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 Post subject: New UpToJump review...
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 23:12 
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I'm thinking of reviewing the Dell Zino HD I received last week for being a good boy (sending about £30k's worth of business Dell's way :D ) for the site, but I'm wondering what sort of things to cover.

I can review it as a PC no problem, especially performance related to development/"productivity"/office based apps, but this thing's supposed to be a home media type device, and on that front I'm pretty clueless.

What sort of things should I be looking at/for media wise? This one (it's the top spec. version at time of writing) has a blu-ray drive and an HDMI port - and that's about as clued up as I get on that front. What should I be checking for?

What about gaming and so on? I don't play many games on the PC any more as it's too expensive and the 360 (+ all my other consoles) are perfectly good enough for that and I don't fancy buying any games just to test this thing out. Are folks more interested in emulation on a device like this?

Finally, I didn't actually pay for this thing - and given the price (~£600 if I got Dell's configurator right on the spec) I imagine better PC's are available and wouldn't have bought it myself. Are people, generally, more willing to pay a little extra for home media type PC's?


 Post subject: Re: New UpToJump review...
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 23:29 
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Size/noise/accessibility of ports?

 Post subject: Re: New UpToJump review...
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 23:45 
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baron of techno

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Chinny did a review of a little machine a month or so ago. I can't remember what it was called and we never got around to putting it on the site, but anyway, see that for pointers.

We should put them both up once you've done it :)

 Post subject: Re: New UpToJump review...
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 23:57 
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Chinny chin chin

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kalmar wrote:
Chinny did a review of a little machine a month or so ago. I can't remember what it was called and we never got around to putting it on the site, but anyway, see that for pointers.

We should put them both up once you've done it :)

Sounds cool. I have more photos if required.

It was the Acer Revo BTW.

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