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 Post subject: Shut the fuck up Apple
PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 20:58 
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Excellent Excellente

Joined: 1st Apr, 2008
Posts: 426
Is anyone else having a problem when it comes to wanting to occasionally buy/download an app (free or not) directly via their iPhone whereby iTunes keeps doing one of the following:

1) telling you your account's been disabled for "security reasons" and asking you to reset your password to re-activate it again.
2) asking you to verify your card information even though you already did so the last time.
3) Both.

It's frustrating for me when I have to waste more time pissing about with Apple over passwords and verification bollocks when I just want to download an app quickly and painlessly. I also hate how they now force you to have at least one uppercase letter and one number in your password, when someone like me would prefer to remember and use their own password without adding further characters to it.

Tried googling for solutions and found a lot of people complaining about #1 on the Apple forums but so far nobody's truly been able to get down to the root of the problem and work out a guaranteed solution for all phones/devices. I hope this isn't to do with me jailbreaking my phone, because if Apple really are throwing a fit over that then they can eat a dick.

I also hope none of the possible solutions involve regular/heavy usage of the PC iTunes program as I'd sooner inject weedkiller into my veins and cock than resort to that.

 Post subject: Re: Shut the fuck up Apple
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:25 
Excellent Member

Joined: 5th Dec, 2010
Posts: 3353
Apple take the piss, I bought 3 27 inch IMAC's for work.

They have been sitting on a desk doing fuck all for the last 2 weeks as I'm waiting for Apple to patch Lion to that I can join them to our Active Directory

There was no issue doing this with the last MAC's we had so don't understand why its such a problem.

If this was Microsoft doing this there would be all hell to pay.

 Post subject: Re: Shut the fuck up Apple
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:49 

Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 6093
asfish wrote:
Apple take the piss, I bought 3 27 inch IMAC's for work.

They have been sitting on a desk doing fuck all for the last 2 weeks as I'm waiting for Apple to patch Lion to that I can join them to our Active Directory

There was no issue doing this with the last MAC's we had so don't understand why its such a problem.

If this was Microsoft doing this there would be all hell to pay.

Yeah, but to be fair, as Active Directory is a Microsoft solution designed for Microsoft Windows networks, you'd expect people to be pretty pissed off if it were Microsoft themselves doing that.

As it stands... :shrug:

Also, I've never had those problems MarzSyndrome. It's not something stupid like it wanting you to accept some updated T&Cs is it? Have you tried logging your account into iTunes?

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