Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
Think figured out cliff hanger:

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By blowing up the Gravity Light it will mess up gravity for a bit, so they'll jump mario galaxy style to the roof of the space ship. Those stupid heavy statues won't be able to make it though.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Orrr, a rather small cartoon of him came up on the screen barely interrupting the program at all

This isn't american tv. If i wanted attention deficit advertising I'ld buy sky.

I read it, because I can't not read text (which is really weird when you think about it) which distracted me from the cliffhanger.

You've clearly got a better attention than myself. Lucky sod. :(
If the weeping angel in the ship had been kept for a long time dormant why was it not eroded as well?
superdupergill wrote:
I think that every adult in Britain must quickly be falling in love with Karen Gillan now.

I thought it was a great episode thank goodness after I was really disappointed with last weeks. I wish the speech at the end hadn't been used in the series trailer's but it was still excellent.

I didn't notice this Graeme Norton thing, when did it happen? During the actual episode?

from this page about the thousands of complaints.
That's quite intrusive. Fortunately for me, my skybox is fucked so I downloaded a 720p/5.1 pirated torrent which had no such overlay. Pirates win again.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't there when I watched it...I watched it on BBC HD, possibly classed as BBC Scotland? But I'm almost certain that wasn't there.
That would explain why it wasn't on the HD rip I watched either. If Norton's show doesn't go out in HD then it wouldn't have been the next show anyway, so the advert wouldn't have made any sense.
Wasn't on in Scotland or hd apparently.

Also according to that article "The BBC often promotes programmes in this way but the corporation has acknowledged that in this case the scheduling was inappropriate."

Well you might do it during The One Show, reality tv or some other empty daytime television show - but don't do it during the shows that still have a script!

Nemmie wrote:
If the weeping angel in the ship had been kept for a long time dormant why was it not eroded as well?

It might have had a few snacks along the way maybe? Like a hibernating bear.
Just saw the link on Rev Owen's Twitter, it says that it was only broadcast to BBC viewers in England so yeah it sounds like it maybe wasn't shown on HD and I can be sure I didn't see it in Scotland.
I was watching on Freeview and I didn't notice it to be honest, which is surprising because Graham Norton irritates the hell out of me.
Definitely no on-screen advert through the BBC Scotland broadcast.
Definitely no Norton on HD version that I just watched on iplayer. It's not there in the SD version on iplayer either. That would have been atrocious I'm sure.

Still that was absolutely fucking brilliant. There's a million minor niggles with it but I'm seriously not complaining. It looked amazing, was gripping and thoroughly Doctor Who-ish. Wonderful.

I must say that the Bishop guy (Iain Glen) was dreadful.
Awesome. All is forgiven.
Mr Dave wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Question: Why can't the statues just be smashed up? Was this covered in 'Blink', which I missed? If they can be eroded away, why not crushed into gravel and stuffs? Obviously they're super powerful and whatnot, but nobody even tried!

I'd imagine for similar reasons as them not being able to blowtorch through the door, open the door or turn off the screen.

But when firing at the statues, it damaged them... silly continuity!

Anyway, it was a silly observation. Just a fun episode. I need to watch 'Blink'.
I watched it on iPlayer earlier - very well done episode, as I thought it would be!

I've been nerding it today and watching a couple of the old Who series (which arrived yesterday). Genesis of the Daleks was excellent and I can see why it was voted the No.1 storyline by Who fans. City of Death was also excellent - it doesn't say on the box, but was this written by Douglas Adams? The plot seems very similar to Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.
Nirejhenge wrote:
I must say that the Bishop guy (Iain Glen) was dreadful.

He was, wasn't it? Straight from the mid-90s CD-ROM FMV school of acting.
End of an Era wrote:
I watched it on iPlayer earlier - very well done episode, as I thought it would be!

I've been nerding it today and watching a couple of the old Who series (which arrived yesterday). Genesis of the Daleks was excellent and I can see why it was voted the No.1 storyline by Who fans. City of Death was also excellent - it doesn't say on the box, but was this written by Douglas Adams?

Yes. There is an extra on the DVD which goes through the production and explains how its based on a story that proved unworkable so the producer + Douglas adapted it and then Douglas wrote the 4 scripts over a weekend with barely any sleep with the producer standing over him (Douglas wasn't much good at deadlines unless someone supervised him).

Due to the plot being from someone else and the producer helping with the writing, they credited it to a standard BBC pseudonym. In addition it was also against BBC rules for a script editor to write for his own show although this quite often happened with Who and they'd put it out under another name.
Ah, I thought I detected Adams' hand in it. Must watch the extras.
Just watched this weeks (and last weeks) episodes.

The Daleks one was a bit weak but I'm expecting more to come... the statues one was ace! Can't wait till next week!
That was a bit more fucking like it. Awesome stuff. Impressive work making, you know, just a changing TV picture absurdly creepy, and the resolution to that situation was great. The revelation in the cave was brilliant, too.
Yes. I managed to miss the Daleks one and from what everyone's said I probably won't bother with it.

It would be nice if they only did good episodes rather than having to make every other one a turd. Is it due to the unique way the BBC is funded?
The upside of the Norton scandal is that the phrase "Eldrad Must Live" appears in todays Sun.
Oh! I was most proud that I got what was 'wrong' before the Doctor did.

kalmar wrote:
Yes. I managed to miss the Daleks one and from what everyone's said I probably won't bother with it.

It would be nice if they only did good episodes rather than having to make every other one a turd. Is it due to the unique way the BBC is funded?

here's the plot for you:

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So they go to World War 2 and Churchill and the Doctor are mates and Daleks have used a robot man to trick Churchill into thinking they are inventions to help the war effort, then the Doctor comes and says oi and then the new souped-up Daleks show up and say the robot man is a bomb and the Doctor and Amy defuse him and he gets to run away and live happily ever after, but the Daleks also run away to live happily ever after. We'll probably see them again.

You've missed fuck all, but it's not worth making an effort to avoid either, and it has got Amy in it and she's very pretty. Better than Daleks in Manhatten anyway, but then so is being punched in the bellend.
Curiosity wrote:
Oh! I was most proud that I got what was 'wrong' before the Doctor did.


I was a bit foolish

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I called it out as a "stupid plot hole" "just to give the Angels somewhere to hide."

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I didn't hear any of the references to them having two heads, but thought it was quite likely they were all angels. Despite the small plot hole of them being able to see one another due to not having hands in front of their faces.
No plot hole - it was pitch black when the lights were out.
I enjoyed that.

Basically, Moffat saying, "Okay, how many twists involving the general Weeping Angel modus operandi can I do?" and then shovelling them all into one episode, which is no bad thing. Some really nice ideas in there too, though a little too rushed at times. Definitely a 4/5 at least from me. Nice!

Preview for next week looks fun too.
Wonderful. Best series of new who to date.
Dr Lave wrote:
Wonderful. Best series of new who to date.

ARGH! Don't say that, it'll all go wrong now!

"Next week on Doctor Who: The Doctor visits Planet Cameo, where he encounters a clone army of Ricky Gervaises promoting their new hit film! Again."
They still didn't cover their faces, despite there being plenty of light around.

Not that I particulary care, but it certainly was a failure in consistency.
Hmm, true dat. Until of course one of us suddenly remembers a line back in the first part that the Doctor babbled very quickly regarding, "... and of course they don't need to cover their faces now because... think... think... because they're slowly overcoming their survival instincts! They'll be able to do anything next! Now what's this switch! Ah! etc."

Or something cunningly thrown in. Still great mind.

I also love how...

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"A great big Cyber King robot stomps on Victorian London and nobody remembers?!"

Hee hee! Chipping away at the uber-silliness Earth-changing bits of RTD's legacy in amusing fashion there, Moffat. (RTD can get to keep everything but the specials and the end of seasons, barring season one's end two-parter topness, I reckon.)
Agreed. It was solid good fun. I'm sure Amy getting a bit saucy at the end there will please people. Disgustingly heterosexual..

Really really love Matt Smith as the Doctor far more than I ever did Tennant.
Yeah I loved that line. I think the big bad of this series is clearly a reset switch for the RTD era's elements that Moffat doesn't like.

Another brilliant bit was:

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Doctor: Amy, you are going to have to start trusting me.
Amy: But you keep lying to me.
Doctor: Well. if I told you the truth you wouldn't have to trust me would you?
Nirejhenge wrote:
Agreed. It was solid good fun. I'm sure Amy getting a bit saucy at the end there will please people. Disgustingly heterosexual..

Really really love Matt Smith as the Doctor far more than I ever did Tennant.

Agreed on all counts.

I hope all the slightly-homophobic-who-fans-on-the-internet are going to be bitching about him 'constantly pushing his hetrosexual agenda.'
Nirejhenge wrote:
Really really love Matt Smith as the Doctor far more than I ever did Tennant.


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Did anyone get the Star Trek TNG reference? "Galaxy class" space ship...

I, for some reason, thought of old TV show Knightmare, and old Commodore 64 game The Sentinel when Amy had to navigate the angels with her eyes closed with a beeping communicator.

The hint that River Song kills the Doctor at some point in his future, I'm wondering if that means she caused a regeneration, like The Rani did to the 6th Doctor, rather than outright death. The comment might just be a red herring though.
I wondered about that thing that you have spoiled at the end there Mr X.
So thats twice now that Amy has tried to get the Doctor to look at her crack in the bedroom.

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I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry
Dr Lave wrote:
So thats twice now that Amy has tried to get the Doctor to look at her crack in the bedroom.

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I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry

From another forum i read

Also any episode of TV on the BBC at 7.09 that ends with the lines

"Amy Pond, I need to get you sorted out right now"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you"

is alright with me! And in base terms the whole arc is about Amy Pond's crack.
It seems I'm not the only one who, on first viewing, didn't notice
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the Dr showing up wearing his jacket (with sleeves rolled up) AFTER the event where the Angel grabbed it and held onto it .......... watch that again (it's at about the 17 and a half minute mark) and look out for 'Dr Jacket' curiously showing up to chat to Amy while he says some 'obscure' dialogue .......... I'll leave you all to extrapolate from that. I'm pretty sure that it's NOT a continuity error .....
Four_Candles wrote:
It seems I'm not the only one who, on first viewing, didn't notice
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the Dr showing up wearing his jacket (with sleeves rolled up) AFTER the event where the Angel grabbed it and held onto it .......... watch that again (it's at about the 17 and a half minute mark) and look out for 'Dr Jacket' curiously showing up to chat to Amy while he says some 'obscure' dialogue .......... I'll leave you all to extrapolate from that. I'm pretty sure that it's NOT a continuity error .....

Interesting so do you think

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That some of the end of the season he's going to have to go back to these episodes where he's already been to try and change / undo / make right things which we may have already seen ?

That would be amazing to see although i'm not sure it would work very well as an episode (because you'd have to have seen all the previous ones to know what he's fixing)
There's a couple of explanations I think

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The whole scene of the Doctor returning to say trust me and all that kind of thing looked rather added in and not part of the same time, at least not for the Doctor. It's possible he only had the jacket on because Amy had her eyes closed and she was imagining it.
So a bunch of spoiler theories going round the internet (which I've hamfisted into one theory below and added to):

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So the Doctor suddenly wearing the jacket and not acting quite the same when talking to Amy? It was the Doctor returning to the same point in time to see her. And telling her to remember what he told her when she was seven.

In the first episode there is a bit at the start where a human shape walks past the camera. You presume that it is the Prisoner Zero. But maybe it is the doctor again.

More importantly towards the end of the episode their is a scene where Amy is a kid and hears the tardis return. She then wakes up and you assume it is a dream. But maybe it is actually the Doc returning to tell her what he wanted her to remember.

I can't remember it well but also it seemed strange in the UKship episode that the doc is immediately outside talking to that girl in seconds. And then they seem to meet her a second time. Maybe again it was two doctors.

But then why didn't she hear the TARDIS in the forest or UK ship? Because he knows about the Stabilisers/Not leaving the handbreak on. So it wasn't just a throwaway joke.
Agreed on all points. :)
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Could it be that because the angels have fallen into the crack, and so have ceased to have ever existed, the effects of this could be observed before it happened? i.e. if they never existed, nothing ever nicked the Doctor's jacket? Apologies if this is bollocks, I've not thought it through much. Also if they're going down this road, all manner of time paradoxes could be triggered.
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When he pays his brief visit to Amy, 'Future Doc' is wearing a darker jacket than the lighter coloured one that the Angels hung on to.
Nik wrote:
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Could it be that because the angels have fallen into the crack, and so have ceased to have ever existed, the effects of this could be observed before it happened? i.e. if they never existed, nothing ever nicked the Doctor's jacket? Apologies if this is bollocks, I've not thought it through much. Also if they're going down this road, all manner of time paradoxes could be triggered.

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Yeah but by the same token if the Angels had never existed then the ship would not have been crashed by the Angel on the ship and the Doctor would never have been summoned there in the first place
That episode was ace! I'm so glad I'm watching Dr Who now.. it's great!

Has it always been this great? I'm sure it's had it's moments but the last couple of episodes have been awesome!
TheVision wrote:
That episode was ace! I'm so glad I'm watching Dr Who now.. it's great!

Has it always been this great? I'm sure it's had it's moments but the last couple of episodes have been awesome!

It's always had great episodes, even during RTD's tenure (most from Moffat) but there has also been a lot of bad ones too ever since it started yonks ago.
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