My home network is being added and modified to and some of it is being a little bit quirky. I'd like some advice if there's a better way to set it up.
Currently, the WRT54GL is set to subnet handing out IP address in the range. The Access Point has a fixed IP of and is on subnet handing out range. This works perfectly well for everything concerned apart from the fact Windows can't make Workgroups across different subnets, scuppering file sharing across my network unless I type in the IP address manually, which I don't want to do.
The AP is in Station-Infrastructure mode, and the router is in Gateway/Access Point mode.
Before that, I had it set up in a simple way so that the DHCP server in the access point was turned off, and everything was set to the same subnet. This worked for a little bit but at seemingly random points the DHCP wasn't giving out addresses to anything on the wired side of the Access Point.
I realise I could just set static IPs to the wired side of the Access Point and it'd work but then uPnP stops working properly and it's a pain the arse to deal with opening and closing ports for Live, BitTorrent, etc.
If anyone has any ideas of a better way to make it work I'd love to hear them.
The WRT54GL can be flashed to any firmware necessary, but is currently running Tomato 1.22. The equipment has to stay where it is pretty much. All the PCs are XP Pro apart from one which is XP x64.