richardgaywood wrote:
These are the sort of people who only buy a half-dozen games a year and don't track major releases, they just buy a new one at semi-random when they are bored of the ones they have. They are also concerned about hardware failure rates on the 360. For that sort of consumer I think the PS3 makes sense, frankly.
True, but I'm that sort of buyer as well - I'd buy very few games (although largely because I'm a cheapskate), and I'd be annoyed at the 360 break rate too (although the new ones are apparently much better for that). However, I still would and do recommend the 360 over the PS3 as a games machine.
The PS3's controller is crappier, and needs to be recharged all the bloody time. It makes a lot of games more annoying - not a huge factor as you get used to it, but still a factor.
The early games are nearly all shit (poorly ported or just plain poor), there are few exclusives, and no 'must have' exclusives (I would choose a 360 for Crackdown alone, all other things being equal. Uncharted is good, but once you've finished it there's no incentive to ever touch it again, whereas I spent months playing Crackdown well into the night last year, and will do so again as soon as I can). Right now, downstairs, we have about eight or nine games that I'm already totally bored of after a few hours of play at most (barring Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and you can get that on the 360 anyway, or the first one on budget, which is just as good). By contrast, I still get a strong urge to play Dead Rising or Saints Row, or even Oblivion, almost a year after buying them. Looking around for games, there's practically nothing I'd play for free on the PS3, let alone pay for, whereas I had to deliberately avoid Cash Converters last year for fear I'd keep buying more 360 games.
The prices.
The 360 will likely be easier to mod. If that doesn't sound interesting, wait until the new lot of consoles come out and it'll pay off a lot more.
The 360's online stuff, and general purpose usage is miles better (barring that remote play thing with the PSP, which admittedly sounds cool, although the chances of my ever needing to use it are approximately 1 in six hundred billion) Even something as simple as the 'keyboard' on the PS3 is illogically set out and hard to read if you don't press your face against the screen (and we have an HDTV now, by the way. It's made some games look marginally clearer and more sort of cartoony, but mostly it just makes tv and old dvds look fuzzy. Those games with tiny text are still infuriatingly illegible, just slightly less so).
The games. I realise I've said this already, but it's a games console, man. Get the one with the best and best range of games. That's the 360. The Wii comes runner up if you're after a party games thing or particularly enjoy jumping around.
The stupid fucking buttons. The PS3 doesn't have on or off buttons. Instead, it has incredibly irritating patches you have to rub suggestively or stand there holding your finger over like a moron for three or four seconds. You can turn it off with the controller, yeah, but only on 'standby'*, so it's not actually off. To switch it properly off you have to reach the back of the machine. The 360, meanwhile, has proper buttons that you can prod satisfyingly when you've been repeatedly beaten and want to eject the game with disgust. You can also switch it off using the controllers, although admittedly you have to go up to it to switch it on - but most of the time you'll be doing that anyway to fetch the controller or change the CD.
Also, if all else fails, just say "PS3 is teh suck". Apparently that works on some people. I didn't believe it either, but it does.
*I fucking hate machines that have an 'off' light. If I switch it off, I WANT IT OFF, DAMN IT. Same goes for appliances with clocks. In the london house, we had about six clocks in our kitchen and front room at one point, despite having bought no actual clocks. I thought we were supposed to be saving electricity, not building devices that pointlessly burn even more even when they're not in use?