I mentioned a buddy of mine in MD USA (the chubby bloke) a while back saying how much I valued him as a genuine friend.
A few months back his father went into hospital for a routine operation, basically a small valve for the heart needed to be replaced with either a pigs or cows. This is apparently very routine and he had had it done before.
When he went in for surgery they discovered other problems. A colon problem that led to removal of part of his colon, kidney problems, lung problems.. They ended up inserting a trach in his throat and he lived out the rest of his days on dialysis.
This was obviously crushing for my friend, who watched his father go in for a routine surgery and then slowly but surely over the space of three months watched his body fail and in the end watched him die.
Obviously I was terribly upset by this because I knew his father very well and he was ruddy good to JC. Especially when my life collapsed around me in the USA and I had nowhere to go. He let me go there for a couple of weeks to get my head together and was really humanly kind to me.
I was pretty worried about my friend and the remainder of his family lose their house. They do have an enormous house but they have only been in it for about 2 years and it was their 'dream house' that my friend's father had worked hard for all of his life. Apparently there aren't sufficient funds to completely pay off the house (as his father wasn't expecting to die suddenly as he did) and they will now need to sell it and move out.
As if all of this wasn't bad enough my friend has had to take leave from work to bury his father and take care of everything as his mother has just fallen to pieces.. Last night in a convo over Skype I suggested to him that he get everything taken care of and then come and visit JC for a break away and some fun to take his mind off it all. Of course he was delighted at such and offer and we began making plans.
Because of a bit of a cash shortage he decided to sell a portable pc/phone thing (forget what it is now) that he got in Jan for $700. He put it on ebay for $450 start and $600 BIN.
A few hours it sold at the BIN price, and we cheerfully started making plans for his holiday here in late July. Then out of a bit of my paranoia I asked him to check the ebay buyer's credentials (even though he has 100% feedback over 58 transactions..) and it basically ammounts to this.
http://www.whoisandrewwee.com/ebay-auct ... m-exposed/So now my friend has to fuck around reporting to ebay, delaying everything and causing him even more unwanted shit.
Man, life can be so fucking cruel to some people sometimes