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 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:46 
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Master of dodgy spelling....

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KovacsC wrote:

1. Uncharted (Remastered)(PS4)
2: Uncharted 2 (Remastered)(PS4)
3: Uncharted 3 (Remastered)(PS4)
4. Uncharted 4 The Thieves' End (PS4)
5. Far Cry 4 - PS4
6. Horizon - Zero Dawn (PS5)
7. Horizon - Zero Dawn - Frozen Wilds (DLC) (PS5)
8 . Horizon - the forbidden west. (PS5).
9. Guardians of the Galaxy (PS5)
10. Assassins Creed Valhalla.(PS5)
11. Uncharted -The lost legacy (PS4)

12. Infamous Second Son (PS4) - Just working though mu back collection.

Quite enjoyed this game.. A young lad that can absorb powers, you follow the story to defeat the Evil DUP.

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 12:36 
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The Democratic Unionist Party?

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:06 
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Master of dodgy spelling....

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DavPaz wrote:
The Democratic Unionist Party?


MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 20:45 
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Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 8658
Joans wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1) Secret of Monkey Island (ScummVM/Switch - I think it was the PC version)
Still lovely, and I still remember how to complete it. The music didn't sound as good as I remember (this might be a PC/Amiga thing, or maybe it just wasn't setup right, but the Switch kept crashing when I went into the settings).
Already started Monkey Island 2 and I don't have a clue what I'm doing, but I'm blundering through ok at the moment.
2) Monkey Island 2
Got there in the end. The first version I played kept crashing on Phatt Island, so I had to start again. It didn't seem as difficult as I remember it, but I guess that just meant most of the solutions were still in my head somewhere. The few times I did get stuck, I knew what I was meant to do, just couldn't remember how to do it.
All ready for the proper sequel now...

3) Yakuza Kiwami PS4/5
After many aborted attempts to get through this since it first came out on the PS2, I finally made it all the way through. Unfortunately, I was playing it over such a long period of time, I usually had absolutely no idea who anybody was or what was going on. Fortunately, Yakuza 2 features a nice recap at the start of the game, which I probably would have rewatched before finishing this one if I'd known about it (although I guess it would have spoiled the ending, so maybe not). Anyway, it's still the spiritual successor to Shenmue, and I felt compelled to do far too many side stories for very little gain, but I'll try to finish the second (and subsequent) ones in a bit of a shorter time frame

4) Super Mario Bros - Super Mario All-Stars - SNES/Switch
Not sure why I played the SNES version rather than the original (although when I moved onto 2 on the NES, I couldn't deal with the button layout, so maybe it was a blessing). Anyway, I must have finished this loads of times, but always with gratuitous use of warp zones, so this time I went through each level (and made gratuitous use of the rewind feature), and also the "harder version" (was that on the NES, I seem to remember you getting a level selection when you finished it).

Anyway, onto the lost levels.

5) Super Mario Bros - The Lost Levels - Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
Well. It's like Super Mario Bros, but designed by someone that hates you. I cannot begin to fathom how you might play it without rewinding every few seconds (or sometimes rewinding entire levels, because you've run out of time getting lost), as the game likes to throw pixel perfect jumps at you, or jumps that you can't quite make, and have to approach in a different way. It's not Rick Dangerous-esque in how it tries to kill you, because you can always see what's coming, however it does throw pretty much everything it possibly can at you without cheating.
There was one part I couldn't work out how to get past without getting hit, and I eventually found a YouTube video of someone getting past successfully, but it was never something I'd have worked out how to do.

6) Super Mario Bros 2- Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
Tedious shite.

7) Super Mario Bros 3 - Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
This is more like it. Not really sure how I missed out on this one when I was younger. We definitely owned it, but I must have been too busy playing on my Megadrive, which is a shame as I really enjoyed Super Mario World a few years later, and this feels like a real stepping stone towards that game.
Not sure what to play next now...

8) Curse of Monkey Island
It has its moments, but it's not a patch on the first two. I did most of it with a walkthrough, because it felt like a slog to go round and talk to everyone, rather than, you know, fun.
There's something comforting about FMV from that era though.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 23:14 
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Est. 1978

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That era being "right now"?

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 23:42 
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Posts: 38708
Grim... wrote:
That era being "right now"?

Curse came out in 1997

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 0:12 
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Est. 1978

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Oh yeah! Someone should tell him there's a new one.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:34 
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Posts: 8658
Grim... wrote:
Oh yeah! Someone should tell him there's a new one.

I'll post about that one when I've finished it.
Spoilers - it's brilliant.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 20:15 
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Paws for thought

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1) Hitman 3 (PC)
2) Borderlands 3 (PC)
3) Evil Genius 2 (PC)
4) Divinity Original Sin 2 (PC)
5) First Class Escape 2 (PC)
6) Zelda: Link to the past (SNES)
7) We Were here forever (PC)
8) Operation Tango (PC)
9) Elden Ring (PC)
10) Sniper Elite 5 (PC)
11) Dying Light 2 (PC)
12) Stray (PC)
13) Peggle Nights (PC)
14) Bear and Breakfast (PC)

You're a friendly bear. who somehow ends up running some hotels. and there's some other plot that may or may not make sense. Bear.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 13:22 
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Est. 1978

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Grim... wrote:
1. Resident Evil: VIIIage (PS5)
2. The Outer Wilds (XSX)
3. Zombie Army Trilogy DLCs (PS4)
4. Doom Eternal (XSX)
5. Mirror's Edge Catalyst (XSX)
6. Dreamscaper (XSX)
7. Infernax (XSX)
8. Gran Turismo 7 (PS5)
9. Limbo (XSX)
10. State of Decay II (XSX)
11. Resident Evil 3 Remake (PS5)
12. Bayonetta 2 (Switch)
13. Nobody Saves the World (XSX)
14. Unpacking (XSX)
15. Unravelled 2 (XSX)
16. Sniper Elite 5 (XSX)
17. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge (XSX)
18. Demon's Souls (2020) (PS5)
19. Inside (XSX)

20. Salt and Sacrifice [PS5]

This is the sequel to the excellent soulslike 2D platformer Salt and Sactuary, and it's really good. It's not as good, because the level design has got more complicated and sprawling, with bits being unlocked as you discover new "inquisitor tools" that let you access previously locked areas or kill of a certain number of bosses. The problem with this is that the levels are big and you have to remember where it was you couldn't get to.

Still, the fighting is fun, the story is appropriately stupid, and it looks great.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 13:08 
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Master of dodgy spelling....

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KovacsC wrote:

1. Uncharted (Remastered)(PS4)
2: Uncharted 2 (Remastered)(PS4)
3: Uncharted 3 (Remastered)(PS4)
4. Uncharted 4 The Thieves' End (PS4)
5. Far Cry 4 - PS4
6. Horizon - Zero Dawn (PS5)
7. Horizon - Zero Dawn - Frozen Wilds (DLC) (PS5)
8 . Horizon - the forbidden west. (PS5).
9. Guardians of the Galaxy (PS5)
10. Assassins Creed Valhalla.(PS5)
11. Uncharted -The lost legacy (PS4)
12. Infamous Second Son (PS4)

13. Far Cry 6 - (PS5)

Very similar to FC4, but a different lead and an island instead of India, you get a choice of a male or female char 'Dani'.

The story of Far Cry 6 takes place on the island of Yara. Gabriel Castillo is elected president and promises stability with the creation of a new cancer treatment drug called “Viviro.” Seven years later and workers are enslaved to work on the tobacco fields and the country’s armed forces (known as the FND) begin rounding up citizens in the capital of Esperanza.

In the wake of this, Dani Rojas, who lives in the middle of Esperanza, plans to escape to Miami. Unfortunately things go awry and Dani finds herself in a desperate struggle to topple Castillo, uniting with the anti-Castillo forces under the flag of Libertad. In order to take back control, it’s up to Dani to recruit several different factions to join her cause and strike back against this maniacal war criminal.

I don't think it is too ground breaking, but I enjoyed my time playing it.

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 21:42 
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Bad Girl

Joined: 20th Apr, 2008
Posts: 14431
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)

16) Injustice 2 (PS)

It’s a highly polished fighter that’s based on the DC Universe. I’ll be honest, I played the entire story cause it’s fucking hilarious. DC characters are the fucking worst. Yeah, Batman and Superman are alright. Who else? Fucking Captain Cold? Who’s basically Mr Freeze but shitter? Who they all call “Snart”!? That’s his fucking name. Who else? Blue fucking Beatle? Fucking Firestorm? All I could hear was Darude when he was on screen just looking crap. And what’s the big bad villains name? BRAINIAC!? Brilliant.

Thankfully the main reason to keep playing are the super moves, basically to see them all once cause they’re so over the top and last for minutes at a time as your opponents life bar just halves each time. Essentially they’re fatalities but during the game. And don’t always end a match. And sometimes you can do them twice in a match and have to sit and watch them all over again and again. Actually after the first time they’re pretty fucking annoying.

Anyway, DC, no wonder your films are bollocks with this shitshow cast. The game was alright.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 14:44 
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Est. 1978

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I like that game. Robin is nails.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 21:54 
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Paws for thought

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Location: Just Outside That London, England, Europe
1) Hitman 3 (PC)
2) Borderlands 3 (PC)
3) Evil Genius 2 (PC)
4) Divinity Original Sin 2 (PC)
5) First Class Escape 2 (PC)
6) Zelda: Link to the past (SNES)
7) We Were here forever (PC)
8) Operation Tango (PC)
9) Elden Ring (PC)
10) Sniper Elite 5 (PC)
11) Dying Light 2 (PC)
12) Stray (PC)
13) Peggle Nights (PC)
14) Bear and Breakfast (PC)
15) Escape Academy (PC)
Escape rooms. with a plot entirely to be ignored.

Looking back, before bear and breakfast i did

16) Escape from school (PC)

Bad,buggy escape rooms.

and just now...

17) The case of the golden idol (PC)

Obra dinn esque mystery where stills of the story are given to you and you have to work out whats going on. art isn't as good, nor the music, and its not quite as clever, but still fun enough in its own way

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 22:52 
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Est. 1978

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Grim... wrote:
1. Resident Evil: VIIIage (PS5)
2. The Outer Wilds (XSX)
3. Zombie Army Trilogy DLCs (PS4)
4. Doom Eternal (XSX)
5. Mirror's Edge Catalyst (XSX)
6. Dreamscaper (XSX)
7. Infernax (XSX)
8. Gran Turismo 7 (PS5)
9. Limbo (XSX)
10. State of Decay II (XSX)
11. Resident Evil 3 Remake (PS5)
12. Bayonetta 2 (Switch)
13. Nobody Saves the World (XSX)
14. Unpacking (XSX)
15. Unravelled 2 (XSX)
16. Sniper Elite 5 (XSX)
17. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge (XSX)
18. Demon's Souls (2020) (PS5)
19. Inside (XSX)
20. Salt and Sacrifice [PS5]

21. Prison Architect [PC]

Nailed the campaign, which doesn't take too long. Considering it's a management sim that uses tiny blobs as characters, it kicks you surprisingly hard in the feels. I quite like it, although the UI is showing its age. You've probably got it free from Epic.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 19:16 
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Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 8658
Joans wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1) Secret of Monkey Island (ScummVM/Switch - I think it was the PC version)
Still lovely, and I still remember how to complete it. The music didn't sound as good as I remember (this might be a PC/Amiga thing, or maybe it just wasn't setup right, but the Switch kept crashing when I went into the settings).
Already started Monkey Island 2 and I don't have a clue what I'm doing, but I'm blundering through ok at the moment.
2) Monkey Island 2
Got there in the end. The first version I played kept crashing on Phatt Island, so I had to start again. It didn't seem as difficult as I remember it, but I guess that just meant most of the solutions were still in my head somewhere. The few times I did get stuck, I knew what I was meant to do, just couldn't remember how to do it.
All ready for the proper sequel now...

3) Yakuza Kiwami PS4/5
After many aborted attempts to get through this since it first came out on the PS2, I finally made it all the way through. Unfortunately, I was playing it over such a long period of time, I usually had absolutely no idea who anybody was or what was going on. Fortunately, Yakuza 2 features a nice recap at the start of the game, which I probably would have rewatched before finishing this one if I'd known about it (although I guess it would have spoiled the ending, so maybe not). Anyway, it's still the spiritual successor to Shenmue, and I felt compelled to do far too many side stories for very little gain, but I'll try to finish the second (and subsequent) ones in a bit of a shorter time frame

4) Super Mario Bros - Super Mario All-Stars - SNES/Switch
Not sure why I played the SNES version rather than the original (although when I moved onto 2 on the NES, I couldn't deal with the button layout, so maybe it was a blessing). Anyway, I must have finished this loads of times, but always with gratuitous use of warp zones, so this time I went through each level (and made gratuitous use of the rewind feature), and also the "harder version" (was that on the NES, I seem to remember you getting a level selection when you finished it).

Anyway, onto the lost levels.

5) Super Mario Bros - The Lost Levels - Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
Well. It's like Super Mario Bros, but designed by someone that hates you. I cannot begin to fathom how you might play it without rewinding every few seconds (or sometimes rewinding entire levels, because you've run out of time getting lost), as the game likes to throw pixel perfect jumps at you, or jumps that you can't quite make, and have to approach in a different way. It's not Rick Dangerous-esque in how it tries to kill you, because you can always see what's coming, however it does throw pretty much everything it possibly can at you without cheating.
There was one part I couldn't work out how to get past without getting hit, and I eventually found a YouTube video of someone getting past successfully, but it was never something I'd have worked out how to do.

6) Super Mario Bros 2- Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
Tedious shite.

7) Super Mario Bros 3 - Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
This is more like it. Not really sure how I missed out on this one when I was younger. We definitely owned it, but I must have been too busy playing on my Megadrive, which is a shame as I really enjoyed Super Mario World a few years later, and this feels like a real stepping stone towards that game.
Not sure what to play next now...

8) Curse of Monkey Island
It has its moments, but it's not a patch on the first two. I did most of it with a walkthrough, because it felt like a slog to go round and talk to everyone, rather than, you know, fun.
There's something comforting about FMV from that era though.

9) Return to Monkey Island
I finished this a while ago, but obviously just forgot to post about it. Anyway, it's a delightful homage to the original, without just being a safe remake. It's funny, it's sad, it's clever. And once I finished it, I started playing it again (although I did kind of give up and play something else).

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 19:23 
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Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 8658
Joans wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1) Secret of Monkey Island (ScummVM/Switch - I think it was the PC version)
Still lovely, and I still remember how to complete it. The music didn't sound as good as I remember (this might be a PC/Amiga thing, or maybe it just wasn't setup right, but the Switch kept crashing when I went into the settings).
Already started Monkey Island 2 and I don't have a clue what I'm doing, but I'm blundering through ok at the moment.
2) Monkey Island 2
Got there in the end. The first version I played kept crashing on Phatt Island, so I had to start again. It didn't seem as difficult as I remember it, but I guess that just meant most of the solutions were still in my head somewhere. The few times I did get stuck, I knew what I was meant to do, just couldn't remember how to do it.
All ready for the proper sequel now...

3) Yakuza Kiwami PS4/5
After many aborted attempts to get through this since it first came out on the PS2, I finally made it all the way through. Unfortunately, I was playing it over such a long period of time, I usually had absolutely no idea who anybody was or what was going on. Fortunately, Yakuza 2 features a nice recap at the start of the game, which I probably would have rewatched before finishing this one if I'd known about it (although I guess it would have spoiled the ending, so maybe not). Anyway, it's still the spiritual successor to Shenmue, and I felt compelled to do far too many side stories for very little gain, but I'll try to finish the second (and subsequent) ones in a bit of a shorter time frame

4) Super Mario Bros - Super Mario All-Stars - SNES/Switch
Not sure why I played the SNES version rather than the original (although when I moved onto 2 on the NES, I couldn't deal with the button layout, so maybe it was a blessing). Anyway, I must have finished this loads of times, but always with gratuitous use of warp zones, so this time I went through each level (and made gratuitous use of the rewind feature), and also the "harder version" (was that on the NES, I seem to remember you getting a level selection when you finished it).

Anyway, onto the lost levels.

5) Super Mario Bros - The Lost Levels - Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
Well. It's like Super Mario Bros, but designed by someone that hates you. I cannot begin to fathom how you might play it without rewinding every few seconds (or sometimes rewinding entire levels, because you've run out of time getting lost), as the game likes to throw pixel perfect jumps at you, or jumps that you can't quite make, and have to approach in a different way. It's not Rick Dangerous-esque in how it tries to kill you, because you can always see what's coming, however it does throw pretty much everything it possibly can at you without cheating.
There was one part I couldn't work out how to get past without getting hit, and I eventually found a YouTube video of someone getting past successfully, but it was never something I'd have worked out how to do.

6) Super Mario Bros 2- Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
Tedious shite.

7) Super Mario Bros 3 - Super Mario All-Stars SNES/Switch
This is more like it. Not really sure how I missed out on this one when I was younger. We definitely owned it, but I must have been too busy playing on my Megadrive, which is a shame as I really enjoyed Super Mario World a few years later, and this feels like a real stepping stone towards that game.
Not sure what to play next now...

8) Curse of Monkey Island
It has its moments, but it's not a patch on the first two. I did most of it with a walkthrough, because it felt like a slog to go round and talk to everyone, rather than, you know, fun.
There's something comforting about FMV from that era though.

9) Return to Monkey Island
I finished this a while ago, but obviously just forgot to post about it. Anyway, it's a delightful homage to the original, without just being a safe remake. It's funny, it's sad, it's clever. And once I finished it, I started playing it again (although I did kind of give up and play something else).

10) Valiant Hearts - rpcs3/Steam Deck
I played this ages ago, but it's one of those games that I just stopped playing one day and never went back to (they are numerous, and I'd like to tick more off).
It's more an interactive educational story set in the first world war. The few times I did get stuck, I found the hint system a bit annoying because it just has a set series of hints for certain points in the game, so if you get stuck, it will just give you the first hint for that bit, even though you might have already done that, then it makes you wait 60 seconds before you can have another hint. Which is fair enough, but a bit frustrating if the first hint was worthless.

This is probably the most games I've completed in ages, but I've left it a bit late to make it to 52.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 18:51 
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Bad Girl

Joined: 20th Apr, 2008
Posts: 14431
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)

17) Prodeus (Xbox)

It’s Doom! But modern! With a quad-shotgun! And a plasma rifle that doesn’t suck dick!

Basically, it’s fucking great.

Only problem I had was that it had a checkpoint system with, essentially, infinite lives. I played it on ultra hard (you should see those dogs fucking charge at you!), coop (oh yeah, it’s coop an’ all), and could bulldoze through some difficult sections. I’d have preferred lives perhaps (maybe a shared lives system for coop) but honestly my only complaint is that just meant I’ve finished it sooner than I would have. Now there’s no more Prodeus. Boo!

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 18:52 
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Bad Girl

Joined: 20th Apr, 2008
Posts: 14431
It’s got multiplayer too but I’ll be damned if I could find a game. Boo!

And community maps too! So maybe I’ll dip in and see if they’re not a bag of shit.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 18:49 
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Bad Girl

Joined: 20th Apr, 2008
Posts: 14431
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)
17) Prodeus (Xbox)

18) Neon Abyss (Xbox)

Rogue-like 2D shooter that’s pretty good fun. I’ve done the 3 main bosses and I think I’m done with it. There’s optional side bosses or some shit but they all require some obtuse mechanism to unlock a coin or something. I did a couple of runs and basically just ended up killing the main boss twice over cause I hadn’t shot the shop door 4 times or some bollocks. Other than that I enjoyed my time with it. Lord knows why they couldn’t just shove the other bosses in with the rest without that annoying secret bollocks.

Now I’m playing Tunic and it’s gotten reet good so that’s getting clocked next.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 20:09 
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ugvm'er at heart...

Joined: 4th Mar, 2010
Posts: 22406
Satsuma wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)
17) Prodeus (Xbox)

18) Neon Abyss (Xbox)

Rogue-like 2D shooter that’s pretty good fun. I’ve done the 3 main bosses and I think I’m done with it. There’s optional side bosses or some shit but they all require some obtuse mechanism to unlock a coin or something. I did a couple of runs and basically just ended up killing the main boss twice over cause I hadn’t shot the shop door 4 times or some bollocks. Other than that I enjoyed my time with it. Lord knows why they couldn’t just shove the other bosses in with the rest without that annoying secret bollocks.

Now I’m playing Tunic and it’s gotten reet good so that’s getting clocked next.

Good luck with Tunic, I had to turn on god mode about 2/3rds in! Fantastic game though.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 11:12 
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I done a finish!


Finished the story and maxed all the cheevos/got platinum trophy.

Excellent game. Loved it. Fun story, excellent world building, entertaining combat.

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 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 11:33 
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just finished arcade paradise (switch, but ps4 too i think), noit really a challenge but lovely story and you get to play lovely reimaginations of arcade games.. like a mix between GTA and Pacman

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 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 18:33 
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Bad Girl

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Posts: 14431
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)
17) Prodeus (Xbox)
18) Neon Abyss (Xbox)

19) Aliens (Mame)
20) Aliens v Predator (Mame)

No way was I getting anywhere near a 1CC run so I just brute forced my way to the end after a while (in both games).

Aliens was surprisingly a bit shit despite a massive amount of nostalgia I have for it. AvP fared much better but I was really missing doing it coop. Lonely beat em ups aren’t a lot of fun. Still what the fuck is that female character doing in it? She’s dreadful to play as: weak damage and weak energy. The military bloke wasn’t much cop either.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 19:40 
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I've been playing Aliens on MAME forever... And I've only just found out that you can fire rockets in the inbetween cart type levels.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 10:07 
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Est. 1978

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There was only one choice when I was doing a test build of my arcade cab back in 2020.


Smashed it that night, obv.


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Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 15:32 
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Bad Girl

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Posts: 14431
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)
17) Prodeus (Xbox)
18) Neon Abyss (Xbox)
19) Aliens (Mame)
20) Aliens v Predator (Mame)

21) Salt & Sacrifice (PS)

I was really bumping my head off this for a while and wasn’t sure I was even enjoying it. The mage hunts were just getting on my tits: you’d do an area only to run through it again just chasing some big git that loves to spawn dickhead monsters. Then when you’re done, you’ve got to go back through the area all over again. Then it dawns on me…don’t bother. And I didn’t. Unless I wanted to of course for some juicy souls. And the other thing was I didn’t like a single spawn spot in each of the worlds. You’d quit out only to be forced to run through an entire level from the start every fucking time. And that just made me not want to go back to camp to cash in my souls. And then, of course, I’d lose the fucking things.

But once I’d got about 16 hours in; switch from samurai to big meat cleaver guy; and figured out what to buy and where it was all clicking together. Turns out, it’s fun. So yeah, not great first impressions but much better when you’ve got acclimatised to what it’s doing. Spawn point per level can fuck off though.

Oh and turns out mage hunts are more to keep folks playing and getting the highest loot and shit. I didn’t like it but I suppose it rewards those who want to job around in the world longer.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 23:18 
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Stray : really fun game, and likeable setting.

Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 16:44 
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Bad Girl

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Posts: 14431
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)
17) Prodeus (Xbox)
18) Neon Abyss (Xbox)
19) Aliens (Mame)
20) Aliens v Predator (Mame)
21) Salt & Sacrifice (PS)

22) MW2 (PS)

Campaign done. Really enjoyed it apart from the crafting and stealth sections which were universally terrible. Some really annoying bugs also made me restart two missions from the start twice as well, which was annoying. They really fleshed out the ghost character, though, who had a wicked voice. So yeah, not bad at all. Kinda fun, even, for saying it’s the same old shit we’ve played twenty odd times by now.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 17:25 
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Est. 1978

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Gah, I've not done this for ages either.

Grim... wrote:
1. Resident Evil: VIIIage (PS5)
2. The Outer Wilds (XSX)
3. Zombie Army Trilogy DLCs (PS4)
4. Doom Eternal (XSX)
5. Mirror's Edge Catalyst (XSX)
6. Dreamscaper (XSX)
7. Infernax (XSX)
8. Gran Turismo 7 (PS5)
9. Limbo (XSX)
10. State of Decay II (XSX)
11. Resident Evil 3 Remake (PS5)
12. Bayonetta 2 (Switch)
13. Nobody Saves the World (XSX)
14. Unpacking (XSX)
15. Unravelled 2 (XSX)
16. Sniper Elite 5 (XSX)
17. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge (XSX)
18. Demon's Souls (2020) (PS5)
19. Inside (XSX)
20. Salt and Sacrifice (PS5)
21. Prison Architect (PC)

22. Returnal (PS5)
Cor, I fucking loved this. The bit with the house, OMFG!
"That can't be here!"
Loved it. I was thinking "Game of the year" while I was playing it, but then I realised I played The Outer Wilds this year and that's probably game of the decade, so this goes in second place.

23. Vampire Survivors (XSX)
This got me tight by the balls. It took me about a week to unlock everything and I loved every second of it. It shouldn't be as good as it is.

24. The Callisto Protocol (PS5)
Very pretty, very AAA, not very good. As soon as you have to fight more than one thing the camera simply can't cope and it's rubbish. Also it's not scary, and not original in any way (apart from the dodge mechanic, which is so broken you can do it with your eyes closed (literally - I tried it)). Avoid until it's about £15.

25. High on Life (XSX)
It's the "Morty off of Rick and Morty but he's a gun" game. It's very entertaining for it's relatively short run-time (9 hours for me) and it made me laugh quite a few times. As an FPS it's okay, I guess? I certainly won't be running back to it. The best thing was you can watch Tammy and the T-Rex on your in-game TV.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 17:30 
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Est. 1978

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Proud of this one.

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Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 20:56 
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Bad Girl

Joined: 20th Apr, 2008
Posts: 14431
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)
17) Prodeus (Xbox)
18) Neon Abyss (Xbox)
19) Aliens (Mame)
20) Aliens v Predator (Mame)
21) Salt & Sacrifice (PS)
22) MW2 (PS)

23) Tunic (Xbox)

Super enjoyed this one. It’s an old style Zelda-esq game with Dark Souls mechanics annnnndddd … it’s hardcore. Some boss fights are fucking tortious, but there’s only a few of them and I suppose you could cheese some with items. Anyway, I reached the end (finally) using a guide to nudge me in the right direction when I was getting a little frustrated where to go next. Before the final fight I checked what I needed and turns out I was only missing about four items for the real ending so I even spent time collecting some old bullshit (seriously, you should see the codes you need to input for the proper ending. Fuck that shit. That might be fun for some people but, Christ, I’m too busy to figure out that utter nonsense. It’s all optional, mind) and knocking it on the head.

So yeah, really good. Looks beautiful, sounds great and has some fantastic atmosphere. Recommended.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 23:47 
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Prince of Fops

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Posts: 4367
Satsuma wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)
17) Prodeus (Xbox)
18) Neon Abyss (Xbox)
19) Aliens (Mame)
20) Aliens v Predator (Mame)
21) Salt & Sacrifice (PS)
22) MW2 (PS)

23) Tunic (Xbox)

Super enjoyed this one. It’s an old style Zelda-esq game with Dark Souls mechanics annnnndddd … it’s hardcore. Some boss fights are fucking tortious, but there’s only a few of them and I suppose you could cheese some with items. Anyway, I reached the end (finally) using a guide to nudge me in the right direction when I was getting a little frustrated where to go next. Before the final fight I checked what I needed and turns out I was only missing about four items for the real ending so I even spent time collecting some old bullshit (seriously, you should see the codes you need to input for the proper ending. Fuck that shit. That might be fun for some people but, Christ, I’m too busy to figure out that utter nonsense. It’s all optional, mind) and knocking it on the head.

So yeah, really good. Looks beautiful, sounds great and has some fantastic atmosphere. Recommended.

I thought I might try that with mini fop but if the mighty sat is cheesing/excusing cheesing to get through, I don't think it's the game for us.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 0:44 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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It's ridiculously difficult but still a joy to explore and play. It has an in built God mode which I put on for the second half and still loved every second.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 0:53 
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Bad Girl

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Posts: 14431
Oh yeah, turns out it’s just in the options menu! Just turns off damage, apparently, so you can enjoy exploring and figuring out the puzzles, which would make it a darn sight more accessible than what I played. Seriously, I defeated one boss and a really tough preceding area after multiple attempts and a long slog and didn’t even know you could level up your furry dude till immediately afterwards. Dickhead.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:30 
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Bad Girl

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Posts: 14431
Satsuma wrote:
1) Xenoblade Chronicles: Remastered Edition (Switch)
2) Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected DLC (Switch)
3) Returnal (Switch)
4) Metroid Dredd (Switch)
5) Elden Ring (PS5)
6) Generation Zero (Xbox)
7) No More Heroes 3 (Switch)
8 ) Sniper Elite 5 (Xbox)
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)
10) Nobody Saves the World (Xbox)
11) Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
12) Disc Room (Xbox)
13) Cyberpunk 2077 (PS)
14) Golf Club Wasteland (PS)
15) ArcadeGeddon (PS)
16) Injustice 2 (PS)
17) Prodeus (Xbox)
18) Neon Abyss (Xbox)
19) Aliens (Mame)
20) Aliens v Predator (Mame)
21) Salt & Sacrifice (PS)
22) MW2 (PS)
23) Tunic (Xbox)

24) Halo Infinite (Xbox)

And to round out the year. Thank god I waited for coop cause this was absolutely brilliant. More of the same old Halo, obviously, but with an open world bit. But that’s not the good bit…that’s the grapple hook. That thing makes this game worth playing. It adds so much movement, pace and agility that spidermanning around is a legit tactic to save your ass on Legendary difficulty. I was thinking about it after we had completed it and this was everything I wanted a Halo sequel to be.

But there’s some downsides. Coop still has some game breaking bugs in it that require a console reset which is super fucking annoying as mission markers refuse to move on or buttons don’t press and refuse to allow you to move on. One section on a gondola had your shooting some of the most annoying flying laser robots and required us to spiderman underneath it and just fucking peg it when we could finally reach the other side. Some of the boss fights are pretty generic too.

But you can forget all that as you spidderman yourself to a high vantage point and get instantly sniped by a Jackie. Great stuff.

 Post subject: Re: Finish 52 Challenge 2022
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 18:32 
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KovacsC wrote:
KovacsC wrote:

1. Uncharted (Remastered)(PS4)
2: Uncharted 2 (Remastered)(PS4)
3: Uncharted 3 (Remastered)(PS4)
4. Uncharted 4 The Thieves' End (PS4)
5. Far Cry 4 - PS4
6. Horizon - Zero Dawn (PS5)
7. Horizon - Zero Dawn - Frozen Wilds (DLC) (PS5)
8 . Horizon - the forbidden west. (PS5).
9. Guardians of the Galaxy (PS5)
10. Assassins Creed Valhalla.(PS5)
11. Uncharted -The lost legacy (PS4)
12. Infamous Second Son (PS4)
13. Far Cry 6 - (PS5)

14. Ghost of Tsushima - (PS5)

I loved this game. It is so beautiful. The journey to being the ghost is well told and it is so enjoyable to play. Definitely my game of the year.

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

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