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 Post subject: PS2 Emulator
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 19:13 
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My PS2 has seen better days, but I still get a hankering to play some of the games. Does anyone have any experience with emulators for the PC that would let me stick my PS2 games in the DVD drive and play them from there, or would I need to do illegal ROMs?

I have Googled for a few, and ended up confused.

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 Post subject: Re: PS2 Emulator
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 19:20 
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Chu chu chu!

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Last I checked, the best one was PCSX2, but even that had poor compatibility (lots of stuff will work, but very glitchily) and needed a really good system to run well. Not sure if it can run games from the disk though.

Regarding other emulators, there weren't any other serious contenders at all, apparently it's a right bitch to emulate.

 Post subject: Re: PS2 Emulator
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 19:38 
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Paws for thought

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Yeah, I experimented a little with PCSX2 a few days ago. Runs from disk fine (although seemed better when taken to ISO and used with the internal plugin for ISOs)

However, graphically glitchy, tricky to get set up, and prone to horrible slow down.

Given the only reason I was doing it was that I prefer the 360 pad to the ps2 one, I wasn't particulary concerned when it didn't work, as I can just use the ps2.

 Post subject: Re: PS2 Emulator
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 19:44 
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Hmm, looks like when the little black box does die then it would be easier to go and find a new one rather than mucking about then.

I'd rather spend the money to have them working properly than faff about.

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 Post subject: Re: PS2 Emulator
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 21:05 
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Paws for thought

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Aye, they're dirt cheap, I have one in Bristol, but it worked out much cheaper to buy a slim model round here than to go get it. The slim model also has a network port, allowing for bios extraction and subsequent testing of an emulator.

 Post subject: Re: PS2 Emulator
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 21:16 
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Can you flash the bios?

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 Post subject: Re: PS2 Emulator
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 13:42 
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Caution Live Bear.

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However, graphically glitchy, tricky to get set up, and prone to horrible slow down.

That acutally sums up my experience with PCSX2 also. We got one of the newer beta versions from Emuasylum that was much more painless setting up than the offical stable release, which crashed out like a bastard whenever you tried to play any game.

Stuff does work from disc, 2D stuff seems to be better than 3D, we got Raiden 3 running with no problems but other stuff was as slow as hell with framerates all over the place.

Can you flash the bios?

Sort of, look into something like Free MC Boot which adds homebrew capabilities to Fat PS2s.

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