Oh dearQuote:
The recipe is highly detailed and plainly ridiculous. The prospective bomb maker is instructed to transform uranium gas into liquid by ‘subjecting it to pressure’, adding: ‘You can use a bicycle pump for this.’
The instructions continue: ‘Then make a simple home centrifuge. Fill a standard-size bucket one-quarter full of liquid uranium hexafluoride.
‘Attach a 6ft rope to the bucket handle. Now swing the rope (and attached bucket) around your head as fast as possible. Keep this up for about 45 minutes.
You'd have to be seriously fit/dedicated/stupid to even attempt to swing a bucket full of stuff around your head for 45 minutes. I've just tried it with some water, and lasted about 90 seconds, before i got The Dizzies and fell over.
EDIT: In teh interest of safety, ensure that the handle of the bucket is firmly affixed to teh bucket itself, otherwise pretend radioactive stuffs ends up in next doors kitchen, through their closed patio doors.
Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.