Zio wrote:
I recently purchased myself a 1TB super slinky hdd for my 'pooter with the intention of doing a reinstall of Vista (yes, I know) and using it as my primary hard drive, with the existing one relegated to holding backups of important stuff.
Half-way through doing the reinstall I got bored, realising there's nothing wrong with the existing install, other than the disk is getting a tad full. And I just cannot be arsed to go through all the arse ache of installing everything from scratch again, particularly when a lot of my stuff is digital downloads a la Steam and GOG.
So... is there an easy way for me to clone the existing drive onto the new one, so that I can just copy everything over and boot from the new drive instead, and have Vista never notice a thing?
Fellow nerds, I require your assistance!
Check and see if there is a version of Ghost available for Vista 64 from (a reputable local software shop - Ed).