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 Post subject: Everybody should watch the film Deathstalker 2
PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 15:10 
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Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 3742
First let's set the scene with the intro which features the best pun ever

That has me laughing every time I watch it.

Deathstalker was a rather below par swords and sorcery Conan esque thing. It was a bit boring. Deathstalker 2 however is the Evil Dead 2 of the series. Okay maybe not quite that good but it's still much better than any of the others.

This film knows it's a b-movie and plays along with that. Not quite as knowingly as the likes of Spaceballs or Men In Tights (for example) but does what a movie of this type does with a certain wink to the audience. Quite literally actually a lot of the time.

Pretty much everyone in the film is rather bad at acting but none of it really matters. The lead actor gets away with it with him being an almost-Bruce-Campbell-but-not-quite. The lead actress gets away with it by being cute with her over animated eyebrows.

It often plays on the cliches of the genre, having such things as a bar brawl (with barrels marked BEER) and a band of evil mercenaries that have to be overcome (including a comedy midget). Oh and a tribe of Amazons who challenge Deathstalker to a wrestling match to the death against their champion. This champion being an actual female wrestler of the time and the fight takes place is a rather modern looking ring and even has modern look round cards held by glamorous amazons..

A scene in the bar including the introduction of the mercenaries

There's a sexual element to the film with considerable nudity, mud wrestling and a relatively strong sex scene. Which is a bit of a shame as it would have probably been an excellent family film had it toned things down a bit. After all there's a cute romance bubbling underneath the surface, even if Deathstalker sometimes seems more interested in his horse:

One final thing is that there's a brilliant joke played quite subtly at the end which you might miss if you don't pay attention but I won't go into too much detail. Just trust me it's great.

You can go and download it from but I should be uploading a DVD rip of it within the next month which will be replacing the current VHS rip so you might prefer to wait. Unless I can find somwhere accepting full length movie uploads..


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