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 Post subject: TV issue
PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:43 
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Joined: 2nd Apr, 2008
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some people might remember this thread ... opic=10308

to save me transcribing it out again.

essentially my tv has an intermittent fault, that started to piss me off around end march.
I have just got a free saturday to get it sorted now, and have been told by Cockhead (empire direct, ED) that I need to speak to LG and that its not their responsibililty.

I then spoke to trading standards, who suggest writing to ED and my credit card company to get it sorted out.

I also have spoken to LG, who have said all that they would do is either send an engineer to me, or they would send it to the shop and id have to get the tv back to the shop. the latter is the only thing acceptable to me, considering i have work and dont want to take time off for an engineer to come out - which would sods law not happen anyway given my luck with those types of people.

So, I was hoping for peoples views on the best action to take.

Apparently, within the first year , and up to 6 years, regardsless of the length or terms of the manufacturers warranty, my contract is with the RETAILER, not the MAnufacturer.
Also added to this, within the first 6 months, the RETAILER has a 'burden of proof' to prove that the tv wasnt sold faulty - ie within 6 months if a fault arises its essenitally 'sold as faulty' and its up to them to prove otherwise.

With regards to writing to them, I have to send letters to both the shop and the credit card company explaining that I deem the product to not be of satisfactory quality, and that the CC people are jointly liable under section 75 of the SOGA 1979 revised.

So I have 3 choices -

1 - sort out the engineer via LG
2 - sort out the repair via the shop...who so far have been contemptuous cunts.
3 - go the long winded paper route and see where that gets me.



 Post subject: Re: TV issue
PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 12:02 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 8679
I have just got a free saturday to get it sorted now, and have been told by Cockhead (empire direct, ED) that I need to speak to LG and that its not their responsibililty.

As you say in the post, they are lying, your contract is with ED. LG have no responsibility to you whatsoever, they sold you nothing.

2 is preferred. The manufacturer has to repair it, but it's the shop that has to deal with them, not you.

 Post subject: Re: TV issue
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 17:20 
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2, and then 4- never, ever buy from shady stores in Harehills ever again.

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