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 Post subject: Quiz/puzzle games
PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 15:24 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

Joined: 27th Mar, 2008
Posts: 26313
Hi folks,

I was wondering if anyone could clue me in on any quiz (specifically trivia/general knowledge type quiz) type games, or puzzle games on the DS.

Anything like crossword puzzle type games are also OK.

We have the (most excellent) Layton games, but I don't think there is anything comparable to them, is there? If there is, please do clue me in. Stylus use (rather than buttons) is preferable, but no essential.


 Post subject: Re: Quiz/puzzle games
PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 15:57 
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The DS port of Broken Sword is pretty good, if you've not played it before. It's a fairly traditional point and clicker, with puzzles scattered in it. Not really exactly what you're after, but the first thing to pop into my head.

 Post subject: Re: Quiz/puzzle games
PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 16:17 
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Bad Girl

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I think if you go into Game and look in the 2nd hand section, you'll usually find one of those "4 games in 1" type things. They always seem to be in there. I tried one with crossword, word search, sudoku and something else. It was dire, but I'm sure if you can find the energy, you could rinse some fun out of it.

 Post subject: Re: Quiz/puzzle games
PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:22 
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Honey Boo Boo

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LewieP wrote:
The DS port of Broken Sword is pretty good, if you've not played it before. It's a fairly traditional point and clicker, with puzzles scattered in it. Not really exactly what you're after, but the first thing to pop into my head.

Alas you have point and click adventuring interrupted by stupid sliding tile logic puzzles. One or the other, please. The same problem blights the otherwise enjoyable Secret Files: Tunguska.

 Post subject: Re: Quiz/puzzle games
PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:46 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Posts: 26313
Ian Fairies wrote:
It was dire, but I'm sure if you can find the energy, you could rinse some fun out of it.

Not sounding like the best review, there. :DD


 Post subject: Re: Quiz/puzzle games
PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 13:41 
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Comfortably Dumb

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I think there are a couple of Crossword puzzle games on the DS - one from the New York Times and one from the Sun. Haven't tried either though yet.

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