I've been using this
http://www.aodix.com/ which I got from a Computer Music Freeware special, to create a track. Aodix saves work files as ADX. files and renders them for output to other programs as raw. files... 32bit Intel Endian raw. files.
My problem is this, the file converter I've downloaded (Switch Sound) does support raw. files, its just that when I convert it the results are either too slow (96000 and lower) or too fast 196000.
I'm probably being stupid but is there a conversion program with an intermediate sampling rate between those to that will let me play it full speed.
The only other way I can think of doing this is converting it to a WAV. file and pitching it up in something like MED (though the version I have does'nt support 32bit files) to the correct speed.
Can anyone help.