Mankind has a history of looking to the stars and wondering if he is alone in the universe, if there are strange and wonderful life-forms out there, and better yet intelligences not dissimilar to his own. It is the natural way of things, no one likes to think of themselves as being alone.
Transformers 2 is the surest cure for that yearning. Why?
Because it posits that the only other intelligent life-form out there is a fucking annoying one with zero personality. If the administrators of SETI saw this film, I bet they'd be itching to pull the plug, just to be sure. Aliens haven't been this annoying since the wonderful pulp novel 'Martians Go Home', where indestructible green little men who look like Larry David teleport around and ruin the lives of all earth folk by pointing and laughing when they're having sex. The chief Decepticons, whilst working to destroy all other life forms at least have a sort of spark. The Autobots on the other hand are the most shallow, boring creatures I have ever encountered on film. If one of them isn't jawing on about destinies and leadership and protecting life, then the other is cracking jive talk or barking simple dimwitted commands. At one point Prime dies, and I was surprised to see the soldiers looking glum, personally I would have hi-fived.
As for humanity, if the radio waves eventually bear the foul fruit of Transformers 2 across the void to another advanced planet, I bet they'd be decommissioning their own exploratory efforts pronto on account of how humanity is represented here. The women are universally sluts. Really, without exception. The men are equally sex-obsessed meat-heads, venal or insane. Humanity hasn't looked this bad in a film since Nil by Mouth.
So that's the characters fucked and any real emotion investment with it. Now usually for a film I really hate I'd do a blow by blow run down of each scene, dripping with venom, but frankly its getting increasingly hard to discern what came when in this unholy mess. Let's look at this simple charge sheet against Michael Bay instead shall we?
Crime One: Comedy.
Michael Bay's sense of humour is quite possibly the most retarded it is possible to be without smearing faeces on faces, but even then at one point a robot basically pisses on a girl's face. (But she later turns out to be a Decepticon, so that's alright, right kids?) Did you like the comedy parents from the first film? I actually quite enjoyed the scenes between LaBeouf and them in the first film. It was hardly sophisticated, but it was lively and they were kinda likeable. In this film I'd like to take a lawnmower and strip the flesh from their faces to shut them the fuck up. They rabbit along almost in a fever, in shit quipping routines that don't make any sense. The wife is the worst, now represented as a materially obsessed woman who makes ho-ho hilariously inappropriate references to fucking. She deserves a bullet in the back of the head. The husband is little better, constantly whining and cracking wise. They're taking their son to college, and with this tiny fragment of plot comes around twenty fucking minutes of shite 'embarrassed by parents' comedy culminating in a scene where the mum gets high on space-brownies in a completely retarded way. Basically she's painted to be a sluttish moron, which is par for the course in Bay's world.
It's cringe inducing humour, and it doesn't get any better. Dogs hump each other, not once but twice. Everyone has verbal diarrhoea. People quip about any thing that fucking moves – well, I say quip, if you can call babbling when Deep Roy (as an Egyptian border officer!) approaches the car the words, “Be careful! Short people are angry!” Nearly every single line of supposed comedy is either a display of venal lust or alpha-male territorial aggression. Everybody is constantly pissing on each other's chips, belittling each other, bragging and calling one another a 'pussy'. (Man, do they use that word a lot in this film.) It's relentlessly obnoxious and not-fucking-funny.
So the comedy is shit. Now you may be saying, “But hey, Pete! I'm going to see this film for the cool explosions and robot-fighting, not comedy, relax man.” Fair enough, but consider this. Nearly almost everything not pertaining to explosions involves this terrible, terrible comedy. Not only groan inducing but own face-punch-inducing. And it goes on FOREVER. Most of the mid section of the film, a good hour that need not be there, revolves around this fucking awful comedy. It's shit, okay?
Two: Racism & Misogyny.
Bay is a racist and misogynistic arsehole. This used to not be a problem in his earlier films, indeed, reined in by Bruckheimer and other producers the stuff that slipped through the net was unintentionally hilarious and contributed to the Team America hi-jinks we all know and love. Sure it was a little troubling if you thought about it, but who'd be doing any thinking during a Bay film eh? Transformers 2 is so bad that the mind pretty much claws at the insides of the skull to escape, and wander – and the wandering mind inevitably falls upon what a racist douche-bag Michael Bay is. It starts off sort of funny, with Shia's irritating parents shown in Paris enjoying their holiday. Well, I say 'enjoying', they're still taking shit a mile a minute, and then – what's this? Oh ho! A French mime-artist pops up at their table and starts miming away. Papa Shia responds by alpha-male aggression. Fortunately explosions quickly happen which stop any further damage from being done.
Then we have the Egyptians. They have Deep Roy for a border officer, who squeals “Yankeeeees!” and inexplicably let our wacky heroes through. The US elite international strike force team have to be told before parachuting in that the villagers below are 'friendlies'. OF COURSE THEIR FUCKING FRIENDLIES, YOU CUNTS, SINCE WHEN WERE YOU AT WAR WITH EGYPT? Later battling with Decepticons they are pleased to find Jordanian reinforcements coming. In Egypt, just outside Cairo... yes, I know. Look at this point I was just hoping for things to be reversed and to get to see some cool humanity teams up and allies fight together stuff. I didn't get it. They approach in battered old helicopters and are all killed before they even get to land. They are not mentioned again.
Early in Shanghai a robot tears through a building. The wife dives for cover. A mere foot from metal death, venerable old Chinese man keeps comically eating his noodles in 'Ah-so' way. Fuck you, Michael Bay.
The robots. Jesus are the robots racist. The Decepticons have this little scientist robot who has big eyes behind spectacles, two buck-teeth and talks in Nipponesque gibberish. Then there's the two infamous 'Sambots', twins who speak in crass, snivelling worst-stereotype ghetto style. At this point I was fantasising about Bay getting skull-fucked by the cast of The Wire. One of them has a wonky great big gold tooth, both have rubber lips and crazy crack-eyes and neither can 'read too good' and both relentlessly go on about pussy and bitches and how others are pussies and bitches and how they'd like to get hold of some pussy and bitches AND YOUR FUCKING ROBOTS FROM OUT OF SPACE. Jesus. You're a machine intelligence that's travelled light years and you're this fucking shallow? You choose the worst denigrating stereotype around today to model yourself after? I wouldn't be so insulted if they didn't feature in the bulk of the film, jibber-jabbering away like crazy foo's for the majority of the run-time. At one gleeful point myself and Lord Rixondale, my partner in cinematic masochism, breathed a 'thank fuck' as one of them was eaten by a robot. Annoyingly, he not only survives but they defeat it, whilst calling it a pussy, natch.
I've already mentioned how women are sluts in Bay's world. I can't really expand on that at all. There's only three female characters. One is Shia's mum, she's a ditzy slut. Another is a female Decepticon who can disguise herself in flesh-form, which is an ability I wasn't aware they had – in fact, they just throw it into the mix and never reference to it again. Personally I'd have been seriously fucking paranoid, but no, I guess she's the only one who can do that. Anyway, she's a slut. But that's okay, because she gets beat by Megan Fox, Shia's steady-slut, who rams a car into her. Now Megan is easy on the eye. The early lingering shots on are breathtakingly audience-baitingly audacious in their soft-porn-for-mass-market-popcorn quality. She never appears without a layer of grease and glistening sweat upon her, without panda made-up eyes and short crop tops and short short shorts. But Bay doesn't know when to stop. He basically fucks her with the camera every time she's on screen. It reminds you of the great Bill Hicks “What are these titties gonna do?” “I dunno, jiggle?” Hollywood producer routine. And it gets... you know... creepy after a while. You can't help but picture Bay there rubbing his thighs again and again and again, drooling. She does almost precisely nothing in the film, by the way. The only thing she achieves is enslaves a little Steve Buscemi style Decepticon that has this slave/mistress thing going with her and humps her leg. She's only there for camera porn, which is great news to young pubescent males and less so for young girls hoping for a decent role model. Bad role-model, Megan! Bad!
She's a terrible actress by the way.
There's at least twenty minutes of Shia at college in this film. No really. All the women perceptible are sluts, all the men drooling over said sluts.
Three: Plot
There isn't one. Seriously. Stuff just happens and leads on to other stuff.
At one point the heroes go to the Smithsonian museum in Washington, they leave by the back door and they're in an aircraft graveyard seemingly in Arizona.
There's a rail gun that can solve everyone's problems and destroy with a second shot the apocalypse device. It is used once and then put away without explanation.
Everybody is as thick as pig-shit. The Decepticons could have destroyed the world's anti-robot shit in sneak attacks at will, as they know where it all is thanks to hacking into a satellite. Instead they wait to be attacked, every time. The Autobots... I can't even begin to describe how moronic they are. Can Optimus think of a plan that doesn't involve him sacrificing himself whilst leaving the Decepticons completely unbeaten? Apparently not.
Four: Script
When not territorially pissing on each other, or slobbering or belittling other cultures, the film offers up Autobots talking in a pompous, slow, exposition-ridden manner. Optimus doesn't know when to shut the fuck up. He's the most boring creation in the universe. He can't work that clanking great cake hole without the words 'destiny', 'lifeforms' or a sodding long history of the robot war chundering out. How Shia could ever get emotionally attached to this arsehole is anyone's guess. He does however contribute to one of the only two laughs in this film, both unintentional. Optimus is dead. A Chinook carries him in a net to the airfield, as upset marines gather round to sombrely watch their fallen comrade carried to be laid to rest on the tarmac as last taps plays. The Chinook with a shrug of its rotors drops him on the floor with a dull thud and flies off. It's hilarious. The other hilarious bit is where Shia goes to robot-heaven. It's stupid. He meets the original Primes there, and they jaw on like they do, and then one says, I kid you not, “All your life has been leading up to this moment Sam, it is your destiny.” I actually whimpered the word, “No!”
So yes, the entire script is shit. Obama is portrayed as a pussy by the way, 'cos Bay doesn't like Democrats as they don't fund all this cool military shit so much or start as many wars.
Five: Complete lack of tension
Curious thing! When you don't give a shit about any of the characters, you don't feel even remotely tense, or indeed interested in what's coming next. Amazing! The film offers dilemmas that would ordinarily have you a wee bit nervous, like Shia being caught by Megatron, or Optimus dying. (Well, not really, everyone keeps dying and being brought back to life once some crass emotion has been milked in this film – it's their shtick.) But you don't care, you only care about how slowly the minutes are ticking by. At one point an aircraft carrier gets sliced in half, alongside other attacks around the world. Breathless news reporters state that over 7,000 have died around the world in “the greatest attacks ever seen in history.” A little while later our heroes are in New York. No one seems to give a shit, even when Megatron has just been on TV announcing that aliens live among them and that's he going to fuck their shit up. Shia toddles off to the deli to meet John Turturro – no one else is even TALKING about the events of the day in the deli, instead their doing their territorial pissing. I want to physically attack this film with a crowbar. The one opportunity of some tense, oppressive, apocalypse-coming scene setting that will fuel the final third and they don't even bother.
Six: Underwhelming action
Yes. The big charge. If I go to see a film about robots hitting each other, I expect a good time. Naturally. But I don't get one. Not only is this film MORE visually confused than the first one, but it ups its game by throwing in a load of new robots and failing to introduce them. So you have no real idea who's a Decepticon and who's an Autobot in the final forty-five minute long fight. You just have a load of machines shooting at each other. Apart from a few slow-motion fisticuff moments you rapidly grow numb to the spectacle, because there's no invention, no cleverness, no use of anything beyond basic fists and pew-pewing. It's simple shooting and slugging in the main, with lunking great robots that tramp around. There's none of the grace of John Woo, none of the flair of Bay's earlier movies – it's just tedious pummelling. And again, I was so disassociated that by the time an aircraft carrier was cut in half I was even bored witnessing that. BORED BY AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER BEING CUT IN HALF. The explosions become too much, the whirl of metal on metal a dull grind. It's tedious. Your eyes begin to hurt. It's at least an hour too long. God, it's appalling.
It has become clear to me in writing this review that this film has passed both Miss Potter and The Day the Earth Stood Still remake in sheer awfulness. The previous two films at least had a few ideas, a couple of decent scenes, some good scenery in the midst of the horror. This film has nothing but ugliness of vision, spirit, thought and manners. I hate it. I utterly hate it. I couldn't have hated it more if I gave a shit about the Transformers franchise. It's so bad, I can't even watch the first one that I rather liked any more, as all it would do would bring the memories flooding back and remind me how I hold everyone involved in this film with utter contempt.
The worst film I have ever seen. Get to fucking fuck, Michael Bay, you fucking cunt.
_________________ "Peter you've lost the NEWS!"
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