*~Pets Corner!~*
Pet and animal talk ^.^
My cousin Jo (who broke her ankle rather badly over Christmas) finally got another doggy a few weeks back. Dudley the blue doberman. He is very very naughty.
He looks awesome.

Dogs with their ears flapped forward like that really is unbelievably cute.
Malabar Front wrote:
Dogs with their ears flapped forward like that really is unbelievably cute.

It's only to disguise their trained killerness.
They're avoiding exposing their in-ear gunports.
superdupergill wrote:
It was very timid and tried to hide behind the wheely bins so Jen and I got it a wee dish of milk and called it Jim.

Aw, do you name all your milk dishes?
Zardoz wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
It was very timid and tried to hide behind the wheely bins so Jen and I got it a wee dish of milk and called it Jim.

Aw, do you name all your milk dishes?

LOL :D I was pretty drunk when I posted that I think. Yes, almost sure Jen fell out the front door on the way to see the hedgehog so alcohol was involved.
I love Dobes, and always wanted one. Friend of ours has two and they're awesome dogs; so regal and refined, yet incredibly sporting too. They need a great deal of exercise though, whereas my Rotts are rather more sedentary in that respect. So they're probably a wiser choice for a hapless of duffer of a grandad of my advancing years (43 in two days' time, shiiiit). :)

PS - I love hedgehogs too, but they do tend to have massive fleas though! My daft English Bull Terrier was silly enough to try and play with one many years ago, but ended up with a muzzle covered in 'em for her trouble (the hedgehog was, of course, completely unharmed).
Captain Caveman wrote:
(43 in two days' time, shiiiit)

Wow you're older than Trousers! Not as old as Snappa though.
Zardoz wrote:
Captain Caveman wrote:
(43 in two days' time, shiiiit)

Wow you're older than Trousers! Not as old as Snappa though.

Aha! I knew Trousers is a relative whippersnapper by my standards, but didn't realise Snappa is an old git like me. :)
Meh, as long as I'm not the oldest, then! :D
You'er certainly not the wisest.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Zardoz wrote:
Captain Caveman wrote:
(43 in two days' time, shiiiit)

Wow you're older than Trousers! Not as old as Snappa though.

I think you'll find I'm 41 you fucking scrote.
Zardoz wrote:
Your certainly not the wisest.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

Ain't that the truth. :D
DBSnappa wrote:
I think you'll find I'm 41 you fucking scrote.

DBSnappa wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Captain Caveman wrote:
(43 in two days' time, shiiiit)

Wow you're older than Trousers! Not as old as Snappa though.

I think you'll find I'm 41 you fucking scrote.

Damn and blast. Looks like I'm the "official" Forum Old Bastard (FOB), then! :)
We "adopted" a hedgehog once. A young-un that we found stomping around in winter at some point when it should have been hibernating, so it lived under our stairs until spring. Thing honked like nothing on earth, and as the Captain says was riddled with fleas. It also decimated the spider population in our dusty old cupboard.
Squirt wrote:
It also decimated the spider population in our dusty old cupboard.

A Roman hedgehog with an insubordinate arachnid legion!
Squirt wrote:
It also decimated the spider population in our dusty old cupboard.

What did you do with the other 90% of them?
Craster wrote:
Squirt wrote:
It also decimated the spider population in our dusty old cupboard.

What did you do with the other 90% of them?

They conquered Gaul.
Not strictly pets, but, where I am now there is an absolute tonne of bunnies which I've managed to get within about an arms length of.
Also lots of lambs. And lambs are the cutest thing ever when they suckle milk. Their little tails go mental. It's adorable!
I ordered my cat (Punzel) a new toy when I ordered all the food last week. Punzel doesn't really do toy mice and stuff because I think she's worked it all out. Anything with feathers though sends her mad. So I got one of these. It's a stick with feathers and some tinsel bound on and cost £3. It was really well made.


I waved it in front of her when it arrived once. She came hurtling accross the room and dived into the air grabbing it in her mouth. At which point her ears went back and her eyes became wide and she started heaving. And when I say heaving I mean, heaving. She even put her paws on the coffee table to anchor herself and started tugging really hard. I heard a rip and she went flying backwards, half of the feathers in her mouth. After spitting them out she came back for another go like a demon posessed. She was pulling so hard I let her play with it for a while as my wrist was aching. I really cannot believe how hard she can pull, she's stronger than the large Yorkshire Terrier I used to have !

And then last night I accidentally left it on the kitchen side board and not the top of the cupboard. When I woke up I came down to this :DD There wasn't a single feather left on it, just a plastic stick and feathers everywhere.



Such a pretty girl :)
JohnCoffey wrote:
I ordered my cat (Punzel) a new toy when I ordered all the food last week. Punzel doesn't really do toy mice and stuff because I think she's worked it all out. Anything with feathers though sends her mad. So I got one of these. It's a stick with feathers and some tinsel bound on and cost £3. It was really well made.


I got something similar from Ann Summers :hat:
You don't need to spend £3 on a specially made item for a cat. All you need is either a shoelace or a bit of string. It has exactly the same effect of entertaining a cat. In fact it's better because it's more fun for them to chase.
superdupergill wrote:
I got something similar from Ann Summers :hat:

Haha. *makes that sound where you growl and roll your tongue*

Ya saucy devil :D
I wish I was this tired.
:hat: * :hat: @ SDG :o

In other news, LONGCAT IS LONG!

But actually it was just monkey cat and mental cat:
Nirejhenge wrote:
You don't need to spend £3 on a specially made item for a cat. All you need is either a shoelace or a bit of string. It has exactly the same effect of entertaining a cat. In fact it's better because it's more fun for them to chase.

With my parents' cat, it's sweet wrappers that have the best effect - the noisy that you get in Quality Street-type selection boxes. She goes nuts chasing them. Of course, this usually means you spend the next few weeks fishing out wrappers from under the furniture.
I think it's fair to say after 3 weeks Albert has settled in...

Trousers wrote:
I think it's fair to say after 3 weeks Albert has settled in...


You called your daughter Albert?
I think he's found a friend for life Trousers :)
DBSnappa wrote:
You called your daughter Albert?

Currently she only answers to Bolt (The Superdog) so not far off.
OMG! Is that yours Joans?
kalmar wrote:
OMG! Is that yours Joans?

He is now.
Man, that's cute, Joans.

Here's Millie, desperately trying not to look fat, I think.

Widecat is wide.
My cat :)

He likes straws
Now with added hand so you can see how ludicrously tiny he is.
What an amazing looking cat; is he a pedigree Bengal, Lace?

EDIT: Sorry Joans, that kitten looks adorable too. :)
Captain Caveman wrote:
What an amazing looking cat; is he a pedigree Bengal, Lace?

EDIT: Sorry Joans, that kitten looks adorable too. :)

Hi yes he is a pedigree bengal
Purebliss was the breeder
5th generation
Joans wrote:
Now with added hand so you can see how ludicrously tiny he is.

nyan how cute

whats he called?
Joans wrote:
Now with added hand so you can see how ludicrously tiny he is.

Awww. They don't stay like that for long. Give it time and he'll be climbing up your legs with his claws out :D

How adorable !

And Lace's Dez FTW. I'd have a boy but they're way too energetic for me..

Lace, has Dez been sluggish since the weather got warmer? My girls have done nothing but mope around and sleep :( Poor girls.
LaceSensor wrote:
Joans wrote:
Now with added hand so you can see how ludicrously tiny he is.

nyan how cute

whats he called?

We've just finished watching Dollhouse, so I think we're calling him Topher. :metul:

JohnCoffey wrote:
Joans wrote:
Now with added hand so you can see how ludicrously tiny he is.

Awww. They don't stay like that for long. Give it time and he'll be climbing up your legs with his claws out :D

How adorable !

Too late, he also likes to climb up onto my shoulder leaving me with a few holes on my upper body as well. :'(
Joans wrote:
Too late, he also likes to climb up onto my shoulder leaving me with a few holes on my upper body as well. :'(

Heh my uncles cat did that. Right up until he was about three months old and kept climbing my legs at the dinner table and trying to pull off the table cloth. I scruffed him. He never did it again.

Instead me miaowed until you picked him up which was do-able. He grew to be a very large cat in the end (pedigree five point) so my uncle has taken my advice and been training him. He's now a very clever boy :)

If you do want to train him then all you need is a water spray bottle. Completely harmless of course but a fantastic way of stopping him from developing bad habits. Cats are incredibly intelligent and have a very good memory.

The only thing I have been unable to stop my cats from doing with the water sprayer is marking. They rub their mouths along the edges of things to leave a scent. This wasn't a problem until Dolly (my white Bengal) god fed up of re-marking all the time and started chewing up the edges of the coffee table. I think I am going to have to resort to big guns (pepper on the corners of the table).

Also, if your cat begins to claw things you don't want destroyed use the zest of a lemon or orange. It's a very very strong smell even to us and will put them off very quickly. I can't even begin to imagine how nose stingingly eye watering it must be for a cat, their senses are so much better than ours :)
JohnCoffey wrote:
Joans wrote:
Now with added hand so you can see how ludicrously tiny he is.

Awww. They don't stay like that for long. Give it time and he'll be climbing up your legs with his claws out :D

How adorable !

And Lace's Dez FTW. I'd have a boy but they're way too energetic for me..

Lace, has Dez been sluggish since the weather got warmer? My girls have done nothing but mope around and sleep :( Poor girls.

He sometimes sun bathes but thinking of it, no, he is as "fun" as ever
LaceSensor wrote:
Hi yes he is a pedigree bengal
Purebliss was the breeder
5th generation

Sounds like the equivalent of a modded alienware feline. Mongrel pound kittehs FTW!
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