It only applies to one.
First, some background.
When I go to work, I need to get the X38, this runs from Plymouth to Exeter. The closest that route goes to my work is about 2 miles away and it's shortly after it enters the city. I can either get off their and walk (there is no bus that goes from there to nearer my office) or I can stay on for another 5-10 minutes where the route crosses the path of 2 buses that do go closer to my office. Those buses are the 52 (and the a, b and c versions too, which for the purposes of my journey all go the same way) and the PR4 (Park and Ride 4). The X38 and the 52 are run by 'Stagecoach Devon'. The PR4 is run by 'Cooks Coaches' which is owned by Stagecoach. Stagecoach operate a number of "use as many times as you want within a given time period ticket" Dayriders, Goldriders, Megariders, Day Explorers, Week explorers etc, all of them covering different areas and different time periods.
I buy a day explorer, it used to cost £6.00 (the same price as a standard return from Ivybridge to Exeter) and it entitled me to travel on all Stagecoach Devon busses (including those operated by Cooks Coaches) for one day. In August they changed this ticket to 'Peak Day Explorer' and 'Offpeak Day Explorer'. The offpeak version stayed at £6.00 and the peak version went up to £7.50, as you can imagine you can only get the offpeak version if you start your journey after a certain time (I think 10:00 but I could be wrong). Cooks Coaches will only accept the day explorer on their bus (you can buy their own tickets too), they will not accept the week explorer, or anyof the *riders tickets. So since the begining of August I've been getting a Peak Day Explorer ticket, and after some initial confusion when I got on the PR4 due to the wording being slightly different (from EXPLDAY to PEAKEXPLAD and the tickets changing shape I'd been getting on fine.
And so then on to today. I got the bus in as usual, changed bus in my usual place, got on the PR4 as usual, showed the ticket to the driver as usual and he waved me through, as usual. I did my time at work, and then was set to leave, so I waited by the bus stop (it's the end of the line, I work next to big a carpark that gives name to the P in PR4) and everyone gets off dashing to their cars, after a quick change of the sign on the front of the bus I am allowed on (I'm the only one there at this point) The driver refuses to let me on saying my ticket is not valid, I tell him I've used it several times on this bus and never had a problem, he tells me I haven't I said I used it this morning, he tells me I didn't it must have been a different bus, I assured him I had, I said I'd used it lots and that either all the other drivers and I were wrong or he was misinformed. He said he was only allowed to take Day Explorers and that this bus was run by Cooks Coaches (stage coach). Yes, you could hear the brackets when he said it!!! I said I was aware of that, and told him that this ticket was essentially the same as that, but it was a peak version of it. He said he was only allowed to take the £6.00 Day explorer, I said it no longer existed, I suggested he phoned his office to find out if it was allowed or not.
He ignored that and checked the ticket of a woman who had turned up and wanted to use the bus as well. He said again that he couldn't take the ticket. I said that he was starting to make himself look foolish and that he should phone his office, he tried and then said they were shut (They close at 17:00 apparently, which is a bit crap if he can't get hold of anyone and his bus breaks down!) So eventually he tells me to sit down as he "can't be arsed any more" I realise I've got him really worked up at this and he almost, but not quite loses his temper at me (the only thing I have done is assert my right travel, and said he was starting to look a bit silly). So he's driving along and we're still arguing over it, I offer him my address and details if he wants to check out the ticket and I'd pay if I was wrong, he doesn't want them, but says he will check into the ticket anyway. So he leaves it at that.
About 4/5 stops later some Polish dudes get on, the first with a normal ticket, the 2nd with the exact same ticket I've got. His English isn't as good as the first one, the bus driver tells him he doesn't accept that ticket, the 1st dude translates this to the 2nd one and the 2nd one gets off the bus. Then the driver says "But it's lucky day as we've already got one freeloader on today, you may as well take a seat too" One quick translation later and both Poles are on the bus.
I was so angry, I was made to feel like a criminal or if that's too extreme like a fare dodger trying to scam the driver. I am going to complain to Stagecoach/cooks coaches after I find out for sure if that ticket is valid on that route or not. And if it's not valid then I'm still going to complain, because increasing the fare by £1.50 and reducing what you can do with it is pretty crap!
I was so annoyed earlier, and typing all this in again has brought it all back up ARRRGRHRHH
_________________ Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!