Mimi wrote:
Well, obviously this is just how I would read it there are women out there that will try and mess mightily with someone's head. (I hope) I am not one of those, but I certainly have known a few downright nasty women like this.
She is nasty. She is spiteful. And one day she will realise it. Despite all of that I loved her. More than anything or anyone I have ever loved before. Maybe in a sick way I enjoyed looking after and out for her. It certainly seemed to make sense then, gave my life some meaning.
Mimi wrote:
She could be genuinely lonely and wondering about how you are doing - she's certainly fishing for info 'my computer is playing up' (it's not working to the point that I can't give you any info about myself) tell me about you...' It's just a casual hi, she might just be saying hi for the sake of it.
She knows how I'm doing. Two weeks after she walked out I had a breakdown after not eating or drinking for a week. I spent eight hours lying in a hospital bed after collapsing at work being fed a drip. She found out and called my work place, basically fishing to see if what she had heard was lies
I explained to her that I wanted her gone. She knows that the only way I can deal with trauma is to literally force myself to forget. That's how I deal with things. That's basically why I asked her to leave me alone and to never try and contact me again. That's why I agreed to let her take everything because it would only serve to remind me that I had wasted eight years of my life fighting hard for her and our marriage. That's why I went to Ohio and why I eventually called it all a day and came home. To get away from her. I know she's had all this relayed back to her because there are people I know giving her this info.
What I'd have liked was one word. Sorry. Maybe from there I could have spoken to her? I don't know. TBH what she's sent is a fucking insult knowing what she did to me.
Mimi wrote:
That said, I would be inclined to think that she at least wants to think that you still think of her, maybe miss her. She might want to hear this for her own self-worth, if she was more manipulative, maybe to prompt you to think of her in a 'you threw this away' type vein.
There was nothing I didn't do for her. And I mean that. Until I met her I had never even left my own town really. I had lived in one place all my life and I kind of felt some kind of safety in that. I left my family, friends, work, career. All of it to go to a place full of fucking animals (her family). I've since seen people act toward one another in a way that I did not think was even possible. Cruel, heartless, destroying. I nearly fell victim to it too, and if it wasn't for having to cope with so much as a kid I think it would have gotten me. But I know now that I'm stronger than all that. Maybe if I'd have wound up dead somewhere she would feel some kind of satisfaction but I wasn't the one to give it to her. I played the matyr to her for ten years in total. I took death threats from her brother and phoned him back to laugh at him. I had noone and I needed noone, and I think that's what sent my message clearer than anything else. You've got this one guy with two completely demented italian families going out of their way to ruin his life, on their turf in their country and he just laughs at you.
It all backfired on her in a bad way. She was expecting me to go straight back to England. Instead I moved on with my life.
Mimi wrote:
Sometimes people get in contact after a while because they have convinced themselves to remember only the positive things, and maybe she looks back on the time as a good one if she has not moved on and found someone else more suitable to her personality, but if I am honest I would be inclined to just leave it be unless you have any intentions of ever setting up with this girl again.
To be fair to myself there really wasn't anything but positive things from my side. I got my head kicked in a few times to stand up to her shitty family. I laughed it all off, forcing them to accept that they weren't going to get rid of me unless it was in a bag. I stood up for her and told her father he was a pile of shit, that cost me a nice straight nose and somewhere to live. It wound me up in a concrete basement for three months as I had nowhere else to go.
And just as the fight was over and we had won (got our own place to live, greencard job nice cars and money) she walked out. Personally I will never understand why she did that, but as they say
misery loves company and it had no fucking place in my house, the cunts simply weren't allowed in or would come over when I was at work.
Mimi wrote:
Some relationships can end on friendly terms and the couple remain good friends, which can form some of the strongest friendships that exist, but her passive/aggressive tendencies and the way you refer to them make it seem like this might not be the case here.
She ruined my life is the short of it. We knew too well that going back to the U.S in the climate (with her parents getting divorced and all guns drawn) was going to be hell. And if she didn't I did my best to explain to her what we were walking into. And of course I was right but I still fought on for a better tomorrow. I literally still carry all of the scars from it. She knew I was a fighter and more importantly that I was beyond stupid when it came to never giving up. I fought with bloody knuckles to drag her out of a pile of shit and put her into a better more stable happy life. She didn't want it. And that's something that will haunt me until I die.
That's my biggest problem is never giving up and never giving in. The embarrassment of posting on a forum is fuck all compared to what I've felt throughout my life. I must like it or something because I'm still here. So I suppose that I don't give a shit what people will come along and say to me. Growing up having a mental illness has forced me to see and hear it all before.
Mimi wrote:
If you have ruled out a relationship with this woman again, would you form a real friendship with her? As cold edged as it may seem, I'd say look at yourself, do you want someone with such a personal history as a friend again? There is a world of people out there to form friendships and relationships with, and there is a reaon why this woman hasn't been in either group for at least a few years.
People do change, but you can't know if she has. I'd be inclined to concentrate on the people around you and not look back too much

I'm pretty old fashioned Mimi. If I forge a friendship with a woman and can open up to her.. Well let's say that's all I ever wanted from a woman. My ex wife had nothing to offer me really. She wasn't overly pretty and if I was stupid enough to look for looks I could have done a shitload better. I'm no oil painting but I'm certainly not ugly. I found that out after she left and I found out "what I could have won". Funny how women want something they can't have, and then when they can... lol.
I suppose I'm scared. Yes, a female companion would be awesome. I was raised by only a woman so I can understand their feelings and emotions (I've had to. If I hadn't I wouldn't talk to my mother any more)
I think I'm just terrified of going to hell again