This weeks
rush job Beex Weex is coming to you from me, TheVision and you're lucky because I'm officially on holiday this week. Since I’m in charge of this now (Thanks Craster
) I’ve been busy looking for volunteers to do future Beex Weeks.
I first asked Gazchap if he’d volunteer but he simply said
this. A bit rude I thought but never mind.
I then noticed
Bamba looking bored, not bored enough to help though I'm afraid.
Nevermind, Gazchap then came to apologise for being rude and said
this. It didn't make much sense but I thanked him for his apology and before I could ask him to volunteer, he'd gone. Never mind..
Of course, Mr Russell could volunteer! He's always willing and able... except when he's stuffing his face with
pudding. I'll come back...
I did think of asking Chinny but he was
busy reading a book. I'll ask him when he's done.
How about Mr Dave? Perhaps he'd like to volunteer...
or maybe not. He seemed a bit pre occupied with what Malia is getting up to.
Ahh.. Grim... He's always doing cool stuff on a PC, perhaps he could volunteer? Oh.. he's
breaking up a fight. I'd best leave him to it.
Nervous Pete writes the best posts, maybe he'd like to volunteer? Unfortunately I was told to
"Shush..." when I went to see him at work.
There's always Mimi? I thought... but she was too busy buying
birthday cards. They look important too, I'd best not disturb her.
Has Chinny finished his book yet?
Yep... but now he's reading a magazine. Bugger.
Kern is always good to volunteer! Perhaps he'd like a go? Well, I asked him but he said he was off to
Eastern Europe.
I did think about asking the SilentElk but I haven't got a clue who he is, so I just
politely nodded and went on my way...
So after all that, it leaves
me... Oh well, at least I'm guaranteed to like Beex Weex this week.
Thanks to everyone who nommed, and as an extra special thank you... I'm going to randomly select one of you to write next weeks Beex Weex. Thanks loads! You're the best.