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 Post subject: Songs
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 0:03 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5318
Pick two songs, linked thematically or some other how, and compare them.

I begin....

Wuthering Heights songs: Wuthering Heights (Kate Bush) vs. It's All Coming Back To Me Now (Jim Steinman (Pandoras Box)/That Awful Woman/Meatloaf)

OK, both are inspired by the book. Steinman once said that if Bush's effort was Heathcliffe seeing Cathy's ghost, IIACBTMN is him digging up her corpse and dancing in the moonlight. Upon reading this, I listened back to the various incarnations of the tune. He's fucking right. This is the song that makes Axl Rose feel like he's got a small winky. It's demented, a drool-flecked chin of a love song. If you've ever been out with a proper obsessive fucking nutcase, this is what it sounds like inside her head ALL THE TIME. Lyrically though you can, if you like, shrug IICBTMN as a hair ballad about someone hooking up with their ex, and it being romantic and quite sexy. No matter, even on that level it's a fucking ballsy move in anyone's rock career. The chancers of the talent shows rarely delve into this sort of territory because while they might be vocal athletes you need to be a caterwauler for this shizzle. If I remember correctly, Wuthering Heights was Bush's debut. It's an amazing song. For all that, she improved on it many times over. It's no Hounds of Love. No. It isn't. Conversely Steinman will never top the hysteria and pretension of his effort here and thus, measuring each by their own yardstick, Jim Steinman wins!

WINNER: Jim Steinman.

I challenge someone to produce an erudite and witty riposte wherein Kate Bush makes good of a match-up against similarly competitive opponentry.

 Post subject: Re: Songs
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 0:35 
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Chinny chin chin

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GovernmentYard wrote:

I challenge someone to produce an erudite and witty riposte wherein Kate Bush makes good of a match-up against similarly competitive opponentry.

We don't need to:


 Post subject: Re: Songs
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 0:44 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5318
Fair play actually

 Post subject: Re: Songs
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 0:47 
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GovernmentYard wrote:
Fair play actually

I think we need some audio to go along with that visual there, Chinny...

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