Block them (Possibly but it does mean they cant block the investigator tonight)
3) Kill them (likely)
4) Block *and* kill them , wasting two actions but the safest for the Cylons

Because of this I think leaving them around for today at least is a good thing - so we need to go for one of the others and to me its either Joans or the Doc.

And WTF are you doing Mr Chris - you said Curio was checked out and good and your voting for him ?

Messing about.

Frankly I'm lost. Zeppo's roleclaims have thrown me, and I have no idea who to vote for. Maybe Mr Russell? I like Mr Dom's little lists.

Author:  Grim... [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

It takes some bodging, but you seal the hole in Sweet Chariot's roof. A trial run of the engines reveals that one of them doesn't fire, however. Also, the door won't stay closed.

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Screw it - [Vote: Mr Russell]

He's been quiet, shifty, and he's on the wrong lists.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Can we use Zeppo to seal the hole?

Or the remains of Beetroot?

Author:  Mr Dom [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

zaphod79 wrote:
And WTF are you doing Mr Chris - you said Curio was checked out and good and your voting for him ?

I think the pressure is starting to tell.
If only we had some sort of psychologist among us...

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Dom wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
And WTF are you doing Mr Chris - you said Curio was checked out and good and your voting for him ?

I think the pressure is starting to tell.
If only we had some sort of psychologist among us...

I'm not a plant!

Author:  Mr Dom [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Mr Dom wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
And WTF are you doing Mr Chris - you said Curio was checked out and good and your voting for him ?

I think the pressure is starting to tell.
If only we had some sort of psychologist among us...

I'm not a plant!

Ah, but as a plant scientist, you are halfway there.

Author:  Mr Dave [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Grim... wrote:
It takes some bodging, but you seal the hole in Sweet Chariot's roof. A trial run of the engines reveals that one of them doesn't fire, however. Also, the door won't stay closed.


[Psycho-analyze: Sweet chariot]

Author:  Mr Dave [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Oh, and [vote: unvote]

Author:  zaphod79 [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Okay current voting

Cylon Scum 3: Flies

mr russell: 1 (Mr Kissyfur)
lacesensor: 1 (Doctor Glyndwr)
zeppo: 2 (LaceSensor, Squirt)
joans: 3 (Curiosity, Malc, Mr Dom)

Not voted: 6 (joans, kalmar, mr dave, mr russell, zaphod79, zeppo)

With 13 players alive, 7 votes are required for a lynch, and 10 nolynch votes are required to not lynch anybody.

From what I can see our options at the moment are :

Vote for Zeppo as the psycho he's not a good person to have around , is just as likely to kill a human as a Cylon overnight and will need to die at some time

Vote for Joans , he's hardly participated - had popped in at unusual times to defend himself - and has said he'll not be around to participate for a while from now.

Vote for A.N. Other

I dont know about the others - right now I think leaving the Psycho 'forces' the Cylons to take him out , and Joans is more suspect to me than Mr Russell so

[vote: joans]

Author:  Mr Dom [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

*figures that the door must be not too dissimilar to the waterproof wing casings of the Aerilon Flying Water Beetle, and has a look to see what's stopping the door from closing*

Author:  Grim... [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

It's a leaking hydraulic pipe on the locks. You fix that quite easily.

Author:  Curiosity [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

This is where having an investigator alive pays off. The colons either have to let Chris look at someone, or let the psycho kill someone.

Chris and Zeppo, whichever of you gets the chance, use it well!

Author:  Mr Dave [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Curiosity wrote:
This is where having an investigator alive pays off. The colons either have to let Chris look at someone, or let the psycho kill someone.

Chris and Zeppo, whichever of you gets the chance, use it well!

Well, no. They have 2 actions, which matches 2 people, and I get the feeling that Mr Chris is going to be disappointed with his super sexy fun times toonight.

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Dave wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
This is where having an investigator alive pays off. The colons either have to let Chris look at someone, or let the psycho kill someone.

Chris and Zeppo, whichever of you gets the chance, use it well!

Well, no. They have 2 actions, which matches 2 people, and I get the feeling that Mr Chris is going to be disappointed with his super sexy fun times toonight.

Oh, baby, I thought you loved me? *sob*

Author:  zaphod79 [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Dave wrote:
Well, no. They have 2 actions, which matches 2 people, and I get the feeling that Mr Chris is going to be disappointed with his super sexy fun times toonight.

Hmmm , so you think they will leave the psycho and block him , but kill Mr Chris ?

If so remember we may have *another* investigator who'll have another night and chance to find a Cylon ?

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

zaphod79 wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Well, no. They have 2 actions, which matches 2 people, and I get the feeling that Mr Chris is going to be disappointed with his super sexy fun times toonight.

Hmmm , so you think they will leave the psycho and block him , but kill Mr Chris ?

I'd be killing the psycho and blocking me, myself, as he's far more of a threat.

If so remember we may have *another* investigator who'll have another night and chance to find a Cylon ?

Yup, it's a possibility.

Author:  Mr Dave [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

zaphod79 wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Well, no. They have 2 actions, which matches 2 people, and I get the feeling that Mr Chris is going to be disappointed with his super sexy fun times toonight.

Hmmm , so you think they will leave the psycho and block him , but kill Mr Chris ?

Can you think of anything else that would leave both deactivated?
Can you also think of why it might be really rather beneficial for the humans?

If so remember we may have *another* investigator who'll have another night and chance to find a Cylon ?


I wouldn't rely on it though.

Author:  zaphod79 [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I'd be killing the psycho and blocking me, myself, as he's far more of a threat.

But that means the Psycho gets to kill , as both kills happen at the same time - so they run the risk of losing a Cylon overnight.

I think Mr Dave is correct and its the end for you :-(

If you want to say your goodbyes now ....

Author:  Mr Dom [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Well.. we have a slim chance...

.. I hate to say this Mr Chris, but I am 95% sure your nighttime visits were from one of these:

Doctor Glyndwr
Mr Russell

If we pick right, then you might live :)

Author:  zaphod79 [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Dom wrote:
Well.. we have a slim chance...

.. I hate to say this Mr Chris, but I am 95% sure your nighttime visits were from one of these:

Doctor Glyndwr
Mr Russell

If we pick right, then you might live :)

Hmmm Mr Chris

Doctor Glyndwr

Was your night time guest small and welsh - and did her beard leave you with friction burns ?


Did your night time guest spend a lot of time working on ceiling fan , and complaining about the electricity supply on board the ship ?


Did your night time guest end each sentence / paragraph by saying 'malc' ?

Mr Russell

In the throws of passion did your night time guest ask you to call them the "Mafia Don" ?

Author:  Mr Dom [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

zaphod79 wrote:

Did your night time guest end each sentence / paragraph by saying 'malc' ?


Umm.. anyone got any mind-bleach?

Author:  Mr Dom [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

PS: I think it's only fair that Mr Chris gets to make the choice for his life!

Author:  Mr Dave [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

It is a point: Hit the sexy lady tonight and things take a whole new face.

Author:  Malc [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Mr Dom wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:

Did your night time guest end each sentence / paragraph by saying 'malc' ?


Umm.. anyone got any mind-bleach?

Heh, I almost wish I was the sexy role blocker...


Author:  Curiosity [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cylon Scum 3: Flies

Go on then Chris. I'll vote for whoever you think is the colon woman.

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