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 Post subject: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 23:06 
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Toot-de-toot-de-toot! Fan-fa-ra!

AGEod’s American Civil War

It’s a terrible feeling. You’re about to go into action with only the vaguest idea of the chaos and horror that you’re about to face. You’ve tried asking those who have been there, but they can never explain it. Their words are either vague and misleading, or fired with zeal and horribly deluding. You’re told it will all be over soon, but it is a lie. There is a long, hard, gruelling slog to come; a life of ninety percent boredom and ten percent of absolute terror. And the time approaches when you have to rise up and come to grips with the enemy, and the only way you can is to accept that you may very well be left a broken man by the end of it.

Yup, the folly of agreeing to play turn based independent war games, eh? They’re incredibly confusing, their fans are over-zealous nutters, they take ages to learn and complete and most of the time you’re actually bored out of your skull. In the end you just give up, four hundred miles from Moscow and deeply disillusioned, angry at your own inability to understand supply line management and raging against a hideous game-breaking interface.


The map studied carefully, I decided to build my barber shop in Richmond. So many beards, so many ladies desirous of only the carefully groomed.

Or at least they are in the main. AGEOD have been doing these games for ages, and if they are confusing and terrifying then at least they are significantly less so than their brethren. Sort of Battle of Falujah confusing instead of Stalingrad confusing. AACW differs a little from the traditional hex-games, and is a little more accommodating. To start with rather than hexes it takes place on a map divided into historical county regions and states. It’s a pretty decent map as well; colourful, easy to read with transport routes, rivers, forts, depots and towns and cities displayed prominently. There’s a handy mini-map so that you know where you are at any time, and lots of graphical overlays displaying ownership and loyalty, supply and whatnot.

There’s a tutorial too, which is as painless as the trappings of the genre allow. Happily it’s one that has been refined and sculpted over many patches since release, and there’s a very good forum to help you out with the inevitable questions. The menu bar is a bit cluttered, and the button descriptions aren’t always helpful, but you can get your head around it after (gngh) an hour or so of careful study.

The game unsurprisingly takes place in the American Civil War. You can play as either Confederates, who are better trained and have superior generals, plus the advantage of largely being on the defensive, or the Union who are far more numerous with better weapons but have complete dolts for generals with the added headache of having to venture deep into enemy territory. The two sides balance nicely and you get a real thrill of ‘what if?’ out of the entire affair. You don’t have to fight the whole war either, but can concentrate on a campaign or even a single state or county sized battle such as Shiloh or Antietam. The game is pretty customisable, with lots of difficulty options and main menu tweaks. You’d have no problem knocking up a good, novel scenario to test yourself.


Oh wait, we're the one's in blue? Ahhh. Ahhhh. Ah. Ahhhh. Right. Ahhh. Sorry, my bad.

The atmosphere is decent. Throughout the game newspapers pop up with headlines heralding events out of your control, such as Emancipation Proclamations and riots or great victories and defeats of your own making befalling Confederate and Union alike. There’s a soundtrack of contemporary popular band songs and marching music of the time, but it recycles a bit too often, and feels a little flat. You’d be better off getting a mix of bluegrass, spirituals and period folk songs to be honest. The bulk of the immersion comes from your own noggin’, as you imagine your troops pounding the dusty road to Richmond, and hurried orders by messenger to a general guarding a lonely train junction to hightail it to a distance battlefield as a vital reinforcement.

How does it play? Basically your army splits into three command layers. You have your one star generals who run divisions and can perform limited army tasks, but who can never stray far and suffer penalties in battle for lack of chain of command and organisation. Then there’s two star generals who know their stuff when it comes to supply and battle, but who need a one star general to lean on or they get confused by either the great mass of men they're leading, or annoyed at being dragged down in importance in having to manage a little division from Bumfuck Arizona. Finally you have three star generals, who are the big shots. They’re incredibly rare, but can do anything. They’re awesome, they are. Unless they’re General McClellan, in which case they’re a hateful lazy bastard.

So what do you do with these guys? Well, the problem with armies is that you can’t dump a load of units into a pile and expect them to fight well. They won’t. They’ll get muddled and confused, run out of food and ammo. They’ll be soundly whupped by an army half the size with a proper general. Each unit you add on to a stack increases a combat penalty on how they fight, to a maximum of a hefty 35%. If you have a general, that lessens it a little, but even they are quickly overwhelmed. But if you have a one star and a two star you can form a corps, which makes a tight fighting force. And if you have a three star, he can form his own army headquarters which grants lovely bonuses and hugely reduces penalties for any corps attached to him – corps which can still operate independently up to a whole state or two away. It’s a good system, and means that you can’t just charge into enemy territory with a bucket full of units. You have to organise them and prepare them. It’s this that brings home the complexity and slow pace of the old wars. There’s no such thing as blitzkrieg.

Generals have traits both good and bad and special abilities too, all in keeping with their historical nature. Confederate General Jackson for example is formidable in defence and his troops have near unbreakable morale. The Union General McClellan is a dab hand at organisation, but wouldn’t get out of bed to piss in a bucket without sending out scouts, asking for reinforcements, writing letters for political support, asking for yet more reinforcements and then deciding that it looks a bit nippy outside and besides, he could scratch himself and get tetanus on the rusty bucket, and maybe he'd stay put. You really have to analyse which general is best for which situation or eventuality and plan ahead.

The range of units is diverse, but neatly described in notes. There’s never any difficulty in working out which unit has been badly mauled or is lacking in morale or ammo. You also get naval units too, but in truth they’re a bit of a sideshow. The AI is pretty vicious, and even on the easier settings will play with you in a cruel cat and mouse game. Fog of war makes moving units into unsafe territory a terrifying gamble and progress can be slowed by bad weather, militia taking pot-shots and useless, work-shy generals such as Mc-Bloody-Clellan. One game I managed as the Union to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, with a heroic effort by General Sumter, but was tormented by Mc-ArseyMcArse-Clellan refusing to move as per my orders, and my force left out in a dangerous salient leading to its getting wiped by Lee and Jackson. It was thrilling stuff, but frustrating and led to a stalemate. Next game I demoted him, but took a knock in political points and national morale equalling fewer troops. It can be a risky game promoting a more deserving general over a more incompetent senior. Even if he is Cunting Idiot McClellan. Ugh. I hate that man.

So it’s basically one of those games you have to play at for a week or so to get used to, but when you do there’s as much fun and depth as Civilization’s ilk. And after the learning curve is conquered, you can start ramping up the difficulty. There’s a play by email option that’s a bit fiddly, and a decent enough manual. In all, it’s a solid fun game that perfectly evokes the period. The only flaws lie in the realism of the crap Union generals being a bit too frustrating, and the inherent obtuseness of it all. But I can recommend it, especially if you combine it with a borrowed from library copy of Ken Burn’s ‘The American Civil War’ series on DVD. If you want to start somewhere with this terrifyingly confusing and glacial genre, then you can do a lot worse than AACW. It sorts the boys from the men! GRR!

Straining to be accessible, but still dauntingly complex, this is nevertheless a juicy and deep game to get hooked on. Or you might just want to dig out the old Amiga and play a bit of North & South, either way is splendid.

Verdict: B

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 23:38 
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Even if he is cat Idiot McClellan. Ugh. I hate that man.

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 0:01 
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Kern wrote:
Even if he is cat Idiot McClellan. Ugh. I hate that man.

:this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this:

Indeed, I was watching the Ken Burns documentary with a mate who is completely blase and unknowing and uncaring about the US civil war, and even he was moved to scream at the television, "Oh c'mon! C'MON! WHAT A CUNT!" It's enough to make a nun enraged.

This was when it was revealed that McClellan found the complete top secret battle plans and timings of Robert Lee, and had many more troops, and the advantage, and yet still didn't attack. 8)

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 0:05 
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One of the things I'll never understand is the Union boys' love for that man. Sure, he turned enthusiastic amateurs into soldiers but he then did sod all with them. Your line about getting tetanus from the bucket is brilliant.

Good review, by the way.

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:56 
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Why don't you submit this to the site, Petie?

I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:02 
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I was reading a (very, very good) book about the Civil War last year and McClellan started out as a complete hero, but the end I was getting very, very angry with his timidity and uselessness. Interesting man.

As for the game, I tried the demo on my NC10, but loads of information windows don't resize down to 600 pixels high, so it's unplayable. Boo.


 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:13 
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Of course, the Army of the Potomac had a succession of crap commanders. I don't criticise Meade for not chasing the rebs after Gettysburg however: I don't think the army was in a condition to immediately advance. Though having dual command with Grant in 1864 was a mistake.

was reading a (very, very good) book about the Civil War last year

Which one? Not bought a book on the war between the states since, er, last month (which still hasn't arrived)

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:16 
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Kern wrote:
Which one? Not bought a book on the war between the states since, er, last month (which still hasn't arrived)

Battle Cry of Freedom. Spent most of my holiday in the States last year reading it. Fascinating stuff.


 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:25 
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The Rev Owen wrote:
Battle Cry of Freedom

Yeah, that's an excellent work: very handy for checking stuff too.

I highly recommend Tony Horowitz's 'Confederates in the Attic' : a fascinating look at what the war means to the contemporary (well, late 1990s now) South.

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:26 
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Kern wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Battle Cry of Freedom

Yeah, that's an excellent work: very handy for checking stuff too.

I highly recommend Tony Horowitz's 'Confederates in the Attic' : a fascinating look at what the war means to the contemporary (well, late 1990s now) South.

The 1890s are developmentally still contemporary to much of the South, chap, as well you know.

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:33 
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myp wrote:
Why don't you submit this to the site, Petie?

And I shall, just wanted to run it through the forum first. Mainly to bitch about McClellan.

Grrr. That man! etc.

Good US Civil War movies are very rare, oddly. Anyone know any? Red Badge of Courage is pretty fine, and was quite radical for its time by eschewing heroics and showing grimitude. Glory's pretty good as well, if a bit too Oscar earnest at times. Cold Mountain's pretty dull, even if it did lead to an excellent moment in Tristam Shandy: A Cock & Bull story. Loving this Ken Burns series though, even if each part is about two hours long.

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:38 
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Buster Keaton's 'The General', even if I end up cheering for the secesh

'Gettysburg' is excellent, once you get over the shock of the beards and the portly re-enactors

Avoid 'Gods and Generals' like the plague, unless you like wanking off to Stonewall Jackson.

The battle scenes of 'Birth of a Nation' are almost dreamlike, but the rest is deeply, deeply racist.

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:00 
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Hmm, won the battle of Shiloh last night, which was nice.

Anyway, now submitted this for review at Up to Jump - let me know if I've formatted it right and stuff folks. I added the score and a tiny summary box out as custom fields, but it doesn't seem to show in preview. This is my first time with word press. :)

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 13:13 
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First post I made on the Ageod ACW forum due to interesting thread, "Why are Europeans interested in the Civil War?"

Hullo all!

First post here. I bought ACW a week ago and have been having much - partially baffled - fun with it.

I can't answer for my fellow Europeans or Englishmen, but here's what interests me.

I think it's the fact that its like the starter for the main course as regards the First World War. It's the first time that mass produced weaponry and supply allowed massive armies to be fielded. The deadliness of the weapons involved meant that defence easier than assault, and huge numbers of lives were thrown away advancing on prepared positions. Citizen's armies were formed with appeals to patriotism. A deadly naivety amongst all ranks blinded most of the participants to the duration of the war and the slaughter that would take place.

So in that sense, I believe that many British see the Civil War as a herald of the new age of warfare, and empthaise because there's a shared horror of fresh faced idealistic youth thrown against the guns. There's a link in the divisions formed as well. In WWI there were the 'pals', which were units from one town or city who enlisted en mass. Whole populations of young men would be wiped out, and practically an entire town would be bereaved at a time. I understand the same system happened in the civil war, with the same results. It is a horrific tragedy that no lessons were learned from the war. Indeed, WWI was MORE deadly before trench warfare came along, with thousands dying in hours in open field engagements similar to the civil war. The famous 'Kindermort' where Germany fielded units comprised of colleges of German students against a small but highly trained force of English riflemen. The fire was so thick that they believed they were facing many machine guns, when in reality it was just the incredible practised rate of Lee Enfield rifles. One German general broke down and cried that 'All my boys are dead' pointing at the slag heaps and conical hills of the coal mining region where they fell.

In that reflection, I think a lot of Europeans have a fascination with the war. It's also the last time America tasted the brutality of total war on its own soil, and there's nothing more brutal than a civil war. England had one in which some estimates put the dead at one and a half million - many due to starvation. However, the US civil war was in many respects grimmer, because the emotional fallout was so much more intense and prolonged. The restoration and a couple of centuries of more moderate leaders led to the healing of all wounds. But in the US civil war, the fact that most of the fighting was on Confederate soil, the emotional question of right to self-government, the mistreatment by some generals and troops, and the amazing performance of a smaller army has led to a heightened emotional fallout. (Incidently, I'm pro-union, but the more I read and study this period, the more in admiration I am of the South's incredible generalship and self-sacrifice.)

There's also a massive 'What If?' question that hangs over it. There's a brilliant documentary I'm sure you all know called CSA, about America today if the Confederates won. The degree to which this would have changed the world is literally incalculable.

Then there's the added aspect of the Emancipation Proclamation. Many in England think of the slavery issue first and seccession second as the reasons for the fight. It's not true, but it's what defines it in our eyes. It adds a heroic grandeur to the entire thing - somewhat a veneer to the main independence question , but it did cause people to think of a higher, nobler ideal and that vision is very alluring. It also makes heroes and villains of the sides - somewhat unfairly, and as ever the entire thing was shades of grey. And yet the entire thing led to the conquering of a great evil - slavery. And there's so many astonishing stories that welled up from this.

But despite all this, the BIGGEST factor I have to say are the personalities involved. Lincoln, the noble, clever, wonky-faced leader. Lee and Johnson, the two great generals. Unconditional Surrender Grant. And McClellan.

Yes, McClellan. Same time I got the game I got the Ken Burns box set. A housemate of mine, early twenties, with no interest in the war got hooked as well. And what pulled him in? His overhearing while cooking that McClellan found Lee's top secret plans, and having the man out-numbered - withdrew! "What the **** is wrong with that guy!?" he walked into the lounge and bellowed, frying pan in hand. He then watched from the start, and now won't shut up about McClellan.

So in summary, it's just a fascinating cocktail. You've got the grimness and forboding of WWI. You've got the heated emotions over a massive expanse of geography that defined America's character today. You've got the technology and the style of fighting that heralded future warfare. You've got the amazing 'what-if ?' nature of it all. You've got an incredible underdog in the Confederacy. You've got the issue of slavery and the struggle towards the light of the abolitionists dragging America with them. You've got amazing characters and stories and - and, it's the first properly documented and photographed war. And at a safe, non-participant European remove, its pretty exotic, especially contrasted to the grim horror of the two world wars.

So nah, it isn't that surprising for me that Europeans are interested.

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 13:38 
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Excellent stuff Nervouspete.

I can't really add much to what you've written there. Pretty much sums up why I spend so much time reading about it, spending holidays tramping across fields, and, as from last year, re-enacting it (I play dark blue; someone has to).

Two highly recommended memoirs:

'Co Aytch' by Sam Watkins for the rebs and 'Turned inside out' by Frank Wilkeson for the yanks.

Watkins gets quoted a lot in the Ken Burns show but worth reading anyhow. I can't remember if Wilkeson appears or not - his book is fascinating, well written, and highly scathing about the Union's leadership.

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 19:23 
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Top review Pete. Can I suggest that the system specs and website link go at the end rather than at the beginning?

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 19:25 
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Craster wrote:
Top review Pete. Can I suggest that the system specs and website link go at the end rather than at the beginning?

Good idea. Ta! :)

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 19:29 
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Top stuff Mr nervouspete. I highly enjoyed reading that.

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:24 
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Pete! I want to publish your review, but one of the screenshots you were linking to has disappeared and I wasn't sure if you were happy for me to move the specs stuff or wanted to do it yourself. Can you do the needful, and I'll publish it. Ta.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:32 
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Wilco, I'll let you know when it's fixed. :)

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:42 
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Do you think there was ever a real chance of the CSA winning Pete? The industrial and financial advantage of the Union meant that the longer the war went on, the more the balance tipped against the South. Could they realistically have forced the Union to recognise their independence early on, by winning that one more military victory?

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:42 
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You're only allowed to distract Pete with shooty-cowboy talk when he's finished fixing the review.

*cracks whip*

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:44 
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* looks at feet in shame *

Is Pete allowed to coma out and play war now? How about now? Now?

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:45 
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Squirt wrote:
Do you think there was ever a real chance of the CSA winning Pete? The industrial and financial advantage of the Union meant that the longer the war went on, the more the balance tipped against the South. Could they realistically have forced the Union to recognise their independence early on, by winning that one more military victory?

I think they'd have needed international recognition of their independent status. They tried, but it never came.


 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:47 
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The Rev Owen wrote:
I think they'd have needed international recognition of their independent status. They tried, but it never came.

Is it because they wanted to marry their cousins?

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:52 
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The Rev Owen wrote:
I think they'd have needed international recognition of their independent status. They tried, but it never came.


We did, however, come damn close to war with the North over the Trent Affair (in brief, the US Navy boarded a British ship and seized two Confederate agents, in clear breach of the Pax Britannica), but Prince Albert's late-night rewrites of an angry government missive provided a way out.

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:54 
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myp wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
I think they'd have needed international recognition of their independent status. They tried, but it never came.

Is it because they wanted to marry their cousins?

Don't say that sort of thing around my wife.


 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:56 
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Why, is she from Shelbyville?

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 15:56 
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myp wrote:
Why, is she from Shelbyville?

Born and bred.

No... wait...


 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 20:44 
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Righto, it's pretty much done. Can I just check with the scoring system again, how does it work? What are the full ranks and how good is a 'B'? And how do you get the big shiny box-out verdict thing with the score letter?

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 20:59 
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Squirt wrote:
Do you think there was ever a real chance of the CSA winning Pete? The industrial and financial advantage of the Union meant that the longer the war went on, the more the balance tipped against the South. Could they realistically have forced the Union to recognise their independence early on, by winning that one more military victory?

Hmm. Thinking hard I'd have to say that there was a chance Lee could exhaust the North prior to Gettysburg by just winning again and again in bloody defensive actions. War-weariness in the North would have forced Lincoln out, and may have resulted in a ceasefire and a settlement. I consider that only a small possibility. The only other way would have been some brilliant victories at the start by the Confederacy, finishing the war quickly with an invasion of Washington and New York - but then they won three quarters of the battles in the first two years of the war and yet still couldn't get past that numerical advantage.

Plus the embargo by Union navies probably would have forced the South into surrender eventually, if the war went on long enough. Good question though. I'd say it was possible, but increasingly unlikely as the war went on, and impossible after 1863.

EDIT: Ahh, nuts. Think I've updated it right. I've submitted the corrected version, y'all!

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 21:18 
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nervouspete wrote:
Righto, it's pretty much done. Can I just check with the scoring system again, how does it work? What are the full ranks and how good is a 'B'? And how do you get the big shiny box-out verdict thing with the score letter?

Scores are F-A, then 'S' for astonishingly good games. B is a very good game.

You've done it right, with the score and the 'closing remarks'. The site will turn that into the boxout. Let me know if you're happy and I'll publish.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 21:27 
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nervouspete wrote:
Good question though. I'd say it was possible, but increasingly unlikely as the war went on, and impossible after 1863.

I reckon Northern war weariness was the South's last hope. Their best result would have been for the wanker McClellan to win the 1864 election as Lincoln's re-election was not a foregone conclusion. Although Little Mac claimed to be a War Democrat and disavowed the party's peace platform, he would not have had much room politically to do anything but enter into negotiations for peace.

(Some states let their soldiers in the field to vote, who did so overwhelmingly for Lincoln)

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 21:39 
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Craster wrote:
nervouspete wrote:
Righto, it's pretty much done. Can I just check with the scoring system again, how does it work? What are the full ranks and how good is a 'B'? And how do you get the big shiny box-out verdict thing with the score letter?

Scores are F-A, then 'S' for astonishingly good games. B is a very good game.

You've done it right, with the score and the 'closing remarks'. The site will turn that into the boxout. Let me know if you're happy and I'll publish.

Excellent, I'm chuffed with that result.

Which reviews are up there already? I seem to fuzzily recall my Defcon one around there somewhere but now can't find it. Should I pop it up myself now or am I being dense and missing it? And is there a way of putting reviews into platform categories? *Needle* *Needle*

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 21:41 
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Kern wrote:
nervouspete wrote:
Good question though. I'd say it was possible, but increasingly unlikely as the war went on, and impossible after 1863.

I reckon Northern war weariness was the South's last hope. Their best result would have been for the wanker McClellan to win the 1864 election as Lincoln's re-election was not a foregone conclusion. Although Little Mac claimed to be a War Democrat and disavowed the party's peace platform, he would not have had much room politically to do anything but enter into negotiations for peace.

(Some states let their soldiers in the field to vote, who did so overwhelmingly for Lincoln)

Yeah, I'd go along with that. Christ, can you imagine him mustering the courage to pass any law or put forward any policy? "Yup, a flawless leadership, I ain't made one mistake yet. ONLY I CAN SAVE TEH PRESIDENCY!"

Man, AGEOD ACW really does deliver with the frustration of crap Northern generals though. "Wahey! I outnumber them hugely, time to attack. What?! Eh?! Aw, fuckeries."

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 21:52 
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nervouspete wrote:
Craster wrote:
nervouspete wrote:
Righto, it's pretty much done. Can I just check with the scoring system again, how does it work? What are the full ranks and how good is a 'B'? And how do you get the big shiny box-out verdict thing with the score letter?

Scores are F-A, then 'S' for astonishingly good games. B is a very good game.

You've done it right, with the score and the 'closing remarks'. The site will turn that into the boxout. Let me know if you're happy and I'll publish.

Excellent, I'm chuffed with that result.

Which reviews are up there already? I seem to fuzzily recall my Defcon one around there somewhere but now can't find it. Should I pop it up myself now or am I being dense and missing it? And is there a way of putting reviews into platform categories? *Needle* *Needle*

Your defcon is there, but it's pending. It needs a summary and score. Categories are done by adding tags - the platforms are included in there. You've already tagged the fuck out of the AGEOD review :D

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 22:12 
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That Rev Chap

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Review's a bit borked on UpToJump.


 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 22:23 
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Craster wrote:
nervouspete wrote:
Craster wrote:
nervouspete wrote:
Righto, it's pretty much done. Can I just check with the scoring system again, how does it work? What are the full ranks and how good is a 'B'? And how do you get the big shiny box-out verdict thing with the score letter?

Scores are F-A, then 'S' for astonishingly good games. B is a very good game.

You've done it right, with the score and the 'closing remarks'. The site will turn that into the boxout. Let me know if you're happy and I'll publish.

Excellent, I'm chuffed with that result.

Which reviews are up there already? I seem to fuzzily recall my Defcon one around there somewhere but now can't find it. Should I pop it up myself now or am I being dense and missing it? And is there a way of putting reviews into platform categories? *Needle* *Needle*

Your defcon is there, but it's pending. It needs a summary and score. Categories are done by adding tags - the platforms are included in there. You've already tagged the fuck out of the AGEOD review :D

Ahh, I'll edit it then and resub. Ta.

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 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 23:20 
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Posts: 49252
Hmm - the summary and score aren't showing up. People who actually know about wordpress - can you take a look please?

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: AGEOD American Civil War
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 23:23 
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Craster wrote:
Hmm - the summary and score aren't showing up. People who actually know about wordpress - can you take a look please?


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