My God
Listening to Faustus right now. Immense stuff. I love me some folk music, and country and bluesgrass as well. But I'll stick on the folk for this thread. I'm off to the Green Man festival in the Brecon Beacons this August 15th, and it's basically the best folk music fest going in my opinion. Been to six of them so far. Beautiful setting, lovely people, no littering and you're always stumbling across new bands. And yes, folk is the music of Spring and it does get me grinning helplessly.
I also agree that folk and folk-leaning indie groups are impossibly better lyric writers than Coldplay et al. They deal with specifics and tell stories and come up with characters and images and places in your mind. What do Travis do? Feature a meaningless mantra that would be getting you quite dizzy in reality. (Note: I'm not knocking indie. I love indie. Good indie. But there seems to be more good folk bands at the moment than good indie bands at the moment.)
My current favourite folksters are:
James Yorkston good value live, James is a burly rugby playing type of fellow with an impossibly fine voice. Hi-jinks and crowd participation the order of his gigs. Look to 'I Spy Dogs' for a top giddy party song.
King Creosote always pronounced wrongly by me as King 'Cre-oh-teh', this is a bit more sombre but incredibly catchy all the same.
It's Jo & Danny/Yellow Moon Band run the Green Man fest and created it. That gives 'em legendary status in my book. Plus I danced with Jo once after the second festival, we both a bit drunk. Her husband didn't mind. Phew. Hate to be bludgoned by a fey Flight-of-the-Conchords-Brett lookalike.
Emmy the Great latest find. She was at Green Man last year, and is this year. And she is great. And very cute.
Joanna Newsome
(Doesn't actually have a myspace page - gosh. Just buy Ys, as it is acebest.)Fucking awesome. Saw her live, just - wow. Ys is a leap ahead of her previous skwinchy voiced effort, and was my fave album of that year.
The Flash Girls Garland and Emma Bull, one of them's Neil Gaiman's assistant, though sadly they amicably split up a whiles ago. Made fun, witty, snarky, story-telling music when they were together though.
Elaine Palmer voiced Yorkshire lass.
And finally -
Linsey Leven ... =170052228Cardiff lass and I hope she releases an album soon, as I saw her at the Norwegian chapel and she was spell-bindingly good.
And here's the links to the Green Man Fest - again Whomper!
P.S: Here's my co-worker Ellie's band, Silver Spurs. I'm a fan. Country, so shouldn't really be here but I couldn't help myself. ... =127513220