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 Post subject: Bass-enhancing ear/head-phones
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 0:14 
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Excellent Excellente

Joined: 1st Apr, 2008
Posts: 426
Basically, I'm led to believe that such a pair is the answer for me at the moment when it comes to listening to music off, say, a PSP.

If I'm correct on this one a PSP has no way of enhancing the bass like most MP3 players are capable of doing, meaning I still struggle to hear certain musical delights amidst a cacophony of train-and-bus-commuting noise. This annoys me greatly as you can tell.

Ideally I'm looking for a pair that give out the best quality and yet offer the cheapest asking price possible, natch. Can you BETEOers come up with any suggestions?

Cheers and thank you.

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