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 Post subject: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:33 
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Digital Economy Bill passes through the Lords and "now expected to be rushed through the Commons before the general election. "

Bye bye free uncensored Innerneh in Britain, hello record and film industry dictating what you can look at online.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:35 
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It's been fun knowing you all!

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:36 
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Well, that's that then. Still, at least they got the "We can change this law whenever we like, without having to even pass it back through the Commons" provision removed.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:46 
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So, in real terms what does this mean to the internet user like you and I?

Are we going to see a drastic difference in the way we use the internet over the next year or so?

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:48 
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I'd expect to see YouTube disappear or be heavily censored for our country due to copyright infringements by posters.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:51 
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That sounds like a disaster! :'(

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:53 
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I expect Simon Cowell to have direct control of an electrocution button that can randomly give you a severe shock if you even think about watching that episode of X Factor you missed last week.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:07 
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More via TechRadar

This isn't about file sharing or fighting for your right to download dodgy MP3s. It's about much more than that.

It's about stopping a law that could bring libel-style censorship to UK ISPs, forcing them to block the next YouTube on copyright owners' say-so - with no penalties for organisations making misguided or malicious accusations. It's not hard to imagine politically awkward sites such as Wikileaks ending up on the blocklist too.

It's about stopping a law that would make cafes and libraries responsible for their users' activities, bringing an end to open Wi-Fi.

It's about stopping a law so badly written that it could shut down an entire mobile phone network for a dodgy 3G download.

It's about stopping a law that enables anyone to rip off photographers by removing image data and claiming they couldn't find out who took the photo.

It's about stopping a law that penalises the law-abiding majority - by upping ISP costs and therefore everyone's broadband bills - for the actions of a tiny minority.

It's about heeding the concerns of crazed anti-copyright hippies such as the Metropolitan Police, the Serious and Organised Crime Agency and MI5.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:13 
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Dimrill wrote:
I'd expect to see YouTube disappear or be heavily censored for our country due to copyright infringements by posters.
That's not going to happen. They aren't stupid; they're going after the Pirate Bay here, not Youtube, and whilst the law might be so broad as to allow them to chase Youtube as well it's blindingly obvious they aren't going to do so. Hysterical scare-mongering isn't going to help here; it's just going to construct arguments that can be knocked apart.

It's about stopping a law so badly written that it could shut down an entire mobile phone network for a dodgy 3G download.
Does anyone actually think that's going to happen? Pull the other one.

It's about stopping a law that could bring libel-style censorship to UK ISPs, forcing them to block the next YouTube on copyright owners' say-so - with no penalties for organisations making misguided or malicious accusations.
Oh come on. This already is the case, and has been for a long time without the world ending. Almost every user generated content site, from Youtube to Zazzle, has a "pull content first and ask questions later" policy when a copyright holder sends a form email to them, without any appeal process.

It's about stopping a law that enables anyone to rip off photographers by removing image data and claiming they couldn't find out who took the photo.
Where did this come from?

Where does the amended Bill stand on the issue of ISPs monitoring and logging all your traffic to look for naughties? I can't figure out if that was part of the stuff the Lords threw out or not.

Is it the opinion of this house that the government should never do anything to attempt to curtail the activities of, to name just one, the Pirate Bay?

Can anyone name me an actual edge case of legitimate Internet use that would be hampered by this law? So far I can only think of businesses that offer free Wifi.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:14 
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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:15 
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Dimrill wrote:

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:16 
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I'll shut up and stop scaremongering now and allow you bigger boys to debate it.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:41 
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This was on Panorama last night, with the lovely Jo Whiley.

It was rather cutely one-sided.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:43 
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Jo Whiley is responsible for all of this?!? My... GOD!!!

Why didn't you say? :ninja:

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:44 
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Grim... wrote:
This was on Panorama last night, with the lovely Jo Whiley.

It was rather cutely one-sided.

I caught the end of it. Lots of scare mongering and saying how an art form was being destroyed. Sadly I struggled to see what art form they were talking about. I mean, how is being ass fucked by Simon Cowell/ Stock Aitken Waterman and taking lots of drugs before fading into obscurity a couple of years later an art form?

Unless of course they mean being grossly over paid for an occupation? kinda like football players?

The mind boggles.

I reject your context and reality, and substitute my own.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:47 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
It's about stopping a law that could bring libel-style censorship to UK ISPs, forcing them to block the next YouTube on copyright owners' say-so - with no penalties for organisations making misguided or malicious accusations.
Oh come on. This already is the case, and has been for a long time without the world ending. Almost every user generated content site, from Youtube to Zazzle, has a "pull content first and ask questions later" policy when a copyright holder sends a form email to them, without any appeal process.

Which is, of course, ludicrous. So the provisions that should have gone into this legislation are a proper, formal process to do away with the groundless claim of copyright infringement - come up with a method for officially asserting a claim which simultaneously insulates the hosting party from legal action until the veracity of the claim can be examined.

Instead of which, they've effectively endorsed the existing "shout loudly and win" approach.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:52 
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Posting to make a cheap gag <sorry>

Craster wrote:
Instead of which, they've effectively endorsed the existing "shout loudly and win" approach.

Otherwise known as the Gaywood strategy !

If we allow this to continue then as king of all things shouty does this make Gaywood the supreme ruler ?

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:07 
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can we break out teh money to another thread?

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:10 
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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:13 
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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:14 
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Dimrill wrote:
Don't ever send form letters to MPs -- they are often filtered out. Rewrite it into your own words.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:22 
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For they laymen, how will this realaistically effect me?

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:28 
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GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:29 
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KovacsC wrote:
For they laymen, how will this realaistically effect me?

Time to resub Razzle.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:30 
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Zardoz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
For they laymen, how will this realaistically effect me?

Time to resub Razzle.

That bad..... ooh!!!

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 13:52 
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I've drafted a letter to my MP. Can someone proof it for me please?

I wish to discuss the Digital Economy Bill with you. I strongly believe this important issue requires a full Parliamentary debate before it should be passed into law and I would like to know your views on the subject.

I have concerns about several aspects of this Bill, namely:

1) The financial burdens potentially placed on ISPs who will be required to monitor and log all Internet traffic across all their customers, which will inevitably result in increases in costs passed on to consumers. Government research as part of the Digital Britain programme ( ... 14-billion) has suggested that the British economy would be £1.4 billion better off if the target of 100% broadband access by 2012 is achieved. Making it more expensive for businesses and consumers isn't going to help that goal.

2) The appalling privacy implications of the aforementioned monitoring. We have always, as a society, recognised that free speech is important, and worth standing up for. We have also believed that people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should my Internet traffic be intercepted and examined, when I have not been accused of a crime? My phone calls are not treated this way, nor my post, nor my conversations with friends and colleagues. We don't allow the government to tap phone calls without due diligence and we wouldn't allow them to install listening devices in offices, so why do we seem to think it's acceptable for Internet based communication?

3) By making all account holders liable for all traffic, libraries will find it very challenging to offer public Internet access. Coffeeshops, pubs, and other businesses who have found the offer of "free Wifi" a valuable perk they can use to compete will also be at risk of substantial fines for just a very small

4) It is impossible to see how legislation can be drafted that will allow the government to shut down one type of website linking to illegal things (the Pirate Bay, for example) whilst not also targeting other websites that do the same (such as Google). Ministers have dismissed this argument as scare mongering; of course they won't use the powers granted in this Bill to pursue Google. I'm sure that's correct but all that means is that the powers will be applied in a hypocritical manner. Is that really what we want? A law applied only to smaller firms who cannot afford to defend themselves against it whilst larger firms are ignored?

5) Clause 42 of the Bill allows publishers to use an orphaned photograph without the explicit permission of the copyright holder as long as they have done a "diligent search" to locate the holder, as explained here: ... age=873803. This appears to me to be a disaster in the making, as there is a clear conflict of interests as to how "diligent" the search will be. To expect publishers to not flat out lie about their search processes when they are caught using an image is naive to the extreme. I myself, when working as freelancer, have had copyrighted work published illegally in a UK magazine, and could not possibly have taken the publisher to court to pursue my compensation. This clause will only allow publishers to take further liberties with the rights of freelancers and ordinary citizens.

I have a PhD in computer science and I have worked all my life in the digital sector. As such, I feel qualified to understand some of the issues around this Bill, and I feel strongly that it is overly broad and overly vague. I think it will harm the privacy of individuals, stifle vital innovation, and do more harm to a British economy already reeling from a global recession.

As a constituent I am writing to you today to ask you, please: do all you can to ensure the Government doesn't rush the bill through without granting us our democratic right to scrutiny and debate.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 14:01 
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3) By making all account holders liable for all traffic, libraries will find it very challenging to offer public Internet access. Coffeeshops, pubs, and other businesses who have found the offer of "free Wifi" a valuable perk they can use to compete will also be at risk of substantial fines for just a very small

Very small what?

Edit: aside from that, it all seems good. Well written, chap.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 14:04 
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Very small undrafted end of sentence?

How about
By making all account holders liable for all traffic, libraries will find it very challenging to offer public Internet access. Coffeeshops, pubs, and other businesses who have found the offer of "free Wifi" a valuable perk they can use to compete will also be at risk of substantial fines unless they somehow police their users with complete effectiveness. Residential consumers will, I fear, also be open to prosecution if their Wifi is hacked, as it'll be impossible for them to prove the traffic sent under their account was not of their doing. Properly securing Wifi access points is technically difficult and far beyond the average consumer, and even then it is still almost always possible for a dedicated hacker to break into the network.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 14:04 
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I'm no professional but I do quite a lot of proofing at work... (listen to me, the big I am!) anyway, I've read it and make a couple of changes. Nothing to detract away from some very good points well made!

I wish to discuss the Digital Economy Bill with you. I strongly believe this important issue requires a full Parliamentary debate before it is passed into law and I would like to know your views on the subject.

I have concerns about several aspects of this Bill, namely:

1) The financial burdens that will be placed on ISPs will be counter productive for the national economy. They will be required to monitor and log all Internet traffic across all their customers, which will inevitably result in increases in costs passed on to consumers. Government research as part of the Digital Britain programme ( ... 14-billion) has suggested that the British economy would be £1.4 billion better off if the target of 100% broadband access by 2012 is achieved. Making it more expensive for businesses and consumers isn't going to help that goal.

2) The appalling privacy implications of the aforementioned monitoring. We have always, as a society, recognised that free speech is important and worth standing up for. We have also believed that people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should my Internet traffic be intercepted and examined, when I have not been accused of a crime? My phone calls are not treated this way, nor my post, nor my conversations with friends and colleagues. We don't allow the government to tap phone calls without due diligence and we wouldn't allow them to install listening devices in offices, so why do we seem to think it's acceptable for Internet based communication?

3) By making all account holders liable for all traffic, libraries will find it very challenging to offer public Internet access. Coffee shops, pubs, and other businesses who have found the offer of "free Wifi" a valuable perk they can use to compete in their marketplace, will also be at risk of substantial fines for just a very small percentage of users who will inadvertently spoil it for everyone.

4) It is impossible to see how legislation can be drafted that will allow the government to shut down one type of website linking to illegal things (the Pirate Bay, for example) whilst not also targeting other websites that do the same (such as Google). Ministers have dismissed this argument as scare mongering; of course they won't use the powers granted in this Bill to pursue Google. I'm sure that's correct but all that means is that the powers will be applied in a hypocritical manner. Is that really what we want? A law applied only to smaller firms who cannot afford to defend themselves against it whilst larger firms are ignored?

5) Clause 42 of the Bill allows publishers to use an orphaned photograph without the explicit permission of the copyright holder as long as they have done a "diligent search" to locate the holder, as explained here: ... age=873803. This appears to me to be a disaster in the making, as there is a clear conflict of interests as to how "diligent" the search will be. To expect publishers to not flat out lie about their search processes when they are caught using an image is naive to the extreme. I myself, when working as a freelancer, have had copyrighted work published illegally in a UK magazine, and could not possibly have taken the publisher to court to pursue my compensation. This clause will only allow publishers to take further liberties with the rights of freelancers and ordinary citizens.

I have a PhD in computer science and I have worked all my life in the digital sector. As such, I feel qualified to understand some of the issues around this Bill, and I feel strongly that it is overly broad and overly vague. I think it will harm the privacy of individuals, stifle vital innovation, and do more harm to a British economy already reeling from a global recession.

As a constituent I am writing to you today to ask you, please: do all you can to ensure the Government doesn't rush the bill through without granting us our democratic right to scrutiny and debate.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 16:01 
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Can you dig it?

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So when should I tell my friends to stop using the pirate bay?

As they pirate quite a lot of stuff :hat:

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 16:07 
So this means I'll have to go to america to watch my american shows? :'(

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 16:08 
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I watch American shows on TV

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 16:14 
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nickachu wrote:
So this means I'll have to go to america to watch my american shows? :'(

You filthy fucking criminal. I've called the po-po.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:33 
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Dimrill wrote:
nickachu wrote:
So this means I'll have to go to america to watch my american shows? :'(

You filthy fucking criminal. I've called the po-po.


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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:38 
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The thing is, what's going to be the point in having a 50 meg connection at home when you can't steal?

I mean, not that I would ever get such a stupidly fast connection, but I just wonder what's going to happen if people actually do realise the game is up and stop leeching. Surely it's going to fuck the ISPs in the ass?

Now yes, I know that there are legal uses for the internet and I know that there are things to download, but seriously, what kind of percentage of people get a 50 meg or say, 20 meg connection with the sole intention of using it legally? (businesses excluded of course)

What in the name of fuck could you possibly need such a whopping connection for for anything other than downloading?

I reject your context and reality, and substitute my own.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:40 
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Email. You need a really powerful computer for that.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:42 
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JohnCoffey wrote:
What in the name of fuck could you possibly need such a whopping connection for for anything other than downloading?

Legit streaming video or video downloads, rather than pirated ones?

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:44 
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Craster wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
What in the name of fuck could you possibly need such a whopping connection for for anything other than downloading?

Legit streaming video or video downloads, rather than pirated ones?

Well yeah but surely a say, 5meg line would suffice for the streaming?

Seriously I can see this having a backlash on ISPS. I'd be really interested to see how many people downgrade their internet if this does actually take hold and work.

I reject your context and reality, and substitute my own.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:44 
I might actually be able to play online at peak times if all the students can't download all their porn.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:46 
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JohnCoffey wrote:
Well yeah but surely a say, 5meg line would suffice for the streaming?

I struggle to see why your pirated downloads are larger than legit ones would be.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:49 
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Craster wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Well yeah but surely a say, 5meg line would suffice for the streaming?

I struggle to see why your pirated downloads are larger than legit ones would be.

I already said that there were legal things to download.

And Nik, yes, there's definintely good in this. My connection won't take a crap for four hours every evening.

I reject your context and reality, and substitute my own.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:57 
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JohnCoffey wrote:
Well yeah but surely a say, 5meg line would suffice for the streaming?
Not necessarily if you live in a house with more than one computer* being used at the same time.

The sooner you can listen to/watch/play your downloads the better.

Finally, once the infrastructure is there it doesn't cost the ISPs much (if any) more to run 50meg than 2meg, it's mostly just a marketing tool as what you're really paying for is your usage limit anyway. Hence a 0.5meg connection costs the same as an 8meg connection.
*Counting consoles as a computer too.

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 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 19:58 
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JohnCoffey wrote:
Craster wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Well yeah but surely a say, 5meg line would suffice for the streaming?

I struggle to see why your pirated downloads are larger than legit ones would be.

I already said that there were legal things to download. .

Yes, but you're saying 50Mb is fine if you're pirating things, but you don't need it if you're not. I'm saying if you download exactly the same things, but legally, then surely you need the same bandwidth?

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 20:26 
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JohnCoffey wrote:
And Nik, yes, there's definintely good in this. My connection won't take a crap for four hours every evening.


 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 20:31 
Craster wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Craster wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Well yeah but surely a say, 5meg line would suffice for the streaming?

I struggle to see why your pirated downloads are larger than legit ones would be.

I already said that there were legal things to download. .

Yes, but you're saying 50Mb is fine if you're pirating things, but you don't need it if you're not. I'm saying if you download exactly the same things, but legally, then surely you need the same bandwidth?

Crasty has a point. There are lots of legit ways to get films/porn/music these days, which will require faster connections, as well as gaming.

I'd personally rather this bill not come in as I don't have sky telly or anything like that to watch my american tv shows that I love so much.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 20:34 
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nickachu wrote:
Crasty has a point. There are lots of legit ways to get films/porn/music these days, which will require faster connections, as well as gaming.

And of course OnLive, if it takes off.

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 20:37 
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I regularly hit the ceiling of my 8meg connection doing perfectly legitimate things (telecommuting, iPlayer, YouTube etc) and wish I could get a faster connection, although there's fat chance of that where I live.

I personally think that legitimate uses of all that bandwidth are limited only by your imagination. For instance, a project I've been thinking about for a long time, but haven't done anything about and nor do I expect to have the time to do anything about in the near future, is a massively distributed supercomputing network. Think something along the lines of SETI@home, but with one key difference: users would be able to specify their own problems (and solutions) and get their friends/fellow forumites/random strangers to assist with crunching the solution. In a system like that, the more bandwidth you have available the better.


 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 13:31 
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Is it wrong that I have completely given up on British law and the 'law makers' ability to comprehend the issue at hand, and not be affected/influenced by the large pot of money offered at stake from the people clamouring for said law change?

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 13:07 
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There appears to be some subtext to the bill as well, to do with photography, and it appears to be fairly hypocritical when compared to the harsh nature of action when you've apparently downloaded a movie or some music.

Photographers are to lose all effective rights to take photographs in public places.

Not content with taking away photographer’s copyright, another section of this Government is proposing sweeping changes to your freedom to take pictures in public places.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has deemed that a photograph taken in a public place may now be considered to contain ‘private data’.

The idea that the author of a photograph has total rights over his or her own work – as laid out in International Law and The Copyright Act of 1988 – will be utterly ignored. If future, if you wish to retain any control over your work, you will have to register that work (and each version of it) with a new agency yet to be set up.

Details about how this agency will be set up – and what fees will be charged for each registration – have been kept deliberated vague in Lord Mandelson’s Bill. If ever there was a licence to print money, this is it. You will pay.

If they are not registered with this quango agency, your images can be plundered and used anywhere, by anyone – on the understanding that the thief makes a very minimal effort to find you – the author of the image. ... ?t=1197812

The Bill - ... onomy.html

Bit more of a breakdown: ... onomy-bill

 Post subject: Re: The end of the Inderned as you know it.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 13:09 
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Also, in addition to downloading 'stuff', and as per one of the replies on the Guardian page:

"Using DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) to look at citizen's Internet traffic (including emails). Punishing people (who share their connections for example) without proof or a trial. Making the appeals process a costly one. Forcing the innocent to pay for DPI implementation. Enabling the Secretary of State to amend the Act without going through Parliament.

If you don't mind Royal Mail opening your letters and screening them to ensure you're not involved in anything dodgy, then by all means support this Bill, because this Bill is the digital equivalent of just that."

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