I'm with Alliance and Leicester and they charge 90 quid a year for permission to rent the flat out. Don't know if it is different because we are overseas, or because we were lucky to have taken out the mortgage with a pretty good deposit. They seemed more than happy to let us rent it though, it was quite simple.
I can't say I enjoy being a landlord though, even if I have a really really good tenant. If margins were really thin (or I wanted to live in the UK and needed the flat, or the deposit) I simply wouldn't bother.
Bamba wrote:
So does mine, but rather than pay them £500 a year for fuck all I've just forwarded my mail to my girlfriend's house and rented it out anyway. It's not like they'll ever come round to check and it's not like I'd be paying them money for anything so they can fuck right off.
I heard somewhere that mortgage companies could be alerted if the names used on utility accounts for the property are changed frequently (indicating tenant turnover). I don't know if this is true, and am now questioning if utility providers would or could even give that sort of info to mortgage companies.