Hello knowledgeable web chums, it has just struck me that I have been using wordpress for a number of months now but actually have no idea how it really works.
I mean, I have mastered the writing a load of nonsense bit, but underneath that there is a load of room for adding gubbins that I have been diligently ignoring.
I've attached a screenshot of the area below where you write your posts, and there are a few field there that a complete mystery to me:
- allow comments (understood)
- allow pings (?) Pings?
Pings?2) POST SLUG
OK, I understand that I may post an optional excerpt, but can someone explain what the significance of this? Where would posting just a part of the article be of benefit? There is already a <more> tag that you can write into your post if you only want a post preview to appear on the first page - is this something different?
It's asking for a URL. I have no idea what this is at all.
See, I have read the documentation, and I cannot find what these things are for - what their function is. I don't know if I should perhaps have been paying far more attention to these things than I have been.
I also wondered if there was any way to insert keywords or short descriptions for the benefit of search engines, or if that is relevant to a blog.
I is most confuddled