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 Post subject: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 20:19 
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I searched on Firefox, but couldn't find the thread where people mentioned the 'fox crashing. So here's a new one. I don't know what you bastards did, but for the last few days my Firefox has been a bag of wank. It used to be so stable and now it crashes all the time. Most irksome was just now, when it crashed long enough for me to miss out on the 7" of Imogen Heap's 'Hide and Seek'; easily one of the best singles this decade.

Fucked up.


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 20:23 
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lazy eye patch

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As a quick-and-easy alternative solution sir, maybe try downloading the Firefox 3 Beta 5? It doesn't replace or overwrite your Firefox 2 installation; I've read good things about it being better for performance. I've got it installed, but haven't had time to properly use it yet.

I would try doing this now, and you can still follow what other advice comes :)


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 21:50 
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Song Wars 08/09 Champion

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Or just use Opera, which is quicker, smaller, and has far more features than Firefox.

I now officially declare BETEO browser wars...OPEN!


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 21:56 
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Opera for the WIN!!

I switched to it from IE years ago, but after the massive amounts of fuss over Firefox trialled it for a fortnight. I did not allow myself to use anything but Firefox for those two weeks, and it was really awful.

I spent hours downloading extensions and plugins just to get it to do a similar job to what Opera already does out of the box.

The only problem is that Opera has too much stuff now, so when I've recommended it to friends it comes over as overwhelming to them.

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 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 17:17 
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Opera on the sounding impressive tip. Does it allow for Mario Bros 3 skins though?


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 17:25 
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I would never run Opera as I would have to give up my lovely lovely plugins, e.g. the peerless Web Developer toolbar, BugMeNot, Flashblock, and many more. It is true that somewhere in the header files of Firefox2 is GOBBLE_ALL_RAM=TRUE which sucks hard, even on this machine I'm on now (4Gb RAM, fact fans). However I run Firefox3 at home and it is much improved, both in terms of memory footprint and UI snappiness.

 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 17:27 
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lazy eye patch

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Yeah, similarly, the 'Firebug' toolbar for Firefox is an awesome Javascript debugging tool that I really can't do without.

That said, at work we do huge business in the orient (especially Japan), and I have heard before that Opera is the most popular browser there. Dunno how true that is, I'm just fucking delighted that our "IE6 is the main platform, everything else doesn't matter so much" policy has finally been reversed after months of long e-mails from me ;)

If Opera can be devved up to the nines, I'd be definitely interested.


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 17:29 
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CUS wrote:
That said, at work we do huge business in the orient (especially Japan), and I have heard before that Opera is the most popular browser there. Dunno how true that is, I'm just fucking delighted that our "IE6 is the main platform, everything else doesn't matter so much" policy has finally been reversed after months of long e-mails from me ;)
Bloody hell. Are you, in fact, me?

 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 17:31 
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lazy eye patch

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If it means I get to have your surname - yes. Yes, I am actually you.


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 18:04 
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I don't know about the developers toolbars - you'd certainly have to download them from one of the Opera Wikis, but all the adblocking and flashblocking stuff is already built in. You just right click stuff on a site and block it, either on that site only, or everywhere.

And Opera is fully customiseable. You want your refresh button down on the status bar? Just drag and drop it there.

Hmm, actually, I jsut googled for debugging javascript in Opera, and it looks like some of that''s built in as well ( ... s-with-op/) but obviously you'd know if that was useful for yourself or not. I cannot comment.

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 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 18:08 
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lazy eye patch

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Mr Russ wrote:
Hmm, actually, I jsut googled for debugging javascript in Opera, and it looks like some of that''s built in as well ( ... s-with-op/) but obviously you'd know if that was useful for yourself or not. I cannot comment.

It is possible to use a special function to write customised messages to the JavaScript console: opera.postError(). This function is only available in Opera and is useful for debugging.

Obviously it is possible to add alert() statements to keep track of code execution. However, they interrupt the running script and delay the analysis because one has to click all those OK buttons. Also, if the script goes into a loop, you may not be able to shut Opera down due to the continuous alerts. Using opera.postError() and the JavaScript console allows faster and easier debugging.

Ooooo! Ta, Mr Russ!


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 22:01 
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Song Wars 08/09 Champion

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Cussy Wussy, you're after Opera Dragonfly.


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 0:38 
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lazy eye patch

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Ooo. This is all new to me. I shall deffo install Opera tomorrow and give it a good seeing to soon. That looks really useful.


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 0:40 
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Song Wars 08/09 Champion

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Make sure to ask if you have any questions or want something a certain way. As suggested earlier, Opera is a power tool, and has many many MANY options that aren't obvious. It can do all kinds of stuff too, such as IRC, email, newsgroups, bittorrent...


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 21:42 
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FEEDBACKER: At some point I will try out Opera but I am a coward so won't right now. Trying this FFox 3 bidneth and, though it's sans Mario 3 skin, it's rather pleasant.

Haven't figured out if it's got a hand in my current iTunes crashing though...


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 22:24 
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Sheepeh wrote:
[Opera] can do all kinds of stuff too, such as IRC, email, newsgroups, bittorrent...
Heh. "All applications grow until they can send email"... "except Microsoft Exchange".

 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 22:44 
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I can't say that I have a great deal of trouble with Firefox but I'm going to take a look at Opera anyway. Does it have full adblock capability? Can I grab youtube videos with it? Does it have cookie control options?

The Royal Mail Business account pages still seem to only work with Internet Explorer unhelpfully. Does it have an IE mode?


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 14:42 
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You can fool each site on a site by site basis, by either telling it you're Opera masquerading as Firefox or IE, or by completely pretending to be Firefox or IE. It's a subtle distinction, and one only really relevant to those who look through their referrer logs.

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 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 15:13 
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It's not that it says you can only use IE. It's just it uses some special applet or something that just won't run in anything other than IE. It's bad coding on their part. It's horrible to use but I have to make do. I can think of so many ways to make it better. Just like with the Aman Pro software which I'm desperately trying to find someone who is capable of making similar software but massively more user friendly. Aren't there any clever coders on here who can write software to interface with Amazon and want to make lots of money?


 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 16:17 
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Nirejhenge wrote:
It's not that it says you can only use IE. It's just it uses some special applet or something that just won't run in anything other than IE. It's bad coding on their part.
Sounds like an activex control in which case yeah, it'll be totally IE only. The closest you can get is IETab under Firefox.

 Post subject: Re: Stupid Firefox
PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 16:47 
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richardgaywood wrote:
Nirejhenge wrote:
It's not that it says you can only use IE. It's just it uses some special applet or something that just won't run in anything other than IE. It's bad coding on their part.
Sounds like an activex control in which case yeah, it'll be totally IE only. The closest you can get is IETab under Firefox.

Which is what I currently do. It's very annoying though.


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