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 Post subject: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:00 
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Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 3742
While we're still in relatively early stages I thought it's about time to alert people to the existence of the blog we've started.

We got bored of our masters (The Triforce) not updating their blog so we thought we might as well do it ourselves.

To retain a certain historic connection we called it 'Erant Splendens', which was a latinised version of the Were Brilliant motto of The Triforce.

What's it about? Various things really. Music, cookery, woulding, films, how to do things, creative writing, games and probably whatever else comes to mind.

We have an interesting article linking Battenburg to Bouncing Bombs coming soon. So why not pop over and visit us?


 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:12 
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Joined: 27th Mar, 2008
Posts: 14497
I liked the restaurant how-to. Good stuff. Needs a bit of subbing, though! Also, I like the Triforumites more than the original Triforce already after reading one bit.

 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:13 
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Posts: 3742
I can't say that I'd disagree. Sadly we've probably got no-one up to the task. What suggestions have you?


 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:27 
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Is it a case of, say, five people have access to the blog and they're all posting their own stuff? If so, everyone should have a partner who they email their latest article to. The partner checks the article for errors and typos and then posts it for them. It's nothing terrible - not at all, it's just what happens when the writer self-publishes - mistakes are practically unavoidable without a second pair of eyes, whoever you are and however long you've been writing.

 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:41 
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Posts: 3742
It's pretty much that. We are trying to get things checked over in draft before publishing. Have you seen some spelling errors in there?

Oh and my articles are probably the most rubbishest ones. And I'm the only blogger who uses his real name I believe.


 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:58 
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Posts: 14497
Well I only read the restaurant article and a couple of things jumped out that were a bit dodgy - no spelling errors that I can remember, though. It's all a blur now. It was still a good, well written bit of work. I've subscribed and stuff!

 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 13:03 
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Haven't had a chance to read it properly as I'm at work, but how come there's all that white space at the bottom? (At least in Firefox anyway)

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 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 13:05 
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devilman wrote:
Haven't had a chance to read it properly as I'm at work, but how come there's all that white space at the bottom? (At least in Firefox anyway)

It's also a billion pixels wide :S

 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 13:06 
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devilman wrote:
Haven't had a chance to read it properly as I'm at work, but how come there's all that white space at the bottom? (At least in Firefox anyway)

I'm guessing it's the same reason that the page is apparently 6 million times wider than my laptop screen.

*shakes fist at Malabar* :p

 Post subject: Re: A new blog by Triforumites
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 20:04 
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Posts: 3742
It's a billion pixels wide because I was trying to hide the blog title. I didn't realise it would make it add scrollbars. I need to find a new way to hide the blog title. Not sure about the white space.

The white space was an attempt to hide the default search box through a similar method.

Should you be interested, I've fixed those errors now.


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