Anonymous X wrote:
Not sure what could be wrong here, as the card reader my girlfriend owns has always been 100% reliable with SD cards, and last time I had corruption issues it was my crappier, ancient card reader that seemed to trigger the problem. Could it be a fault inside my camera?
Two things.
Firstly I have had to become rather intimate with SD cards recently. I've been shooting with the EX1 using adaptors onto SD cards which is a strictly unofficial solution. Only very specific cards work and all cards are not born equal by any means.
Secondly many readers can be crap and you also need to ensure the computer has finished with the card before ejecting. The cards are dead easy to corrupt.
One of the best SD cards on the market at the moment is the ATP Pro Max. They are bloody hard to get hold of in this country (and expensive) so I've imported mine from the USA. Exceptionally consistent and a step above the usual cost reduced consumer tripe. I have 5 or 6 of them which have replaced Transcend cards that claim to be of equal performance but actually are pig slow and caused problems for me. I get mine from here: also use the adaptors on that page in the camera and into the expresscard slot on the Mac. I also borrow one of the adaptors from the camera bag if I want to transfer stuff from the stills camera in. An expresscard reader feels far more robust than some flimsy USB dongle.
NB: The ATP cards might be massive overkill for general point and shoot stills work but if you value your images they are worth considering. It's not just the speed (in fact they aren't even the fastest) but that ATP seem to operate far higher levels of QC than some other companies. Mine get a real hammering (35 meg a second for an hour at a time) and operate with plenty of headroom.