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 Post subject: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 20:47 
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I received a letter from HMRC yesterday which said that I owe them £1600 in unpaid tax from 2012/13. I checked their figures and called them and it seems that my employers have given them an incorrect figure regarding how much I earnt in this period. They've somehow doubled it and then some!

Of course, I can't find my P60 OR any payslips from this period so I'm having to go back to my ex employer and hope they will be able to provide a duplicate P60 or a statement of earnings for the year.

Fingers crossed for me! I definitely didn't earn that much in that year but at the moment, it's up to me to prove that I didn't. Something that would easily be done with a P60! Gah! :'(

 Post subject: Re: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 21:39 
Filthy Junkie Bitch

Joined: 17th Dec, 2008
Posts: 8293
Hmm. Maybe. You'll probably get your p60 off your old employer. Running a duplicate off is a trivial matter.

But... I haven't seen a payroll system that doesn't link the p60 process into the p35 for years. So in my experience its very unlikely that the figures will differ.

More likely is that hmrc have transposed the data wrong. Until last year p35 submission would be manual entry at their end so they'll have to dig out the p35 data themselves as they wont just take your duplicate p60s word for it.

Tl:dr It'll likely get sorted but it will take a while. Also get ready to be boned by a shit coding for the next few months and unpredictable pay packets.

 Post subject: Re: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 23:38 
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Thanks for the advice APOD. Being mucked about with my pay is the last thing I need right now as money is tight enough as it is.

The lady on the phone at HMRC (who took 40 minutes to answer by the way) said that they'll start taking payments off me in April so at least I've got 2 pay days before that happens. I doubt it'll get sorted by then though. What's the chances of me sending some proof through the post and it actually getting there AND processed. I'm not going to hold my breath.

 Post subject: Re: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 0:16 
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Wow. What an odd coincidence, I've recently been paid £1,600 back in overpaid tax.

Sort of good news, but it's also because my earnings have gone down over the last two tax years.

Edit: Hope you get it sorted smoothly.

 Post subject: Re: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:36 
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Est. 1978

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You took TheVision's money!

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:41 
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It's ok. I haven't paid it yet so technically he took someone else's money...

Which I'm being asked to pay back.:(

 Post subject: Re: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:53 
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Mr Cameron keeps telling us that his government is cracking down on tax dodgers. Are you a Tory donor, by any chance?

 Post subject: Re: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 14:28 
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My P60 and statement of earnings have come and they're correct. Now to send them to HMRC and watch them get lost in the post.

 Post subject: Re: Keep your P60s safe
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 14:40 
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TheVision wrote:
My P60 and statement of earnings have come and they're correct. Now to send them to HMRC and watch them get lost in the post.

Make photocopies and/or scans. Send recorded delivery.

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