Squirt wrote:
An act which results in or appears to result in serious injury to a person's anus, breasts or genitals
Does that mean that the hilarious bits in comedy films or You've Been Framed when some bloke catches a bowling ball in the knackers is now extreme pornography?
Define 'serious injury'. And 'appears to'. I've seen things that could 'appear to' harm those things by some people's definitions. Also, why the specific focus on the squelchy bits, exactly? These lawmakers must be really unimaginative in bed.
Five years ago Jane Longhurst, a teacher from Brighton, was murdered. It later emerged her killer had been compulsively accessing websites such as Club Dead and Rape Action, which contained images of women being abused and violated.
For fuck's sake. Talk about tarring it all with the same brush. "Rape Action"? Yes, of course, all S&M is comparable to rape or even staged rape.
Hint, guys: The key word there is "compulsively".
"I'm not [a killjoy]. I do not approve of this stuff but there is room for all sorts of different people. But anything which is going to cause damage to other people needs to be stopped."
To those who fear the legislation might criminalise people who use violent pornography as a harmless sex aid, she responds with a blunt "hard luck".
"There is no reason for this stuff. I can't see why people need to see it. People say what about our human rights but where are Jane's human rights?"
Where do you begin, really? Yes, your daughter died because a nutter kiled her. Terrible, of course. But, and I mean this in the nicest way,
fuck off. I bet I can find something you like that I find 'unnecessary' and campaign to make that illegal too, but I don't because I'm not a total fucking prick*.
"Obviously anything that leads to violence against women has to be taken very seriously," says Baroness Miller. "But you have to be very careful about the definition of 'extreme pornography' and they have not nearly been careful enough."
Surely that should be "But you have to establish that this pornography leads to violence against women before banning it, and nobody's done that yet, so this whole bill can fuck right off until somebody comes back with some evidence that the millions of people who watch rough porn are going to go out and beat women up."?
Gah. The irony, of course, is that this act will probably go through because all the politicians are the vilest perverts in the land and will all try so desperately to look innocent that they'll overcompensate and shove it through rather than talk about it like adults, and so will criminalise themselves and a third of the country.
*I am really.