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 Post subject: Nothing is going to change my love for you
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:43 
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I was paintng the room for my soon-to-be daughter pink, and what was on the radio: Nothing is going to change my love for you by glenn madeiros, and then why tell me whj by anita meijer (probably unkonwn in tyhe uk but just as wrong) and keep on dancing by the beegees.

When doing something like paintng, wrong music is so much fun.. Qmusic's 'wrong music' -hour rules!

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 Post subject: Re: Nothing is going to change my love for you
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:02 
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I recently painted mum's bathroom a lovely peachy colour (was a part of the 'shades' range) and was listening to the radio.

It definitely makes you feel more of a builder :D

I reject your context and reality, and substitute my own.

 Post subject: Re: Nothing is going to change my love for you
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:25 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5318
We did the ceiling of the back room of my wife's house in Hull whilst listening to death Magnetic by Metallica. Then she said I had to change it so we had Scouting for Girls instead.

Do either of these count?

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