Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
superdupergill wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
I've just realised, I didn't hate the companion on first meeting either. Whereas Rose, Donna and Martha I thought would be annoying from the off and they changed my mind.

Does this mean Amy will become shitter as time goes on?

Well I can't imagine she'll be wearing an outfit as wonderful as the one she had on in episode one every week and that's surely cause for concern. :(

We'll always have our memories!!
And for me that fact that a Scottish accent is massively attractive.
I bet she'd know a pretty great joke about a donut.
superdupergill wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
I've just realised, I didn't hate the companion on first meeting either. Whereas Rose, Donna and Martha I thought would be annoying from the off and they changed my mind.

Does this mean Amy will become shitter as time goes on?

Well I can't imagine she'll be wearing an outfit as wonderful as the one she had on in episode one every week and that's surely cause for concern. :(

well she talked about a french maid, a nurse and a nun outfit... so that's the next 3 episodes sorted! :D
Mr Russell wrote:
And for me that fact that a Scottish accent is massively attractive.

I'm massively flattered!
kalmar wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
And for me that fact that a Scottish accent is massively attractive.
I'm massively flattered!
Since when do you have a Scottish accent?
superdupergill wrote:
Well I can't imagine she'll be wearing an outfit as wonderful as the one she had on in episode one every week and that's surely cause for concern.
Attractive women in police uniforms? Don't you get enough of that at home? ;)
kalmar wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
And for me that fact that a Scottish accent is massively attractive.

I'm massively flattered!

You're not even a Scotch! :D
superdupergill wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
I've just realised, I didn't hate the companion on first meeting either. Whereas Rose, Donna and Martha I thought would be annoying from the off and they changed my mind.

Does this mean Amy will become shitter as time goes on?

Well I can't imagine she'll be wearing an outfit as wonderful as the one she had on in episode one every week and that's surely cause for concern. :(

Indeed, next week is apparently her running around in just her nightdress... which gets wet...
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
Well I can't imagine she'll be wearing an outfit as wonderful as the one she had on in episode one every week and that's surely cause for concern.
Attractive women in police uniforms? Don't you get enough of that at home? ;)
You just made me choke on my beer, I hope your proud of yourself. Anyway, you can never get enough of attractive women in police uniforms. I speak from experience.

Just watched this. A brilliant first episode: let's hope the rest of the series was as good. It felt as exciting and fresh as watching 'Rose', all those years ago, and being gripped and impressed from the start. f I had a gripe, it might be the shock of a new arrangement, but it'll probably grow on me.

Also: Amy Pond. :hat:

EDIT: Or Amelia. Can't decide.
I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I really like the new title sequence. The new theme arrangement is excellent and I can't see what the big deal is people seem to be having with the lightning bolts.
I'm going to go against the grain here and express complete disinterest in the title sequence and the music.
Love it - a great start to the new season and I'll be sitting down to watch the new eps with interest

Trailer for ep 2 :

A BBC Radio 4 show about Douglas Adams influence on Dr Who (also available on Iplayer)

And the extended season trailer that was at the end of Saturdays episode :
zaphod79 wrote:

A BBC Radio 4 show about Douglas Adams influence on Dr Who (also available on Iplayer)

Will listen with interest, although I often think Adam's contribution to Who is overstated. His single season in charge as script editor does have some highs, but it's often scraping the barrel. Nightmare on Eden and Creature from the Pit are both pretty dire. Shada never made it to screen and City of Death was a co-written story based around a script provided by someone else that proved unsuitable. That leaves Nimon (a panto by any other name) and Destiny of the Daleks which was good but desperately needed a few more quid thrown at it.

Yes it is a season beset by a low budget (inflation had been running at 40% and Who's budget increase per year was massively below that) and strike action, but Adams didn't really do a great job. He wasted alot of time going after established writers only to find none of them wanted to write for the series because it was bloody hard work. The series had also increasingly become the Tom Baker comedy half hour*

That said, Pirate Planet is great and when Adams gets things right it is glorious. But he was very inexperienced and was the straw that broke the camels back. Its very obvious the following season that the show suddenly gets grounded in solid scientific sci-fi again.

* OK, so actually 24.5 minutes.
I wonder if the Moff will ever bring back Ace... I always liked her (she beat up a Dalek with a baseball bat, and blew another up with a RPG!), and I could se her showing up as a hardbitten Time Agency commando. I think a one-off episode would be awesome.

Mind you, I enjoyed the Ace/McCoy Doctor dynamic of action girl and chessmaster. Hopefully Amy Pond will bring back a little of that dynamic, she seems like she could kick ass if given the chance.
Or just show some would be ok.
That was awe-best.

Several genuine laugh-out-loud moments.

Hardly irritating at all doctor (except when he's being like Tennant too much)

:luv: assistant girl

- 10 points for writing a virus and spreading it via popular social networking sites of the moment. Tedious.
Why not just ask the boffins to send it from Jodrell Bank or something?

But anyway, good, will watch again. Well done The Moff.
So the Douglas Adams docu. Sadly ruined by being a total fanboy wankfest. People who argue City Of Death is the best Who of all time because it had the highest ratings and then forget to mention ITV was on strike are just as bad as the people who justify the McCoy era being crap because of the low ratings but forget to mention it was on against Coronation Street and did better than any other BBC show in that slot.

Everyone was quite keen to talk about Douglas and how this was the greatest season of Who ever when it wasn't actually terribly good. You can't call an entire season good when in reality only City of Death and the Dalek story are much cop. Also City Of Death might not be as fondly remembered if it hadn't actually been shot in Paris, something that future producer John Nathan-Turner had been responsible for. If it hadn't been for him and some very clever logistics and budgeting they'd have been shooting it all down in Ealing film studios.
kalmar wrote:
Why not just ask the boffins to send it from Jodrell Bank or something?

I thought that was the implication, all bases covered and such?
GovernmentYard wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Why not just ask the boffins to send it from Jodrell Bank or something?

I thought that was the implication, all bases covered and such?

It was the only niggle I had with it really, but it stood out because it's one of the stereotypical plot devices from new who that I really don't like.

I liked the bit where he managed to read everyone's phone photos. Not because he could do that, just for the cinematic effect.
I finally watched the new Doctors first episode (IN HI-DEF!) last night.

It was quite good.

'Nu-Doc' looks like an malnourished caveman but he seems un twattish enough.

New assistant is easy on the eye. :hat: Just the right level of ginger to remain palatable.

Not Dr Whos biggest fan but I'll watch more based on this.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
From the series preview trailer the Space Spitfires look acebest!
Zardoz wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
From the series preview trailer the Space Spitfires look acebest!

Yes, I thought that!
Free Doctor Who adventure games for PC/Mac from the guy behind the Broken Sword/Beneath a Steel Sky games with full backing from the Doctor Who team. And no one has mentioned it yet? ... _announced

Being paid for by the licence fee, but I'll allow it.
Bluecup wrote:
Free Doctor Who adventure games for PC/Mac from the guy behind the Broken Sword/Beneath a Steel Sky games with full backing from the Doctor Who team. And no one has mentioned it yet? ... _announced

Being paid for by the licence fee, but I'll allow it.

We did not know!

Aces, finally a reason to dust off the old PC as a gaming platform, I wonder what resolution they will run at............ :D
I do hope there's no input lag.
Intriguing! I approve.

Wish they'd done a 2D inky lush, beautiful type thing rather than 3D though. Adventure games and 3D should be verboten, unless your name is Tim Schaeffer and you're doing a sequel to Grim Fandango.

Otherwise, more adventure games please, Mr World.
Hmmm... not as good as last weeks but certainly not shit either. And I'm very much looking forward to next week, I always love the Daleks, even if they have been in some proper shitty stories lately.
I reckon it was on a par. Could have done with being 15 minutes longer. Just the one plot hole I could see which didn't matter that much, but was a big one.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
So the wee kid flunks his test and yet still gets the tube? Bit harsh dropping him into the big pit, what does that have to do with anything? Seemed like it was put there to give a reason for the girl to cry, but they needed to work on that a bit more.

Otherwise, very good. Loved the Murray Gold score (you heard right!) and some really neat ideas and clever lines - plus it kept me guessing. Four out of five from me.
NervousPete wrote:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
So the wee kid flunks his test and yet still gets the tube? Bit harsh dropping him into the big pit, what does that have to do with anything? Seemed like it was put there to give a reason for the girl to cry, but they needed to work on that a bit more.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The guy in charge thing said that anyone below par gets sent below... so basically failing sats or whatever they wont be of use to society or something, that's how I saw it. Also WHALES IN SPACE!!!!!!!
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
thought the whole hug at the end to initiate some doctor/assistant emotion was poor and a cheap shot, they have only known each other a day.

Other than that, average, but a decen t set up for the dynamic between the two, apart from the above, obv.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Nothing to see here

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Nothing to see here either

Oh, and
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Nope. Still not a spoiler

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The magical cleaning nightdress annoyed me though.
The story didn't work for me. It just felt too slow. Perhaps it might improve on a second viewing, as many of the episodes I didn't enjoy at first have done so, but when the credits rolled I felt unsatisfied.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
More nightgown-clad Amy Pond rolling around in goo, please :hat:
In the Gilly house we are agreed that it was a great episode again, same as last week. Looking forward to next weeks now :)
Really enjoyed that, loving the acting and chemistry between Smith and Gillan. 9/10
Good eh! I loved the 80s BBC motif they had going on.

Amy still acebest.
Bobbyaro wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
thought the whole hug at the end to initiate some doctor/assistant emotion was poor and a cheap shot, they have only known each other a day.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
They've known each other for years. Once you meet someone influential, it doesn't matter how long it is between times you see them if their presence in your life has enough of an effect and the Doctor could have been away for a very long time getting used to himself and investigating the cracks before he came back for Amy. And I welled up a bit at the hug, because when I get to spend time with anyone I'm beginning to grok in the way the Doctor and Amy are doing with one another, I'd hug them too, and I'd feel bloody emotional about it. He's got her along as he investigates the cracks and obviously has reasons for not telling her so. She just doesn't want to marry Rory and while she's got a major history in her head with the Doctor, she's not trusting of him and doesn't really know him that well but has some outstanding insight into the guy, something he probably thought he'd lost when he lost Rose. As far as I'm concerned the best heart-string tugging of the Ecclestone/Piper exchanges was alive in that hug. More than platonic but less than cack-handed romance.

Frankly I thought it was utterly brilliant again. Moff/Smith have come up with someone who has Bakers definitive Doctorness, McCoy's machinations, Tennat's joie de vivre and Ecclestone's mercurial randomness, and that's just for starters. I'll willingly smack anyone in the mouth if they try to come out with some spurious criticism of Amy. The episode seemed to race by, but this is the alternative in the current format to the RTD padding we all slagged off previously.

It's lean, it's pacey, it's robustly structured of itself and in the grand scheme of the series arc and most of all, it's not so much a new take on new Who compared to the RTD era as a realisation of everything the classic series could be. This is the sort of story you'd see the Fifth to Seventh Doctors dealing with, only filtered through the reboot shine-o-matic.

I'm still utterly in love with both Matt and Karen and I feel lucky to be able to watch this. It's all I've ever wanted from my favourite show. On a baser level, quite frankly I'd fuck the shit out of both of them.
Christ you're on the money there, Govt. Yard. Just got back from a night out and read up on the BETEO reactions:

Ta for the clear-up Nikachu, still think they should have made it more obvious for the survival of UK-in-Space, but feel pleased that they had that reference. Not as big a folly I thought.

Loved the plot. Loved the Doctor and Companion. They are both wonderful and fuck everyone who says otherwise. Bit drunk at the mo' but :this: to Govt. Yard's comments. I see no wrongness in her being so close to the Doc already, they've known each other for far longer than two hours and he just KNOWS when the right companion comes along. Martha he found fun and clever, Donna was strange and compelling for him, but neither had the Rose connection. UNTIL NOW.

I went over to a mate's for tea tonight, and he has a house-mate who has met Mr Matt Smith on the train from Cardiff to London. They were both in First Class, she'd got a place thanks to a conductor who's a house-mate who upgraded her and tipped her off as to a certain passenger. He was hunched over with a big stack of Doctor Who DVD's and a laptop, watching Rise of the Cybermen. She asked for his autograph. He was very nice, wrote her an amusing note and told her that he was way into his research and that his fave Doc. was Tom Baker. It was just after he was announced, before the shows aired. She said that he was very quiet, intense, but a nice guy.

There's more to the story with a loud woman bawling 'GAWD IT'S THE FUCKING DOCTOR!!!' in a high pitch South Wales accent, but I shan't elaborate on that, as I am drunk and having a hard enough time typing right now anyway.
iPlayer finally let me watch it (after about three hours of "there's a problem - are you Govt. Yard?" action.

I thought it was brilliant... up until the Doctor proclaimed he had to either kill the whale, everyone on the ship or make the whale brain dead and the assistant rushed in to save the day. That's not the doctor or the role of the assistant... unless the story was rolled out in more than an 45 minutes. Had it been a three episode part, with a bit of character development, I might have bought it.

And I note from the trailer that the fucking Daleks are turning up again next week. For the love of all that's fucking holy, why can't Dr. Who writers come up with some new bad guys that can terrorize the universe? Holy shit, they've been done to death! Them and Cybermen!
They talk over the best bit of the theme. How do we kill them?
End of an Era wrote:
iPlayer finally let me watch it (after about three hours of "there's a problem - are you Govt. Yard?" action.

You made London Pride come out of my nose.

I thought it was brilliant... up until the Doctor proclaimed he had to either kill the whale, everyone on the ship or make the whale brain dead and the assistant rushed in to save the day. That's not the doctor or the role of the assistant... unless the story was rolled out in more than an 45 minutes. Had it been a three episode part, with a bit of character development, I might have bought it.

He's in a bit of a rush to sort the cracks out, hence the pace, we're on HIS journey, albeit seen somewhat through Amy's eyes although the way his mind works is the toy of the directors now, and it's working rather well... As per my above post, I thought there was a good bit of character development. And the episodes are 40 minutes, that's what you can get commissioned and that's the canvas upon which Who is painted nowadays. Alternatively we could have no Who at all. I read the Doctor/Companion roles panning out the way they did as him being used to behaving like a football fan. As a Forest fan I see a lot of this - you support and love the 'team' and then they go and fucking piss all over your aspirations for them... you get frustrated, you say and do things in haste. We know he's had plenty of disappointments in the past and he's in a 'here we go again' situation. I could just be 'rationalising' through cognitive dissonance but I don't care.

And I note from the trailer that the fucking Daleks are turning up again next week. For the love of all that's fucking holy, why can't Dr. Who writers come up with some new bad guys that can terrorize the universe? Holy shit, they've been done to death! Them and Cybermen!

They're the arch-nemesis, they're going to crop up eventually so let's get them seen to and I for one expect The Moff and Smith to stamp their authority on them, reclaiming Daleks in Manhatten and all that cocksnot. Classic Who (freshly reborn) needs to take back the classic enemies. Just you wait, it's very likely to happen on current form.

If all else fails, ignore the monster of the week and look at Amy's eyes in glorious high definition. Couldn't you just stare into them forever? Yes, you could, and it would be blissful.
My only problem with the frequency of Dalek and Cyberman appearances are that in the Classic series, a Dalek or Cyberman story would be like an extra special treat that you'd get every once in a while, whereas now you can practically guarantee them turning up at least once a season. The other problem is, of course, that they've had to endure being in some terrible stories lately.

Personally, I'm with Govt. Yard on this one, I'm looking forward to see what Moff & Smith can do with a these two iconic monsters and as such am really looking forward to next week's episode. Plus, that godawful Manhatten story aside, I fucking love the Daleks and would blatantly have my own Dalek prop in my house taking pride of place over everything if I could just afford the three grand one would cost.
I've just been visiting a friend who lodges at a house owned by a nice man who appears to be a professional Dalek builder! Daleks everywhere.
I thought it very good. Though there was a bit of a mistake in it. Anyone else spot it? It's to do with Amy's age.

Didn't care for Liz 10 all that much (Yeah I'm clearly just being a racist, and it's nothing to do with her acting being a bit crap, or the shit accent).

To me it felt more classic Who in that it was smaller. There wasn't ANYTHING to save as such. There was just a slightly unpleasant situation which needed resolving.

Companion actions at the end were a nice change I thought.

Matt Smith could be the best Doctor ever. I think he's wonderful. I'm so glad Moff cast him. I can really see why.
Nirejhenge wrote:
I thought it very good. Though there was a bit of a mistake in it. Anyone else spot it? It's to do with Amy's age.

Didn't care for Liz 10 all that much (Yeah I'm clearly just being a racist, and it's nothing to do with her acting being a bit crap, or the shit accent).

To me it felt more classic Who in that it was smaller. There wasn't ANYTHING to save as such. There was just a slightly unpleasant situation which needed resolving.

Companion actions at the end were a nice change I thought.

Matt Smith could be the best Doctor ever. I think he's wonderful. I'm so glad Moff cast him. I can really see why.

I pretty much agree with this.

I came away at the end feeling a little dissatisfied, and it took me a while to realise that it was entirely due to the characterisation of Liz 10 (all singing cockney action hero. Really?). And her cockney accent.
kalmar wrote:
I've just been visiting a friend who lodges at a house owned by a nice man who appears to be a professional Dalek builder! Daleks everywhere.

This... Dalek builder... Wasn't a wheelchair user with a visual impairment, was he?

Back to the episode... I do agree with a lot of comments about M. Smith's 11th Doctor being superb. Definitely a step up from the last incarnation IMO, as he's performed as definitely more Doctor-ish, in displaying more of the alien-ish, eccentric part of the character, but without going overboard.

Only bit in the episode with Liz 10 I liked was the mention of having grown up on stories of the Doctor, as enjoyed by previous generations. Nice bit of symmetry with the actual RL television show being enjoyed by multiple generations of British people. :)
Anonymous X wrote:
kalmar wrote:
I've just been visiting a friend who lodges at a house owned by a nice man who appears to be a professional Dalek builder! Daleks everywhere.

This... Dalek builder... Wasn't a wheelchair user with a visual impairment, was he?

Heh. Exactly my thought. I'm sure he's a fair and amicable landlord though. He needs the rent to pay for the building of his new Empire, after all.

I thought Liz 10 acted rather badly when she was mysterious with the mask on, but she perked up considerably soon as she took it off and I found myself warming to her. A rushed conclusion sure, but still very good I thought. CGI needed to work on the Space Whale a bit more though, have a city-mask coming down covering part of its face and the mouth at least to explain the ending up in the mouth stuff. And Terrence Hardiman, yay! Clever working on kids suspicions there, as Demon Headmaster fans would have thought him the genuine Big Bad.
Tsk, just realised that of course the whale was almost entirely encased at the start. The button made the lower half of the ship fall off to allow it to fly off. Hence the vomit bit does work. Tch, silly me.
I thought it was great but I have still having trouble thinking of him as the Doctor. It's a great show so far but my mind hasn't actually accepted that it's Dr Who, I think this normally takes me half a series though so nothing surprising there.

Looking forward to the next one, looks like a real cracker!
Well I thought that was blooding excellent. If it keeps up the quality of these two episodes over the entire season it will be the best since the reboot. (I'm ignoring pre-reboot, because a) it's terrible now and b) it's still hard to accept that).

Tremendous stuff. I love the way this doctor actually works things out rather than just knowing.

And Matt Smith showed his chops when he yelled "No human gets to lecture me today!" (or whatever he said) excellent stuff.
Dr Lave wrote:
(I'm ignoring pre-reboot, because a) it's terrible now and b) it's still hard to accept that)..

Congratulations on the most wrong thing ever posted on the forum. I will now ridicule everything you say for eternity and bring this up at every opportunity.
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