MrD wrote:
I can't see where in your post you say what exactly was wrong with GTA IV. Was it just naff all over?
Hello Mr D

I would have laid out all the reasons before, but the post would have been yawningly tear dribblingly long.
They were (as shortened as I can) as follows (Ive not had any coffee for a bit, so I should seethe
that much pointing them out

I put the disc in the drive already knowing I was going to have to install all kinds of spurious shit on my computer. I'm not a fan of that. That's kind of like saying to someone "well you can shag Cheryl Cole but you're going to get aids..." I wanted the Cheryl Cole so bad I accepted the aids that came with it.
But it couldn't even slip slyly into my PC without giving me shit.
Social club and GFWL install before anything else. So I installed them (well i tried, but the needle carrying my aids was rusty and wouldn't penetrate the vein.)
Social club crashed. I tried again. This time SC installed and I got to the GFWL screen. It crashed. Started again, same thing, chose to skip GFWL because I didn't really want to play online.. Installed the game, took nearly an hour. Went to boot, DRM protection error. After two hours of ripping hair out (I couldnt just crack it like I did crysis) I eventually uninstalled Nero AND Daemon because it didn't like virtual drives. They must have worried it or something (all together, awwwww).
Booted the game. "you need to have a games for windows live ID before you can save this game" A whoseawhat? OK, now Im being forced. I agreed again to another dose of some virulent crap into my PC because I (what gaming is). I fought for four hours with M$ flaky server
trying to get an account. It was down, and I couldn't. I eventually got an ID, loaded the game AGAIN (game was delivered @ 10am, it was now 4:30pm and I hadn't played it.) This time it said "There is an update to GFWL available. If you choose not to install it the game will exit" Angry, I refused. It exited back to the desktop. Loaded the game again, same thing. By now I was woozy, tired and dizzy from all the cack that had been injected into me and was now pulsating around my body, so I just agreed. UPDATE FAILED. Game exited.
I then had to go to a TORRENT SITE and download this update MYSELF taking chances of getting a virus. I got the update, manually installed it, loaded the game.
Tried to log into windows live, failed. Tried again for many an hour and around 9pm I finally got it. The signs at the bottom of the screen were good, I had a boner. (press home to blah blah and etc). OKed that, next screen "your connection to windows live has been reset, please try again" I tried again, and again, and again. In the end I figured I would just play the fucking game, and retry a login later and save my game then. Tried about 11:30 pm and it crashed and froze, I had to hard reset my PC and lost 3.5 hrs of saves. I started again, and by about 2am I was back (and saved) to where I had been before.
The next day my rose tinted specs (or what the fuck was left of them) came off, and I loaded up Grid which I run at 1440x900 8XQFSAA at 52fps and realized just how truly awful GTA4 not only looked, but played too. I havent even loaded it since, I cringe at the fucking spam fest it gives when you load it. First a small spinning DVD (thats the DRM that is) for about 20 seconds, then Social club, then GFWL.. It's all tiresome and crap.
Worst of all though
It has no PC goodness at all. No FSAA, no Anistropic, nothing meaning it just about makes graphical par with the 360. To make matters worse Nvidia issued a statement with the new driver saying it could be forced using the Nvidia control panel, this turned out to be false and they retracted their statement. But it doesn't end there, R* have made all kinds of patronising comments about how the game on high settings is intended for future machines. That's a fucking insult.
MrD wrote:
I think you're a bit daft for laying down £59.99 on anything, without at least renting it. (Or playing somebody elses copy.)
Did you 'Just Gotta Be First'? If so, thems the breaks.
I was young and naiive. I have been hand raised by a woman with no father (he died when I was seven) My mother is the most optimistic person on the face of this earth. Glass is always half full, never ever complains. So I'm one of the few people who really enjoyed Indy KS and am proud that we have shows like the Xfactor and don't whinge and whine about them. I do live and learn tho.
MrD wrote:
You must have laid down a ton of cash for the BD V64... they were a zillion quid back in the day, right? (They still are now, at least.)
IIRC I paid 200 pounds for it. I got it from the same 'chink' (sorry if that sounded racist... it wasnt meant to be) that I bought many items from. It was cheap, they went around for about 350 but he was a lovely bloke (dodgy tho) and we were good friends. I worked for him for about 3 years.
It was alot of cash. Esp when you consider you need the DRM save cart AND the memory expansion (another oner) but its still cheaper than the 55 quid per game over time. That's the thing with console piracy, you have a large outlay. I love gaming, so it always made sense to me. I think the Double Pro fighter I had many years before was more than that.. IIRC over 300 quid.. But, it had an adaptor underneath and could be used on both Snes and MD.
MrD wrote:
A compromise could have been for you to buy the real versions of the games you liked from those devices. If not for yourself, then as a present for somebody else. (Why would you want to keep one without your save games and where you can't back up your saves and stuff etc.)
I'm not trying to get at you, I'm just asking stuff.

"Ahh well, hey ho, it's all a load of bollocks, isn't it."
I own many many original titles. EVERY valve title (in the latest l4d.. gunman, etc etc). I also own (I think) nearly every sega PC game (well most if not all) and they're all originals too (big sega fan here, being that I love arcade games).
My N64 wasn't doctored immediately. It was done so after I bought an import machine (600 sheets) and about 13 imported games @ around 80 quid a pop. Mario 64, Wave Race.. I saw immense value in all of those. Until things like KI gold and Mario Kart and it's shit AI started coming out...
With a DR you could save games. There were two ways. A device called a DRM which was a cartridge with a little clock dial on and 30 save positions. It basically had 30 small pieces of RAM in it and you could turn the dial to a fresh one, at which point the game would save. Or, you could put in a game with RAM (say mario 64) play for example ISS64) and it would write the save for ISS64 to the Mario ram chip. Then, before you play another game load a program called 'black bag' which copied that save from the Mario cart into your memory card.. Then if you played say, BlastDozer (one of gamings finest hours) you could send the ISS save back.
Complicated, but not isummountable (sic)