Fallout 4
How is it anti-disabled? More so than a pad, I mean.
Pundabaya wrote:
And is anti-disabled.

You mean exactly like every single games console controller ever made until last week?
Satsuma wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Feexed by the guy who refused to engage with the entire multiplayer component of Bloodborne.

I didn't like a thing you liked as much you liked it. Jesus Christ dude, get over it already.

Don’t get mardy over it. I couldn’t care less whether you liked it or not. Fact is, you didn’t engage with the multiplayer aspect and wasted “part of the potential of the whole thing” which was amusing as you’re critiquing someone for something similar.

This is thoroughly disingenuous, you totally care--for some bizarre reason--to the extent you're now banging on about it outwith the confines of the Bloodborne thread. It was irritating enough even when it was sort of relevant but in this forced context it's even more grating. Pack it the fuck in you weirdo.
markg wrote:
Bamba wrote:
markg wrote:
:shrug: none of the games I've really enjoyed so far have needed them, I'd like some to try Superhot but that's it. Ultrawings, Skyrim, Resident Evil, Farpoint, Doom VR, GT Sport and the best PSVR game, Wipeout none of them need them. They're absolutely not a necessity.

No one's said they're a necessity; the fact that they're technically optional isn't up for discussion.

A necessity for bothering to get a PSVR.

I don't believe anyone actually said that did they?
Pundabaya wrote:
Then I'd remember that it's a pointless, expensive gewgaw that'll be forgotten.

Pointless: only in so much as any leisure pursuit is pointless.
Expensive: well that's a personal decision of course. I'm more than happy with the value I've had out of mine and I suspect everyone else here who actually owns one will agree. Obviously that doesn't mean it's not too rich for your blood though.
"That'll be forgotten": I'm not really sure what this means? I don't spend a lot of time in my day thinking about my old Amstrad computer, but it was still good fun at the time it was relevant.
Bamba wrote:
I'm more than happy with the value I've had out of mine and I suspect everyone else here who actually owns one will agree.

Strongly endorse. This current wave of VR in general is intoxicating, and PSVR is comfortably the most cost-effective way to try it.

Of course, I've spent PSVR money on dinner for two on more than one occasion in my life, which I must acknowledge as a caveat.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Of course, I've spent PSVR money on dinner for two on more than one occasion in my life, which I must acknowledge as a caveat.

I hope that included Techno Dick pudding.
Bamba wrote:
markg wrote:
Bamba wrote:
markg wrote:
:shrug: none of the games I've really enjoyed so far have needed them, I'd like some to try Superhot but that's it. Ultrawings, Skyrim, Resident Evil, Farpoint, Doom VR, GT Sport and the best PSVR game, Wipeout none of them need them. They're absolutely not a necessity.

No one's said they're a necessity; the fact that they're technically optional isn't up for discussion.

A necessity for bothering to get a PSVR.

I don't believe anyone actually said that did they?

Kind of, the way your post read it was like it was almost a waste of time without them and my experience was that nothing could be further from the truth.
markg wrote:
Bamba wrote:
markg wrote:
Bamba wrote:
markg wrote:
:shrug: none of the games I've really enjoyed so far have needed them, I'd like some to try Superhot but that's it. Ultrawings, Skyrim, Resident Evil, Farpoint, Doom VR, GT Sport and the best PSVR game, Wipeout none of them need them. They're absolutely not a necessity.

No one's said they're a necessity; the fact that they're technically optional isn't up for discussion.

A necessity for bothering to get a PSVR.

I don't believe anyone actually said that did they?

Kind of, the way your post read it was like it was almost a waste of time without them and my experience was that nothing could be further from the truth.

Not at all; I've played enough of your examples to know that games designed purely for controller + VR headset can be awesome (Wipeout and RE to give a couple of example) but there's no doubt in my mind that when a game is designed to work with the Move controllers and you use them the fun/immersion factor goes off the scale. Therefore not taking advantage of these options would be a massive waste of potential to my mind.
Also: request thread split of Fallout 76 stuff.
Valid. Temp lock.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
And is anti-disabled.

You mean exactly like every single games console controller ever made until last week?

Yeah, right. Because disabled people haven't been using modded controllers forever. I can't see anyone modding a VR headset so that my brother (with his severely partial sight) could use it effectively. And my brother is a huge gamer, mostly golf games. On his massive TV that he sits right next to. He can't play shooters cos they're too fast paced.

Does he use his console to it's full advantage? No. But he gets enjoyment out of what he can do.

There was that one guy who played Halo with his face. He wouldn't be able to use VR at all, either.

VR tech at the moment is kind of all or nothing, if you have great( or at least even) eyesight, don't puke your guts up within 30 seconds of putting the headset on, and have enough limb mobility to operate the motion controls, then it's great.

I know it's optional at the moment, but someone's going to try to make it mandatory in the next wave of consoles, I can feels it.
If it starts getting more prevalent (and frankly I expect it to remain niche) then the same motivation that today makes people create modded controllers will exist for VR controllers.

I don't know what constraints the heavily partial sight imposes but PSVR at least had no issues whatsoever being worn over glasses.

If there was a risk of VR games replacing non-VR it'd be a solid point. But there's very few VR only games and those that do exist have a fraction of the content of non-VR games.
Samsung Gear VR as an additional example has specific projects aimed at the partially sighted, from auto-magnifying based on target distance to adaptive per-eye focussing, something that a TV cannot do.
Pundabaya wrote:
Then I'd remember that [VR is] a pointless, expensive gewgaw that'll be forgotten.

Pundabaya wrote:
I know it's optional at the moment, but someone's going to try to make it mandatory in the next wave of consoles, I can feels it.

Pundabaya wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
And is anti-disabled.

You mean exactly like every single games console controller ever made until last week?

Yeah, right. Because disabled people haven't been using modded controllers forever. I can't see anyone modding a VR headset so that my brother (with his severely partial sight) could use it effectively. And my brother is a huge gamer, mostly golf games. On his massive TV that he sits right next to. He can't play shooters cos they're too fast paced.

Does he use his console to it's full advantage? No. But he gets enjoyment out of what he can do.

There was that one guy who played Halo with his face. He wouldn't be able to use VR at all, either.

Has he tried VR at all? Apart from anything the display technology means that you can use it to ignore VR entirely and get the effect of sitting in the front row of an IMAX, you can also wear glasses whilst using the headset. Furthermore for other folks who don't have the fine control of their hands needed for many traditional games there are lots of experiences that consist of not a lot more than looking around. Overall I would say that VR has fucking great potential to be really enabling and open up some really fun experiences to people who might otherwise not get to enjoy them.
Yeah, no. Basically, because it's retinopathy, strapping a screen in front of his eyes doesn't actually help much. How he explains it is that he has to use his less damaged bits of retina in order to gather information. So he'll literally stare at things out of the corner of his eye. His eyes are now different shapes due to scar tissue build-up. And his depth perception is very poor and also kinda messed up.
VR is hugely beneficial to disabled people, in ways that are both related and unrelated to gaming.

Here's one article, there are hundreds of others all covering different disabilities and people: https://wheelchairlift.com/articles/hel ... l-reality/

Put simply: saying VR gaming is anti-disabled is, ironically, somewhat short-sighted.
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