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 Post subject: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:31 
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lazy eye patch

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Hi there Beexchums! Any Spec-chums in the house?

My better half is getting my old DS flash cart as a small surprise gift (and my DS Lite, as her DS Phat is starting to fail a bit, and I don't often use mine). So amongst other things, I'm going to preload it with a Specturm emulator and some of my favourites.

If anyone could please recommend any games that don't require the keys (except at the title screen, that's okay of course), then I'd really appreciate it lots. Especially:

Mrs CUS wrote:
I like shooter games. I like blowing things up. I like things involving tanks. I like blowing things up in tanks.

She also likes platform games a lot (big PC Kid and Commander Keen fan)

Manic Miner

...are both excellently joystick-only, and work perfectly with the DS controls. Any more like that please?


 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:34 
8-Bit Champion
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What about a Tank-y Puzzle ?

Anarchy is a game i'd never played before about a month ago but its great and works great on the DS :-) ... id=0000187

**Edit** I should point out its great till level 8 then got too hard for me :-)

 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:38 
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lazy eye patch

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zaphod79 wrote:
What about a Tank-y Puzzle ? Anarchy is a game i'd never played before about a month ago but its great and works great on the DS :-)


Yes, I really like Anarchy, it was a on Crash covertape back in the day, and I got quite addicted to it. She doesn't really like puzzle games so much, but heh, it's got tanks in it! And is a good, perfectly joystick-only game too, so kudos.


 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:49 
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I'm afraid I was more of a keyboard basher than a joystick waggler (fnar, oo-er, etc), and I haven't really tried emulating anything on the DS, so I'm not sure how well anything might translate.

Beach Head springs to mind as a game where you get to blow up tanks, while controlling a tank (only for one level though if I remember rightly), which sounds like it's right up Mrs CUS' street (fnar, oo-er, I'll stop now).
The oft-mentioned Chuckie Egg fits the platform criteria, and I always liked Bak2Skool, but that's probably got too many buttons?

Seeing as you mentioned it yourself in another thread, what about the Wally Week games? They were just lerft/right/jump weren't they?

Edit - I'm in the middle of a system rebuild at the moment, but when I'm back up and running I'll have a look through my games and see if I can find anything suitable.

 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:05 
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lazy eye patch

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Joans wrote:
Beach Head springs to mind as a game where you get to blow up tanks


which sounds like it's right up Mrs CUS' street (fnar, oo-er, I'll stop now)

Mate, she's my girlfriend. She's not easily offended. Put whatever up her street that you would like to. Plenty of room, and I can always squeeze down the back alley way if you fill up all the space yourself.

The oft-mentioned Chuckie Egg fits the platform criteria


Back 2 Skool needs keys as you say, and the Wally games nah, wouldn't appeal to her. She just wants stuff she can load up during a break at work, and go BOOM! DUGGA DUGGA DUGGA! for a few minutes. Or, jump around a bit.

Oh! HATE. That's a good 'un, and with tanks. :smug:


 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:13 
8-Bit Champion
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CUS wrote:
Back 2 Skool needs keys as you say, and the Wally games nah, wouldn't appeal to her. She just wants stuff she can load up during a break at work, and go BOOM! DUGGA DUGGA DUGGA! for a few minutes. Or, jump around a bit.

One other thing to point out is via the magic of SpeccyDS you can save a snapshot of games really easily (think its right shoulder button to pull up the menu) , so some games which might not fit well with a '5 minute blast' will actually work because you can have 5 mins , save the game and come back to it later.

Oh and i havent tried it but "Tank" again looks like the right type of game.... ... id=0005129

And once you look at that you might think "Ikari Warriors" (no idea if the speccy one was any good) or Commando , or Rambo , or ........ this could go on for hours :-)

 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:18 
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CUS wrote:
Mate, she's my girlfriend. She's not easily offended. Put whatever up her street that you would like to. Plenty of room, and I can always squeeze down the back alley way if you fill up all the space yourself.

I wasn't apologising for offending her (although, I would if I had), just the overuse of YS style comments in my post. Thanks for the offer though. ?:|

Zaphod makes a good point about the snapshots though, it turns a lot of games into ones where you can have a quick 5 minute play when you couldn't normally.

 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:22 
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I imagine Split Personalities would work well enough - great game too.

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 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:37 
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Zanthrax is great. Robocop is fab. Rainbow Islands but that's on loads of stuff. Rodland was really good on the Speccy. I liked it more than the Amiga version.

Why not a bit of Dizzy or Slightly Magic? CJ's Elephant Antics? Addams Family was pretty good as well. Chase HQ is fab on the speccy. Shall I go on?

You should really get her to give Chaos a go though, even though it's keyboard based.


 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:28 
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Nirejhenge wrote:
CJ's Elephant Antics?

Great game, but will be a pain in the arse on the DS screen. You won't be able to see anything.

+ there is a complication that everyone is forgetting. There are different types of Speccy joystick, so the end user will need to be informed what type of joystick to select (Sinclair or Kempston I guess).

Pang is good as is Deathchase.

Rainbow Islands is class, but might be a pain to see the graphics on later levels.

[edit] Yes, Rodland is great on my DS. Really clear graphics.

 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:35 
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Nirejhenge wrote:
You should really get her to give Chaos a go though, even though it's keyboard based.

There's a homebrew version of Chaos too which is pretty good.

Consolemad | Under Logic
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 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:38 
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Was midnight resistance on the speccy playable on joystick only? I loved that and the theme music was particularly good i seem to remember?

 Post subject: Re: Good joystick-only Spectrum games
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:53 
8-Bit Champion
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CUS wrote:

If anyone could please recommend any games that don't require the keys (except at the title screen, that's okay of course), then I'd really appreciate it lots.

Thats a point - you do realise the touch screen displays a full speccy keyboards and you can use your stylus to press them (i've not played any but i'd imagine adventure games or anything 'non realtime' would work fine)

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