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 Post subject: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:59 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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The world is in chaos, wars are everywhere, even Paul McCartney is having no luck calming the situation with a game of footy…

The UN gets together to talk things through, but the situation is so incendiary, that everyone has come in disguise!
We must stop this madness, anybody who can't be trusted will have to be voted off the council and play no more part in any UN decisions...

General Rules
1) Country leaders are in charge and ultimately make the decisions.
2) If a leader of a country is voted out or killed, he will be replaced by another member of the country, decided by the country.
3) Countries members can only privately communicate amongst themselves, apart from the Swiss, as they are all sitting in their bunkers, on their stacks of gold, holding their rifles, and individually won't talk to anyone.


President (1)
Cabinet members (0-2)

YEEHAH! We gon kill us some A-rabs!

Win condition : Destroy the Infidels!

Actions (1 per night)
Invade : Will kill the member targeted, can be done by any american or any british
Fix Vote : The voting for the next day will be fixed, if a conclusion is reached the member in second place will be voted off the council, if there is a tie, the decision will be made at random. (can only be used once)

Prime Minister(1)
MPs (0-2)

Alrighty there guv'na, toodle pip, what what.

Does whatever the Americans tell them, until the Americans are dead, then can do their own bidding. They will be told if the Americans want them to do anything, and can decide themselves who will take the action.

Win condition : Destroy the Infidels!

Actions (only available when americans are dead)
Invade : Will kill the member targeted.


Osama-a-like (1)
Fanatics (0-2)

"Unbelievers of the wicked west… wait… Is this thing on?"
"how many times… it's the red button… no the RED button"
"Just press it, I don't care if you think you already have, press it… now… PRESS. IT!"

Win condition : Destroy the Warmongerers!

Actions (1 per night)
Assassinate : Will kill the member targeted.
IED : Will kill any member that targets them (can only be used once)

Gadaffi (1)
Lieutenants (0-2)

Nothing to see here, move along, all is fine, no fighting here, yup, all good, heh...

Win condition : Be the last ones standing!

Assassinate : Will kill the member targeted.


Federal Aides (0-2)

Ve will have no fighingz here, UNDERSTANDZ!

Win condition : Expel all Infidels and Warmongerers from the UN

Actions (1 per night)
Investigate : Will find out the primary win condition of the member targeted, and will expose and defuse any IEDs
Defend : Will roleblock any action performed on and by a member

Prime Minister(1)

Oh… hi guysh… take a seat yeah, gimme a moment, i put my pipe down on thish unicorn andsh now i cants find it…

Win condition : Expel all Infidels and Warmongerers from the UN

Shmoke : Letsh get high, baby! Will roleblock any action performed by a targeted member, but not any action performed on them.


President (1)
Councillors (0-2)

I farts in your gen-e-ral directionne, monsieur!

France will become a member state of the first country that attacks the French President, and that attack will fail, be it an invasion or assassination. France takes on the attacking countries win condition and can communicate with the country members. France as a country no longer exists.

Win condition : Stay alive

Run : Will roleblock any action taken on any French player (can only be used once)


Councillors (0-?)

Gold? Check.
Gun? Check.
Bunker? Check.
Smug sense of superiority? Check.

Win condition : Expel all Infidels and Warmongerers from the UN

Action Order
Vote fix - Roleblocks - Investigating - Kill

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 13:47 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Just to make things expressly clear at the start.

Communications of actions to the town and individuals:
Invade: Individuals will not be told, the town will obviously find out the next morning.
Fix vote: Nobody will be told, but it should be pretty obvious the next day if it was successful!
Assassinate: Individuals will not be told, the town will obviously find out the next morning.
IED: Individuals will not be told, the town will obviously find out the next morning if the IED was successful.
Investigate : Investigator will be told if there was an IED and the win condition, the investigated will not be told.
Defend : The defended will be told they have been defended.
Shmoke: The smoker will know they got high.
Run : attackers against the runner will not be told why their attack failed
Roleblocks in general : the attacker will not know why their action failed.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 16:53 
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You do not need the apostrophe in the win condition where it says "one's".


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 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 16:57 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Curiosity wrote:
You do not need the apostrophe in the win condition where it says "one's".


If that's the only mistake I made, then yay! :D

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 17:28 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Oh, and I should mention, all countries essentially work as if they are mafia, i.e. one leader who can choose who to do the action, or do it themselves.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:47 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

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Osama was a Saudi, not an Afghan.


Will the schmoke prevent a player being killed by an IED?

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:27 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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sinister agent wrote:
Osama was a Saudi, not an Afghan.



sinister agent wrote:
Will the schmoke prevent a player being killed by an IED?

Yes, as you need to target someone to be killed by the IED, schmoke will stop that player targeting anyone with anything.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:40 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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For the sake of making it a winnable game by the non aggressors, if a member gets killed, then that won't affect their win condition so

Expel all Infidels and Warmongerers from the UN

Should really be

Ensure that there are no Infidels or Warmongerers left in the UN

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 14:30 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

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Trooper wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
Osama was a Saudi, not an Afghan.



sinister agent wrote:
Will the schmoke prevent a player being killed by an IED?

Yes, as you need to target someone to be killed by the IED, schmoke will stop that player targeting anyone with anything.

I may have asked the wrong thing, for I am a fool. What about the other way round? Can the schmoke target deploy an IED? If not, do they get to use it another time instead?

Not likely to happen, but still.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 14:35 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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sinister agent wrote:
I may have asked the wrong thing, for I am a fool. What about the other way round? Can the schmoke target deploy an IED? If not, do they get to use it another time instead?

Not likely to happen, but still.

Ah, that makes more sense :D

The Shmoke target cannot deploy an IED for they are roleblocked from performing any actions, they will be able to use it again.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 14:41 
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Well, this seems less complicated than ScumWars.

I think. ;)


 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 14:54 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Some additional comments and clarifications as re-reading and thinking has brought some questions to mind.

To make it easier to understand, the countries all basically act like their own individual mafia, except for the Swiss, who are the townies of the game.

Because the win conditions overlap somewhat, win conditions can only be met by live or participating members, anyone who is dead or voted off before they have met their win condition automatically loses, regardless of how the game continues...

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 15:48 
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Trooper wrote:
the countries all basically act like their own individual mafia, except for the Swiss, who are the townies of the game.

They are, however, allied with the Dutch and Germans.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 15:51 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Craster wrote:
Trooper wrote:
the countries all basically act like their own individual mafia, except for the Swiss, who are the townies of the game.

They are, however, allied with the Dutch and Germans.

True, but much in the same way the townies are allied with the doc in a traditional game.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 15:57 
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Trooper wrote:
Because the win conditions overlap somewhat, win conditions can only be met by live or participating members, anyone who is dead or voted off before they have met their win condition automatically loses, regardless of how the game continues...

This seems a bit off. In normal games the Townies and their allies live and die by having enough numbers to have the herd thinned, but gain info as this happens, and they win or lose as one. Having the Townies hold no allegiance to one another means they are not, in fact, a real team.

Ditto the various factions - the various team-mates are in some way opposed to one another. If a faction chap voted for another faction chap to 'maintain cover', the person 'on the block' might as well expose his 'team-mate' as being in a faction, causing them to be attacked instead, since 'taking one for the team' would not benefit them.

I feel I have overused 'these'.

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 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 17:07 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Curiosity wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Because the win conditions overlap somewhat, win conditions can only be met by live or participating members, anyone who is dead or voted off before they have met their win condition automatically loses, regardless of how the game continues...

This seems a bit off. In normal games the Townies and their allies live and die by having enough numbers to have the herd thinned, but gain info as this happens, and they win or lose as one. Having the Townies hold no allegiance to one another means they are not, in fact, a real team.

Ditto the various factions - the various team-mates are in some way opposed to one another. If a faction chap voted for another faction chap to 'maintain cover', the person 'on the block' might as well expose his 'team-mate' as being in a faction, causing them to be attacked instead, since 'taking one for the team' would not benefit them.

I feel I have overused 'these'.

Hmmm... it's either that or have the Americans/British/Afghans win if the Dutch/Germans or Swiss win, which doesn't seem fair, but maybe that's the way it should be.
I'm open to suggestions, it's early enough in the game for the win conditions to not matter too much at the moment, so I think they can be adjusted.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 17:12 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Trooper wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Because the win conditions overlap somewhat, win conditions can only be met by live or participating members, anyone who is dead or voted off before they have met their win condition automatically loses, regardless of how the game continues...

This seems a bit off. In normal games the Townies and their allies live and die by having enough numbers to have the herd thinned, but gain info as this happens, and they win or lose as one. Having the Townies hold no allegiance to one another means they are not, in fact, a real team.

Ditto the various factions - the various team-mates are in some way opposed to one another. If a faction chap voted for another faction chap to 'maintain cover', the person 'on the block' might as well expose his 'team-mate' as being in a faction, causing them to be attacked instead, since 'taking one for the team' would not benefit them.

I feel I have overused 'these'.

Hmmm... it's either that or have the Americans/British/Afghans win if the Dutch/Germans or Swiss win, which doesn't seem fair, but maybe that's the way it should be.
I'm open to suggestions, it's early enough in the game for the win conditions to not matter too much at the moment, so I think they can be adjusted.

Fuck it, win conditions stay as they are, ignore the comment about only being met by surviving members, if you meet your win condition you win regardless.
However, a win if you are still alive and in the UN will take precedent over a win if you are dead or voted out.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 23:24 
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Just have "British/Yanks win if the infidels are evicted andthere are any Warmongers left in at the end".

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:45 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Craster wrote:
Just have "British/Yanks win if the infidels are evicted andthere are any Warmongers left in at the end".

But that leaves me with the same problem as before, it then become less about the warmongerers hunting out the infidels and more about them being against everyone, which wasn't the intention.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:53 
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Warmongerers/Infidels outlast their opposite faction by X turns? Or get X kills?

It's a tricky one.

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 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 13:15 
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I know you all ribbed me for running short days but I reckon 37.5 hrs is a bit long during the week.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 13:23 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Personally, I think the evening finishes are playing havoc with the game, even though the majority voted for it, no bugger seems to want to talk during the day as there is no pressure, and no bugger is talking in the evening either...

I think there has to be both a daytime and an evening in each "day", and I think lunchtime finishes work better as ironically people have more time to post then they are at work, in the main :D

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 13:25 
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DavPaz wrote:
I heavily dislike a 10pm finish, btw. But if that is what's most wanted, then so be it.

*throws toys*

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 13:26 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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DavPaz wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I heavily dislike a 10pm finish, btw. But if that is what's most wanted, then so be it.

*throws toys*

I'm aware of that post, mr minority.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 13:28 
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Trooper wrote:
I'm aware of that post, mr minority.


 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 13:30 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Stop posting in this thread and start posting in the game thread anyway!

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:24 
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Isn't that lovely?

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Day 5, says that Joans has posted the last post, but when I go to page 2 of day 5 it says the last post is mine! What's going on?


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:26 
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Malc wrote:
Day 5, says that Joans has posted the last post, but when I go to page 2 of day 5 it says the last post is mine! What's going on?


See my comments in the day thread, I posted and it vanished.

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:43 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Very weird, I can categorically state that I had nothing to do with it!

 Post subject: Re: UNScum rules and discussion thread
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 16:10 
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Probably those moderator spies.

*narrows eyes*


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