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 Post subject: Attack of the Clones Attack
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 20:48 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5318 ... 88-minutes

He's really, really incisive and forensic about these things and the last couple of chunks are usually as good an assessment as you can get. The comedy psycho bits get a little old but at least there's some cleavage in them. I'm really looking forward to his Revenge of the Sith one. It's just occurred to me I think I only watched RotS a couple of times, once in the cinema then once again on DVD. I guess I'd given up trying to convince myself they were any good by then.

Anyway instead of watching a film watch this for 88 minutes instead. It's class. They should have given Film 2010 to this guy and NervousPete to co-present. Pete would probably have been nicer to the large breasted women in the basement as well so it would have worked out for everyone.

 Post subject: Re: Attack of the Clones Attack
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 21:26 
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Oh my god. This is ace.

 Post subject: Re: Attack of the Clones Attack
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 22:54 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5318
Don't forget to do the Phantom Menace one tomorrow, equally scathing but towards the end where he really goes to town on the clips from the extras DVD almost breaks your heart - the summation is that

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Someone just need to stand up to George and no-one had the balls

We can hate Lucas all we want (and I want) but many many people have my childhood's blood on their hands, not just him.

 Post subject: Re: Attack of the Clones Attack
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:50 
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I watched the Phantom Menace one a long times ago, and thought they were ace. However, I was oddly paranoid that you'd all have a go at me that I'd willingly spend several hours of my life watching reviews for films I don't like. So I didn't post about them.

Now I know it's okay. Phew. :luv:

But I love his drawling, psychotic voice and the entire stuff about how the Sith plan doesn't actually make any sense is utter genius, especially regarding right at the start. JUST POISON THE TEA. "Something doesn't feel right." *Drinks tea.* "POISON THE TEA."

The Star Trek Nemesis one is a corker too.


Albeit the serial killing bits cease to be funny and I find myself skipping the last minute of each part, but anyway...

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 Post subject: Re: Attack of the Clones Attack
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:39 
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Joined: 20th Mar, 2010
Posts: 261
Just watched this and thoroughly enjoyed it (eleventy million times more than the film)! He's spot on with his analysis, and the clips from the original trilogy really do show what pap the prequels are.

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I thought that the kidnapping-girls stuff was a bit overdone in this one. Just the bits with the girls with the mixed-together jigsaw puzzles would've been enough, though the main kidnapped girl does have nice boobies.

 Post subject: Re: Attack of the Clones Attack
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 19:34 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5318
Firefox wrote:
nice boobies


They are really boingy.

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